You are purely a engineer.

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-08-19 22:12:34 / 个人分类:人生

51Testing软件测试网4kG0n@4DxT5x Q
Hey,Guys!Think over what you have said,You are purely a engineer.

Definitely,A fresher who won't cover anything which is bad for 
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you ,Just speak it out as it actual was.

:j:mil [Sd0
Is it good or bad?

I think,in such a society,this is not good,everybody will hide 
their fault when they facing the situation that will affect 

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their winning benifet from it,but you can't,as you are a pur 
engineer.I won't be that guy. but you should get used it. cause 
you should protect yourself,you should hod your family.

'FB0r S6B0
Kind in mind,You should do in next time,when you speak 
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something out,you should think it over in you mind before you 
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speaking it out. if you don't really know anything,you should 
make yourself like you know it. or Just keep silent so that 

nobody will know you know it or not.
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