不要追求绝对的公平,红尘之中没有公平而言,人活一世,难得糊涂。                                           it is no use doing what you like, you have got to like what you do.

script structure(脚本结构)

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-02-05 16:02:56 / 个人分类:Robot技术

scrīpt structure
_8H)mM$n6~ D051Testing软件测试网5{1u}@Z\0D5[
1.initialization(初始化)------All Robot scrīpts begin with the following commands:51Testing软件测试网5B ['X%p-Z8L
e4n_ xu\/r m0       Sub Main                    / Defines a subroutine named Main.51Testing软件测试网8ni0L|1_9l#q&S v
       Dim Result As Integer       /定义Result为整型变量51Testing软件测试网$^2MBG-MFf#b R)?&l
       /two comment lines51Testing软件测试网$u%a+O\'`8z2?k
       'Initially Recorded: 06/16/98  14:08:33//when the scrīpt was recorded51Testing软件测试网0IA X,Nhx Cd+m
       'scrīpt Name: CdOrder                  //shows the scrīpt name
Rsa;CP$HM051Testing软件测试网*N+Z;J u9G Z;y
2.Window restoration (optional)/窗口恢复在回放。51Testing软件测试网-qQ/Lr6B$}
d,vc+C P3aj b"]0      StartSaveWindowPositions 
!| Ff Yj'e"ArSv]6`0       . . .                       ' Window restoration commands/窗口还原命令51Testing软件测试网5h nD;Y#~
yM\xQ DGPQ4A0::Saving Window Positions after scrīpt Initialization
JT1U{.S#K03.scrīpt body (window context, user actions, verification points)51Testing软件测试网7x}&Zp,Q9hn G7`4j
  51Testing软件测试网:n'JU9\ d#XDJ
     3.1 Perform user actions/执行用户动作
$[I)X:tO2\T^M0     3.2 Establish verification points/建立查证点51Testing软件测试网Wsoc(S U
    3.3 Set the context window./设置上下文窗口.Robot认为后来的动作和检查点是在这个窗口内执行的.
8Ea$a/G,[-Z^ x$x0   /51Testing软件测试网 w,LzNa5{8jes

TAG: Robot技术




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