

  • 高薪的秘诀

    2008-09-12 15:08:26

         这个女孩子的开始的第一份工作可能对很多人眼里并不是很好,薪水低 内部测试流程不正规,而且进去了可能还会觉得学不到东西,但是进公司之后她把每一个任务都当成一次锻炼机会,当成不可能的任务来完成。最后掌握了自己要掌握的东西,最近还有一个女孩子问我如何才能让他在30岁的时候拿到薪水月薪1w,因为觉得现在在公司根本学不到东西,目标很好也完全有可能来完成,我就问你的近期目标是什么,比如下一个工作拿到的薪水是多少有目标么,如果为了完成下一个目标你做好什么准备了?她说下一个工作希望是5k(她做工作已经2年多了),一个工作两年的人应该完全可以实现的。然后我问了下她的做测试项目的情况,都是一些根项目相关的,问了些配置管理 测试管理 需求管理的问题,发觉他真的很难找到更好的工作,薪水更高的工作,因为根本就没有积累,虽然有两年作项目的经验,但是根本就没有收获,只是为了完成任务而完成任务,从来没有思考过如何去做好她的工作,也就是如何才能真正的把测试工作做好,真正的能提高软件的测试质量。可能第二个女孩子就不知道怎么才能做好,怎么做才能使对的,因为毕竟前面那个学员他经过培训知道什么是对的,怎么做好是有方向,但是这个应该不是理由,很多人没有经过培训也做得很不错,关键是对待工作的态度,有些人经常把项目紧没时间当成理由,只要有心什么时候都可以学习的,什么时候都可以提高的,关键是思考,总结。


    日期  时间  发送者  接收者  消息 
    2008-09-12  9:49:17  小熊猫(xx)  pcl  朴老师,呵呵 
    2008-09-12  9:49:17  小熊猫(xx)  pcl  忙不? 
    2008-09-12  9:49:23  pcl  小熊猫(xx)  怎么了 
    2008-09-12  9:49:39  小熊猫(xx)  pcl  朴老师,我换工作了 
    2008-09-12  9:50:03  小熊猫(xx)  pcl  呵呵,我前几天到xx网面试,要5K,人家同意了,我已经跟他们签了聘用合同,xx.xx号上班 
    2008-09-12  9:50:30  pcl  小熊猫(xx)  真快 这才1年啊 
    2008-09-12  9:50:36  小熊猫(xx)  pcl  嘿嘿,谢谢朴老师哦,那时候我在xx还是对的,对我以后的发展很有帮助 
    2008-09-12  9:51:17  pcl  小熊猫(xx)  哈哈 做人先抑后杨 
    2008-09-12  9:51:26  pcl  小熊猫(xx)  你看一年的发展就上来了  
    2008-09-12  9:51:48  小熊猫(xx)  pcl  对啊,那时候xx的工资那么低,但是起点还算可以,而且没有那时候的积淀,我工资不会到5000的 
    2008-09-12  9:51:48  小熊猫(xx)  pcl  嘿嘿,朴老师,你啥时候回北京啊? 
    2008-09-12  9:51:49  小熊猫(xx)  pcl  我和老赵去请你吃饭去 
    2008-09-12  9:52:05  小熊猫(xx)  pcl  朴老师,老赵可能今天去sohu笔试,不知道结果呢 
    2008-09-12  9:52:54  pcl  小熊猫(xx)  真好啊 你们都拿到高新才好呢 
    2008-09-12  9:55:52  小熊猫(xx)  pcl  恩,朴老师,那时候,要是没有你和邹老师,韩老师还有徐老师的帮助,我肯定不会到现在这个薪水的 
    2008-09-12  9:56:09  pcl  小熊猫(xx)  也有你自己的功劳  
    2008-09-12  9:56:18  pcl  小熊猫(xx)  关键是你自己 如果你不听话别人也帮不了你 
    2008-09-12  9:56:36  小熊猫(xx)  pcl  恩,是,不过那时候我也最多就忍了半年就走了啊,呵呵 
    2008-09-12  9:57:11  小熊猫(xx)  pcl  恩,朴老师,你大概啥时候回北京啊? 
    2008-09-12  9:57:29  pcl  小熊猫(xx)  我要等一段时间把 
    2008-09-12  9:57:42  pcl  小熊猫(xx)  也想早点回去 

  • 自动化测试代码赏析

    2008-09-11 11:43:37

    如果你有兴趣,请把代码分析的结果写下来,因为看别人的代码,是提高自己自身能力的最快途径之一,当下公司招聘很多都需要测试人员懂工具,有的公司在面试过程中还拿出代码让测试人员来读,分析代码的结果是什么。古人说 "熟读唐诗三百首,不会做诗也会吟",希望你也成为一个自动化测试开发高手:

    代码 一:

    txtSearch = "T"
    Set edtxt = CreateObject("Wscrīpt.Shell")
    Browser(" ").Page(" ").WebEdit(" ").Click
    Set edtxt = Nothing

    rowCount = Browser(" ").Page(" ").WebTable(" ").GetROProperty("rows")
    For j = 1  to rowCount
          strTxt =  Browser(" ").Page(" ").WebTable(" ").GetCellData(j,1)
          strColor = Browser(" ").Page(" ").WebTable(" ").Object.rows(j-1).cells(1).currentStyle.backgroundColor

           If strColor = "#fffde8" Then
                reporter.ReportEvent micDone, "Text Highlighted", "The text  """&strTxt&""" is highlighted."
            strPos = left(strTxt,1)
                If (Trim(txtSearch) = Trim(strPos)) Then
                          reporter.ReportEvent micPass, "Highlighted", "First Letter of highlighted text  """&strTxt&""" starts with """&strPos&"""."
                       reporter.ReportEvent micFail, "Highlighted", "Text  """&strTxt&""" doesn't start  with letter """&strPos&"""."
                End If
           End If

    代码 二:

    Set ōbjDesc = Descrīption.Create()
    objDesc("micclass").Value = "WebEdit"

    Set ōbjWE = Browser().Page().ChildObjects(objDesc)
    objWECount = objWE.Count

    For i = 0 to objWECount-1
         Set ōbjCP = objWE(i).Object
         ChkPointWE = objCP.IsContentEditable
         Print objWE(i).GetROProperty("name")
         Print ChkPointWE

    代码 三:自动化测试框架代码,本框架基于SAFFRON(mercury)框架为基础实现的针对mercury自带的网上售票系统的关键字数据驱动其中SAFFRON(mercury)部分:


    ' S.A.F.F.R.O.N. Prototype 1.1'
    ' Simple Automation Framework For Remarkably Obvious Notes
    ' Copyright © 2006 Mercury Interactive Corporation
    ' Notes:
    ' Requires QuickTest Professional 9.1
    ' Author       : Adam Gensler
    ' Created      : July 12, 2006
    ' Last Updated : September 11, 2006
    ' This prototype framework is provided AS IS, and is meant
    ' to be used for instructional purposes.
    ' This framework is a prototype, and is not supported
    ' by Mercury Interactive.
    initialized = false
    thirdlevel = ""
    level = ""
    desc = ""
    object = ""
    objectDescrīption = ""

    levelsubdescrīptiondelimiter = ","
    leveldescdelimiter = "|"
    objectdelimiter = "|"
    leveldelimiter = "|"
    objectsDescrīptiondelimiter = "|"

    webLevels = "Browser|Page|Frame"
    webLevelsDesc = "micclass:=Browser|micclass:=Page|micclass:=Frame|"
    objects = "Link|WebButton|WebList|WebEdit"
    objectsDescrīption = "micclass:=Link|micclass:=WebButton|micclass:=WebList|micclass:=WebEdit"

    ' Generates a generic descrīption based up on the "level" viarable
    ' levelstr - will be one of the values that is in the level array
    ' returns - string representative of the object hierarchy
    Public Function GenerateDescrīption (levelstr)
     l = IndexOf(level, levelstr)
     If l >=0 Then
      fdesc = level(0) & "(" & Quote(desc(0)) & ")."
      If l >= 1 Then
       fdesc = fdesc + level(1) & "(" & Quote(desc(1)) & ")."
       If 2 >= l Then
        If thirdlevel <> "" Then
         fdesc = fdesc + level(2) & "(" & Quote(desc(2)) & "," & Quote("name:=" & thirdlevel) & ")."
        End If
       End If
      End If
     End If
       GenerateDescrīption = fdesc
    End Function

    ' Generates an object descrīption based upon the object, and objectDescrīption arrays
    ' obj - name of the object in the object array
    ' prop - additional property to help uniquely identify the object
    ' returns - a string representative of the object descrīption
    Public Function GenerateObjectDescrīption (obj, prop)
     i = IndexOf(object, obj)
     ndesc = ""
       If i <> -1 Then
      ndesc = obj & "(" & Quote(objectDescrīption(i)) & "," & Quote(prop) & ")."
     End If
     GenerateobjectDescrīption = ndesc
    End Function

    ' given an array, returns the index of the value to search for
    ' ary - an array
    ' str - value to search for in an array
    ' returns - index in array
    Public Function IndexOf (ary, str)
     val = -1
     For i = 0 to UBound(ary)
      If ary(i) = str Then
       val = i
      End If
     IndexOf = val
    End Function

    ' configures framework to work within the context of a specific frame
    ' val - the Name of the frame to work within -- use Object Spy if you don't
    '       already know the frame name
    Public Function WorkInFrame (val)
     Report micPass, "Enter Frame", "Entered scope of frame " & Quote(val)
     thirdlevel = val
    End Function

    ' configures the framework to work outside the context of a specific frame
    Public Function StopWorkingInFrame
     Report micPass, "Exit Frame", "Exited scope of frame " & Quote(thirdlevel)
     thirdlevel = ""
    End Function

    ' generates a string with embedded/surrounding quotes
    Public Function Quote (txt)
     Quote = chr(34) & txt & chr(34)
    End Function

    ' navigate to a site if the browser is already opened, otherwise run initialization
    Public Function BrowseTo (url)
     thirdlevel = ""
     Report micPass, "Navigate to URL", "Navigating to URL: " & Quote(url)
     If initialized Then
      Execute GenerateDescrīption("Browser") & "Navigate " & Quote(url)
      Launch "website", url
     End If
     Reporter.Filter = rfDisableAll
    End Function

    ' waits for the web page to finish loading
    Public Function AutoSync
        Execute GenerateDescrīption("Browser") & "Sync"
    End Function

    ' close all opened browsers
    Public Function CloseBrowsers
     If Browser("micclass:=Browser").Exist (0) Then
     End If
     While Browser("micclass:=Browser", "index:=1").Exist (0)
     If Browser("micclass:=Browser").Exist (0) Then
     End If
    End Function

    ' prepares the framework for usage, and configures all internal framework
    ' variables and structures
    ' apptype - used to launch different types of applications based
    '           upon different technologies -- currently there is only web
    ' val     - string that represents what to launch
    ' returns - always returns true
    Public Function Launch (apptype, val)
     If "website" = apptype Then
      thirdlevel = ""
      Report micPass, "Initialize", "Initializing Framework"
      level = split(webLevels, leveldelimiter, -1, 1)
      desc = split(webLevelsDesc, leveldescdelimiter, -1, 1)
      object = split(objects, objectdelimiter, -1, 1)
      objectDescrīption = split(objectsDescrīption, objectsDescrīptiondelimiter, -1, 1)
      Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
      IE.visible = true
      IE.Navigate val
      While IE.Busy
       wait 1
     End If
     initialized = true
     Launch = true
    End Function

    ' Verify the Existence of an object
    ' objtype - values should be limited to values in the object array
    ' text    - multi-purpose argument that indicates what to verify
    '         - for a link, or button, it's the text of the control
    '         - for a list, it's the name of the control
    '         - for a frame, it's the name of the frame
    Public Function Verify (objtype, text)
       rval = false
     localDesc = ""
     estr = ""
     If thirdlevel <> "" Then
      localDesc = GenerateDescrīption(level(2))
      localDesc = GenerateDescrīption(level(1))
     End If


     Select Case objtype
     Case "Page"
      Execute "rval = " & GenerateDescrīption(level(1)) & "Exist (0)"
      If rval Then
       Execute "title = " & GenerateDescrīption(level(1)) & "GetROProperty(" & Quote("title") & ")"
       If title = text Then
        rval = true
        rval = false
       End If
      End If
     Case "CurrentFrame"
      If thirdlevel <> "" Then
       estr = "rval = " & localDesc
      End If
     Case "Link"
      estr =  "rval = " & localDesc & GenerateObjectDescrīption("Link", "innertext:=" & text)
     Case "WebButton"
      estr = "rval = " & localDesc & GenerateObjectDescrīption("WebButton", "value:=" & text)
     Case "WebList"
      estr = "rval = " & localDesc & GenerateObjectDescrīption("WebList", "name:=" & text)
     Case "WebEdit"
      estr = "rval = " & localDesc & GenerateObjectDescrīption("WebEdit", "name:=" & text)
     End Select

     If estr <> "" Then
      Execute estr + "Exist (0)"
     End If

     If rval Then
      Report micPass, objtype & " Verification", "The " & objtype & " " & Quote(text) & " was verified to exist"
      Report micFail, objtype & "  Verification", "The " & objtype & " " & Quote(text) & " was not found"
     End If

     If "True" = rval Then
      rval = True
      rval = False
     End If

       Verify = rval
    End Function

    ' Activates an object based upon its object type
    ' objtype - the type of object should be limited to values in the object array
    ' text    - identifying text for the control - for a link, it's the text of the link
    Public Function Activate (objtype, text)
     localDesc = ""
     If thirdlevel <> "" Then
      localDesc = GenerateDescrīption(level(2))
      localDesc = GenerateDescrīption(level(1))
     End If


     Select Case objtype
     Case  "Link"
      Execute localDesc & GenerateObjectDescrīption("Link","innertext:=" & text) & "Click"
      Report micPass, "Link Activation", "The Link " & Quote(text) & " was clicked."
     Case "WebButton"
      Execute localDesc & GenerateObjectDescrīption("WebButton", "value:=" & text) & "Click"
      Report micPass, "WebButton Activation", "The WebButton " & Quote(text) & " was clicked."
     End Select
    End Function

    ' Selects a specific value from a listbox, or combobox
    ' objname - name of the control -- use Object Spy if you don't know the name property
    ' text    - the item in the combobox to select
    Public Function SelectFromList (objname, text)
     localDesc = ""
     rv = ""
     rval = false
     If thirdlevel <> "" Then
      localDesc = GenerateDescrīption(level(2))
      localDesc = GenerateDescrīption(level(1))
     End If


     localDesc = localdesc & GenerateObjectDescrīption("WebList", "name:=" & objname)

     Execute "cnt = " & localDesc & "GetROProperty(" & Quote("items count") & ")"
     For i = 1 to cnt
      Execute "rv = " & localDesc & "GetItem (" & i & ")"
      If rv = text Then
       rval = true
      End If

     If rval Then
      Execute localDesc & "Select " & Quote(text)
     End If
     If rval Then
      Report micPass, "WebList Selection", "The WebList item " & Quote(text) & " was selected."
      Report micFail, "WebList Selection", "The WebList item " & Quote(text) & " was NOT found."
     End If

     SelectFromList = rval
    End Function

    ' Enters text into an edit field
    ' objname - name of the control -- use Object Spy if you don't know what it is
    ' text    - the text to enter into the control
    Public Function EnterTextIn (objname, text)
     localDesc = ""
     rval = true
     If thirdlevel <> "" Then
      localDesc = GenerateDescrīption(level(2))
      localDesc = GenerateDescrīption(level(1))
     End If


     localDesc = localdesc & GenerateObjectDescrīption("WebEdit", "name:=" & objname)
     Execute localDesc & "Set (" & Quote(text) & ")"
     Report micPass, "Enter Text", "Text: " & Quote(text) & " was entered into " & Quote(objname)
     EnterTextIn = rval 
    End Function

    ' Obtains text from a control
    ' objtype - is the type of control the get the text from
    ' objname - is the name of the control -- use Object Spy if you don't know the name
    ' returns - the text of the control
    Public Function GetTextFrom (objtype, objname)
     text = ""
     localDesc = ""
     If thirdlevel <> "" Then
      localDesc = GenerateDescrīption(level(2))
      localDesc = GenerateDescrīption(level(1))
     End If


     Select Case objtype
      Case "WebEdit"
       Execute "text = " & localDesc & GenerateObjectDescrīption("WebEdit", "name:=" & objname) & "GetROProperty (" & Quote("value") & ")"
      Case "WebList"
       Execute "text = " & localDesc & GenerateObjectDescrīption("WebList", "name:=" & objname) & "GetROProperty (" & Quote("value") & ")"
     End Select
     Report micPass, "Capture Text", "Text: " & Quote(text) & " was captured from the control " & Quote(objname)
     GetTextFrom = text
    End Function

    ' Wrapper for the Reporter.Report Event method
    ' - could be used to create custom reports more easily
    ' See Reporter.ReportEvent documentation for usage
    Public Function Report (status, objtype, text)
     Reporter.Filter = rtEnableAll
     Reporter.ReportEvent status, objtype, text
     Reporter.Filter = rfDisableAll
    End Function

    基于此框架的qtp网上售票的系统的框架代码例子想要的人请加: pcl2004_19@hotmail.com

  • 轮回 - 北京 - 上海 - 北京

    2008-09-09 19:02:15



         我经常把测试行业比作一个江湖,记得zee有一次到51testing跟我们北京的就业学员说,说他是小混子,我是大混子(我认识他的时候他还在上学,从他在苏州去了上海最后到北京一直都有联系,也算是有缘分)。当初我走上这个我认为是江湖的地方(在bbs上帮别人解决问题),我认识了jackei(陈雷),sincky(张振兴),xueqin(丁雪芹),normal(酸辣土豆丝 原先在中国测试社区上的rational的斑竹),oldsidney(现在都成了做爸爸的人),sunshinelius(柳胜)等等,而且认识了我现在的老板 导师 朋友 兄弟 bwf(李波,王威,周峰),最后因为这个江湖加入了51testing。


       我离开上海不久,sincky由于个人原因离开了51testing,一年我们见面的机会很少,每次见面都聊到后半夜,离开的日子很想念他。前一段时间我刚到深圳认识了一位朋友,她那里有个职位觉得sincky很合适,就推荐了sincky,今天得到消息,这个职位基本上搞定,但是需要他回北京工作,sincky在上海结婚,房子在上海,老婆还是上海人,现在要离开上海回到北京重新发展了。人生际遇 希望每个人都有好的发展和机遇。



  • 解决RationalRobot获取htmlTableCell数据的技术

    2008-09-09 12:53:45

       问题是这样如何用rational robot获得htmltablecell的内容,这个robot本身确实做的不是很好,获得cell的数据需要根据索引来进行定位,我们先看如何获得htmltable的内容,我写了一个html页面文件代码如下:
    <TABLE id=testaa>
    Sub Main
       Dim Value as variant
        Window SetContext, "Caption=test - Microsoft Internet Explorer",""
        Browser NewPage,"",""
        SQAGetProperty "Type=HTMLTable;HTMLId= testaa","InnerText",value
        SQAConsoleWrite "Value : "& value
    End Sub
    获得数据为 jones Smith Harry
    所以修改自动化测试脚本代码看如何获得第一个 第二个 第三个cell的数据,修改代码如下:
    Sub Main
        Dim Result As Integer
        Dim iCellCount as Integer
        Dim Value as variant
        for iCellCount=1 to 3 
            Window SetContext, "Caption=test - Microsoft Internet Explorer",""
            Browser NewPage,"",""
            SQAGetProperty "Type=HTMLTableCell;index="+ iCellCount,"outerText",value
            SQAConsoleWrite Cstr(i iCellCount)+"Value : "& value
         next iCellCount 
    End Sub

    table 1
      1  |     2      |      3 
      4  |     5      |      6 
    table 2
      1  |     2      |      3 
      4  |     5      |      6 
    table 3
      1  |     2      |      3 
      4  |     5      |      6 


  • Qtp 9.5 温柔破解试验 一步破解成功

    2008-09-08 11:10:39

          思考:8.2到9.2的破解方式是把mgn-mqt82.exe文件拷贝到C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive和qtp同级目录,然后执行该破解文件,但是到了9.5版本安装路径变成C:\Program Files\HP了,我想肯定是是否是文件夹路径改变后导致破解不成功,所以先在系统中创建了C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive文件夹,然后把mgn-mqt82.exe拷贝到文件夹下,执行该破解文件,意想不到的事情发生,系统错误mgn-mqt82报错,不管三七二十执行QTP 9.5,发现破解没有完成。
               既然不行换个思路,以前我用mgn-mqt82.exe破解8.2的时候,经常发现破解不成功的问题,就到C:\Program Files\Common Files\Mercury Interactive\License Manager文件夹下去修改LSERVRC文件,删除里面的生成代码,再次执行mgn-mqt82.exe,反复几次就可以达到破解8.2的目的。
              既然这样我就到C:\Program Files\Common Files\Mercury Interactive\文件夹下,发现没License Manager文件夹,也没有生成LSERVRC文件,那我就手工创建该文件夹,做好该工作之后,然后再C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive文件夹,执行mgn-mqt82.exe,执行成功,没有报错,既然没有报错,那就继续我把C:\Program Files\Common Files\Mercury Interactive\License Manager\LSERVRC中产生的生成的字符串拷贝出来,然后拷贝到qtp的license向导中,破解成功。
         2.拷贝mgn-mqt82.exe到C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive(创建)文件夹下
         3.创建C:\Program Files\Common Files\Mercury Interactive\License Manager文件夹
         5.打开qtp9.5,然后安装license,copy文件C:\Program Files\Common Files\Mercury Interactive\License Manager\LSERVRC中#之前的字符串
       3QVWCPPOS5NGGFM6KPX64EQFSH6INFRJIVMC5WZ4XIIFIXX86UCPIP4M686DZKV9NANA9BUP# "QuickTestPro" version "6.0", no expiration date, exclusive
    JZ7F79F6YQQFVUWNG2V7AW22K537DOELQYNX6VSCNCZ9J8M2QW9OXO5DSEQKUZA46X5BO# "FT-Unified" version "1.0", no expiration date, exclusive
        就拷贝#号前的3QVWCPPOS5NGGFM6KPX64EQFSH6INFRJIVMC5WZ4XIIFIXX86UCPIP4M686DZKV9NANA9BUP 然后paste到license向导中的license输入的地方,就可以了
  • 一个工作任务的解决方法

    2008-09-07 23:21:58

      数据根据该字段的类型和长度生成, 涵盖各种情况,包括边界值,异常值....字符串要包含所有字符集,规定的所有长度,时间跨度取前后3年以上,枚举字段要随机取完所有值....
      他的解决问题思路是通过lr把现有数据库中的数据导入到参数文件中,然后发送给服务器(不知道他为什么从数据库中读取数据,然后再发送),导入到file中遇到问题是 lr报错 “check file format”。经过交流之后我们把他的问题简单化,其实就是一个目标产生数据,但是中间遇到的是两个问题,一个是数据来源问题  一个是数据如何发送问题

       _ConnectionPtr pConnection;
    _RecordsetPtr pRecordSet;
    ICfxDataAdoPtr pCfxDataAdo;


     // Read from database
     pConnection->ConnectionString ="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=";
     pRecordSet = pConnection->Execute("SELECT * FROM xxx",NULL,-1);

     if( rc != 0 ){
      lr_error_message("lr_load_dll of advapi32.dll failed. Aborted for rc=%d",rc);
               web_submit_form 发送出去要发送的数据包


       Set XML = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
       XML.Open "GET", "http://www.51testing.com", False
       vResponse = XML.responseText
       MsgBox vResponse
         Dim xmlhttp
        Set xmlhttp = New MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP
        xmlhttp.Open "POST", "http://xxxxxxx", False
        xmlhttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "xxxxx"
        xmlhttp.send DataToSend
        Set xmlhttp = Nothing





  • LoadRunner 性能监控器系列 - SiteScope SAP CCMS

    2008-09-07 21:12:40



    The SAP CCMS (Computer Center Management System) monitor displays statistics about the resource usage of all servers, components, and resources in any SAP R/3 landscape during the scenario run. You can also use the SAP CCMS monitor for SAP Portal and SAP GUI environments, but the amount of measurements provided by the SAP CCMS monitor is much greater.





    1.      SAP monitor license


    2.      LoadRunner 7.8 or above. 

    For LoadRunner 7.8, apply Feature Pack 1:

    1. On a machine with LoadRunner 7.8, go to Start à Programs à LoadRunner à  UpdateService.
    2. Click on the "Show Update" button.
    3. Obtain and install "LoadRunner update."


    3.      SiteScope installation

    ·        For LoadRunner 7.8 and below:

     LoadRunner 7.8 and below supports SiteScope Lite  version only. The SiteScope Lite installation file (SiteScopeSetupForLR.exe) and SiteScope Lite license are available in the Patches Database à LoadRunner à 7.6 à Performance Monitor à LR76P6 - LoadRunner 7.6 SiteScope Siebel and SAP Portal Add-in for LoadRunner.


    ·        For LoadRunner 8.0:

    LoadRunner 8.0 supports SiteScope 7.9.5. You need to install a patch on the Sitescope machine and the LoadRunner Controller machine. These patches are available in Patches Database à LoadRunner à 8.0  à Performance Monitors à LR80P77 - LoadRunner 8.0 Monitoring Support for SiteScope 7.9.5


    4.      On the machine installed with SiteScope, install the SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo 2.0.6 and above)




    SiteScope installation and Setup




    Ensure you have LoadRunner 7.8 or above installed.  Ideally, you will want an extra machine for the SiteScope installation:


    • First machine          à   Controller
    • Second machine     à   SiteScope
    • Third machine         à   Load Generator
    • Fourth machine       à   Load Generator




    In this situation, SiteScope will be gathering information from the servers and displaying them via a Web interface.  The Controller will then connect to the SiteScope installation and retrieve this data during the scenario run.




    Preparing the environment


    Prior to installing SiteScope, install the SAP Java Connector (SAP JCo 2.0.6 and above). To install the SAP Java Connector, perform the following:


    • Download the SAP Java Connector from the SAP Software Distribution Center at http://www.service.sap.com/connectors. Click ‘SAP Java Connector’ and ‘Tools and Services’. You will need a valid Service Marketplace login to access this site.


    • Follow the installation instructions that come with the SAP JCo download for your appropriate platform. On Windows, add the JCo installation location in the System Environment PATH variable. This change usually requires you to reboot Windows for the system PATH to be updated. Once completed, make the SAP JCo library file available to SiteScope by copying sapjco.jar (which comes with the Jco install) to /SiteScope/java/lib/ext before starting SiteScope.



    Install SiteScope


    1.      Obtain the SiteScope installation file. (Requirement)


    2.      On the machine where you wish to install SiteScope, run the installation file. 


    3.      In the “Administrator E-mail Address” window, enter an E-mail if you want a designated person to receive alerts, reports, and status messages. Otherwise, click <Next> to proceed to the next window.



    4.      Follow all the defaults settings to complete the SiteScope installation.


    5.      When the installation of SiteScope is completed, a browser will automatically open with instructions on how to start SiteScope.  Basically, the way to start SiteScope is via a browser with the URL http://<machine-name>:8888/SiteScope.


    As you can guess, SiteScope installs its own Web server as an interface to the application.



    Install SiteScope license


    Note: If you do not have the license, please contact you regional sales.


    1.      The first time you start SiteScope, you will get a “SiteScope First Time Setup” page. Click on “Skip this Page” to go to main SiteScope site.


    2.      Once the Auto Configuration completes, you will be brought to the main SiteScope page. 


    3.      Click on the “Preferences” link from the main SiteScope panel.

    a.       Enter the license in the “License Number” edit field.

    b.      Enter the additional license in the “Option licenses” edit field.

    Note: The SAP CCMS Server monitor will not be available without an Option license.


    4.      Click on the “Save Changes” button.



    SiteScope Monitor Configuration


    How to add an SAP CCMS Monitor Group


    1.   On the SiteScope main page, click on “Create Groups.”


    2.   Enter a name for the group (e.g., SAP CCMS).


    3.   Click on the “Add” button.



    How to add a SAP CCMS Monitor


    1.   From the main SiteScope page, go to the “SAP CCMS” group.

    (How to add an SAP CCMS Monitor Group)


    2.   In the “Add to Group” section, click on “Monitor” and select “SAP CCMS Server” from the list of monitors.

    Note: If you do not see “SAP CCMS Server” in the list, contact your local sales representative for the SAP CCMS add-in license.


    3.   Click on “Choose Server,” and fill in the following:

    Field name


    Application Server

    Enter the address of the SAP server you want to monitor.

    SAP Client

    Enter the Client to use for connecting to SAP. A default client of 800 is typically used.

    System Number

    Enter the System number for the SAP server. A default system number of 00 is typically used.

    Authorization User Name

    Enter the Username required to connect to the SAP server. This user must have authorization to access CCMS metrics.

    Authorization Password

    Enter the Password required to connect to the SAP server.

    SAP Router String (Optional)

    If your connection is being made through a router, enter a router address string. You can find the router address using the SAP Logon tool from the SAP Client software. Open the Logon console, select the server you want to monitor and then select Properties to view the router address. Leave it blank otherwise.


    4.      Click on the “Browse counters” button.


    5.      SiteScope will navigate to a page with all the available counters. Select the counters you want to monitor, and click on “Choose Counters.”


    Note: This tree will more or less match the hierarchy of Monitoring Tree Elements displayed in the Monitoring Tree that is shown in the SAP GUI with transaction RZ20. However, the browse tree may show more or less information than RZ20 depending on the authorization level of the username you specified for this monitor.  Check or clear the check boxes on the choose counters screen to select counters to monitor on this server.


    6.      SiteScope will navigate to the “Add SAP CCMS Server Monitor in Group” page with the counters selected in step 5 listed.

    a.       Verify the counters.

    b.       Change the update time to 15 seconds, and click on “Add monitor.”

    Setting up a SiteScope SAP CCMS Monitor in the Controller



    1.      In the Controller, look for the SAP CCMS monitor in the ERP/CRM Server Resource Section.


    2.      Display the graph by dragging it to the right.  Right-click in the graph and select “Add Measurement(s).”  You should now see the SiteScope Dialog box.


    3.      Click on the first “Add” button.  For the machine name, type in the IP address or the machine name of the system on which SiteScope is installed.  Click <OK>.


    4.      Click on the second “Add” button.  You should now see a SiteScope Monitor Configuration window.  In the left pane, you should see a tree with the monitors you have added into the SiteScope application.  Highlight the available monitors and choose the counters in the right pane.  Click <OK> to get out of the menus.


    You have now set up the new SiteScope SAP CCMS monitor.
  • WinRunner 曾经的记忆

    2008-09-01 17:47:49

        昨天在做Qtp培训发给学员资料的时候无意中找到以前的资料,记得刚参加工作的时候自动化测试就知道Rational robot,感觉工具特别好,也激起了很大的热情和兴趣,对Robot做了很多研究,当时还写了很多关于robot的文章,也曾经憧憬着做中国第一个自动化测试项目,后来加入51testing由于工作需要接触了wr,qtp,silktest等功能自动化测试工具,随着时间的推移wr robot逐渐淡出大家的视线。其实每一个工具都有自己的特点在里面,好比一个人一样有自己的风格,在不同的项目用不同的工具,只有结合起来才能发挥最大的威力,下面是一些代码例子,算是做个纪念:


    rc1 = reload ( "win32api", 1, 1 );
    if ( rc1 != 0 )
     { tl_step ( "Error Message", FAIL, "[reload(\"win32api\")] - FAILED!"); }
     { tl_step ( "Status Message", PASS, "[reload(\"win32api\")] - OK"); }

    public function phone_num_gen (out phone)
     auto x, areacode, prefix, sufix;

     x = int ( rand(GetTickCount())*1000000000000 );
     areacode = substr(x, 1 ,3);
     prefix = substr(x, 4, 3);
     sufix = substr(x, 7, 4);
     phone = "(" & areacode & ") " & prefix & "-" & sufix;
     return ( E_OK );

    for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)

    rc1 = unload ( "win32api" );
    if ( rc1 != 0 )
     { tl_step ( "Error Message", FAIL, "[unload(\"win32api\")] - FAILED!"); }
     { tl_step ( "Status Message", PASS, "[unload(\"win32api\")] - OK"); }


    public function cloc ( in fileX, inout lines_code, inout lines_blank_or_comment, inout total_LOC  )
     auto line;

     # Initialize variables ...
     lines_code = 0;

     file_open ( fileX, FO_MODE_READ );

     while ( file_getline( fileX, line ) == 0 )
      # Blank or Coment lines ...
      if ( match( line, "[^#]" ) == 1 )

     total_LOC = lines_code + lines_blank_or_comment;

     file_close ( fileX );

    rc1 = cloc( "C:\\Junk1\\scrīpt", LOC, BlankOrComment, TLOC );

    printf ( "Total Number of lines of code: %s\r\n", LOC );
    printf ( "Total Comment or blank lines in code: %s\r\n", BlankOrComment );
    printf ( "Total lines in file: %s\r\n", TLOC );



    function CreateErrorMessageArray ( inout ErrorMsgArray[] )
     # Location of WinRunner scrīpt which defines the error message codes
     auto ErrorMsgFile = getenv ( "M_ROOT" )  & "\\lib\\wr_gen\\scrīpt";
     auto rc = E_OK;  # Return code for this function
     auto character;  # Store a character
     auto line;   # Store a line from file
     auto tmpline;  # Store a line with no tab or spaces
     auto counter;  # Used to strip tab and spaces out of the line
     static tmpArray[]; # Store split (  )  results

     # Delete everything in the ErrorMsgArray
     for  ( counter in ErrorMsgArray )
      delete ErrorMsgArray[counter];

     rc = file_open ( ErrorMsgFile,FO_MODE_READ );
     if  ( rc != E_OK )
      return  ( rc );

     #Parse the file looking for "public const E_"
     while ( file_getline ( ErrorMsgFile,line ) == 0 )
      if  ( index(line, "public const E_") > 0 )
       # Get rid of spaces and tab characters
       tmpline = "";
       for  ( counter = 1; counter <= length(line); counter++ )
        character = substr ( line, counter, 1 );
        if  ( (character != " ") && (character != "\t") )
         tmpline = tmpline & character;
       split  ( tmpline, tmpArray, "=" );

       # The substr ( tmpArray[2],1, length ( tmpArray[2] ) -1 ) gets rid of the trailing semicolon  ( ; )
       # The substr ( tmpArray[1], 12 ) is the error code minus the public const
       if  ( ErrorMsgArray[substr(tmpArray[2], 1, length(tmpArray[2] - 1 )  ) ] )
         ErrorMsgArray[substr(tmpArray[2], 1, length(tmpArray[2] - 1) ) ] =
         ErrorMsgArray[substr(tmpArray[2], 1, length(tmpArray[2] - 1) ) ]&", "&
         substr(tmpArray[1], 12 );
        ErrorMsgArray[substr(tmpArray[2], 1, length(tmpArray[2]) - 1) ] =
        substr(tmpArray[1], 12);
     file_close ( ErrorMsgFile );
     return  ( E_OK );

    function GetErrorMessage ( inout ErrorMsgArray[], in ErrorCode )
     return ( ErrorMsgArray[ErrorCode] );


  • AOM对象创建不成功

    2008-08-31 00:32:01



          Set Qtp_App=CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")'报错 ActiveX控件不能创建


          解决方法尝试如下:重新执行C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional\bin\QuickTestProfessional.bat,也就是重新注册qtp dll,执行完毕后执行代码,没有报错

  • 贴士:过程 规程 规范

    2008-08-27 23:43:41


  • 老婆测试工具培训记 - LoadRunner Winsocket 动态数据处理

    2008-08-27 19:11:53

    /*** Actions.c ***/

    #include "lrs.h"

    #define host "localhost"
    #define port 23
    #define socktype "TCP"

    void Printf( char * str )

     lr_message ( str );


    int recv( char *sock, char *buffer, int bytes, int flags )
     int size;
     int byte;
     int result;
     char *data = (char *)malloc(1);
     char input[12767];  // make as big or small as you want
     for (byte = 0; byte < bytes; byte++)
      result = lrs_receive_ex(sock, "WS_BufferIN", "NumberOfBytesToRecv=1", LrsLastArg);
      lrs_get_last_received_buffer(sock, &data, &size);
      if (size != 0)
     return strlen(input);

    int send( char *sock, char *buffer, int bytes, int flags )
     int size;
     int byte;
     int result;
     char *data = (char *)malloc(1);
     char input[12767];
     result = lrs_send(sock,"WS_BufferOUT",LrsLastArg);
     return strlen(buffer);


     char WS_Sock[] = "socket0";
     char *WS_SockType = (char *)malloc(3);
     char *WS_RemoteHost = (char *)malloc(1024);
     char *WS_Data = (char *)malloc(2024);
     int WS_Result;
     int size;
     char *data = (char *)malloc(1024);
     char temp[2024];
     char buffer[1024];


     // Create & Connect to host specified in WS_RemoteHost
     // the TCP/IP connection will be of WS_SockType
     lrs_create_socket(WS_Sock, WS_SockType, WS_RemoteHost,  LrsLastArg);

     // read in 10 bytes from the remote host

     sprintf(temp,"This is outgoing data...");
     // send a string to the remote host

     // close the connection

     return 0;


  • SAP Monitor Counters

    2008-08-27 18:50:43


    Av. DB Req. Time


    A considerable amount of the dispatched time of a dialog is spent reading or changing the data of the respective database. The time for processing logical data base requests is stored in this field.


    Various factors affect the logical DB access time. Read requests can either be sent to the data base buffers or to the fast local SAP buffers. The efficiency of the buffers, the required number of requests as well as a large number of database change requests affects the total access time.


    The DB access time also takes into account the data base server CPU performance as well as network transfer times.



    Av. Enqueue Time


    No information for this from the SAP server.



    Av. Response Time


    The response time of a dialog step comprises the time for the dialog request to the dispatcher work process, dialog processing, and completion of the dialog in the dispatcher and transfer of data to the presentation medium.


    Please note that the time required for processing the "Presentation -- Dispatcher -- Presentation" communication step is not taken into account here. In long-distance or low-performance networks, this step can lead to considerably longer 'subjective' response times.


    Response time is usually divided into waiting time and dispatched time.


    The SAP response time consists of the following components:


    Response time             =     Waiting time + "Dispatched" time


    Dispatched time   =     Generation times at run-time


    + Loading time for programs, screens, and CUA interfaces


    + Roll times for rolling the working data in and out


    + ABAP / 4 processing time


    + DB database interface time – that required at the SAP interface from ABAP / 4 to the database and SAP buffer


    + Enqueue time for SAP logical lock processes


    The displayed CPU time is also a component of the response time, but is not broken down further. Thus the CPU time is a further independent component of the response time.



    Av. RFC + CPIC Time


    There is no information for this in the ST03 transaction.



    Av. Roll I + w time


    No documentation available.



    Average Bytes Req.


    A number of interfaces provide the SAP application with data for various purposes. The data requests are differentiated according to the following interfaces/data types:


    Screen sources

    Screen load

    ABAP   sources

    ABAP   load

    CUA    sources

    CUA    load

    Nametab interface

    CPIC    interface

    DDIC    interface

    DSQL    interface (user data from data base)



    Average CPU Time


    During execution of a dialog step, the application server CPU is used for processing (loading, generating, processing DB requests, processing ABAP/IV...). The CPU time represents a large part of the dispatched time, which is response time without waiting time.



    Average Load Time


    Loading and generating time comprises the time required to load objects such as source codes, CUA interface and screen information from the database and to generate them, if required.



    Average Wait Time


    Under normal circumstances, a dialog step should be transferred from the dispatcher work process to the application process immediately after its request. If this is executed, the average waiting time in the dispatcher process is several milliseconds. In high-load situations in the application server or the system, waiting times in the dispatcher queue and considerable response times (> 1s) can occur.



    CPU Time


    During execution of a dialog step, the application server CPU is used for processing (loading, generating, processing DB requests, processing ABAP/IV). The CPU time represents a considerable amount of dispatched time, and thus of response time without waiting time.



    Database Calls


    Total of the modification (INSERTs, UPDATEs, DELETEs) and delete commands to the database system.



    Database Requests


    The number of logical data base requests corresponds to the number of requests transferred by the ABAP/IV processor to the interface. Please note the difference between logical requests and calls transferred to the database by the interface.



    DB Calls: Changes


    Number of logical table change requests. Change requests are UPDATE, DELETE or INSERT one or more lines of a table.



    DB Calls: Direct Reads


    Number of logical "direct read" data base requests, e.g. ABAP/IV "SELECT SINGLE ..." statements.


    The local SAP buffer can in certain cases, process the request. If not, it must be transferred to the database.



    DB Calls: Sequential Reads


    Number of logical "sequential read" data base requests, e.g. ABAP/IV SELECT * FROM ... statements. This request can, in certain cases, be processed by the local SAP buffer (100% buffer for tables) and if not, is transferred to the database.



    Dialog Steps

    The number of counted/usable dialog steps or statistics records.  A dialog step is logged as a statistics record in the SAP workload statistics if it is one of the following types: DIALOG, UPDATE, BATCH, SPOOL, ENQUEUE.



    Roll wait time


    Response time of dialog steps which are not ended, despite roll out (such as some RFCs, for example), and which wait a certain time in the roll area until the dialog step is continued. This time is called the waiting time in the roll area.



    Roll-in time


    Time used in dialog steps for roll in/out operations.


    In roll-in operations, user-specific data is transferred (rolled in) to the process work area from the shared memory roll buffer or roll file.  In roll-out operations, data is transferred (rolled out) to the roll buffer or roll file.





    Number of roll-in operations.


    In roll-in operations, user-specific data is transferred (rolled in) to the process work area from the shared memory roll buffer or roll file.  In roll-out operations, data is transferred (rolled out) to the roll buffer or roll file.



    Roll-out time


    Time used in dialog steps for roll in/out operations.


    In roll-in operations, user-specific data is transferred (rolled in) to the process work area from the shared memory roll buffer or roll file.  In roll-out operations, data is transferred (rolled out) to the roll buffer or roll file.





    Number of roll-out operations.


    In roll-in operations, user-specific data is transferred (rolled in) to process work area from the shared memory roll buffer or roll file. In roll-out operations, data is transferred (rolled out) to the roll buffer or roll file.



    Time per DB Request


    Average response time of all commands to the database system in milliseconds.


    As access times to buffered tables are shorter, they are not included in the runtime measurement.



    Time per Req.:    Changes and commits


    Mean time per dialog step for logical  "UPDATE", "DELETE" or "INSERT" database requests.


    The time requirements for 'Commit work' requests to the database are also taken into account here.



    Time per Req.:    Direct Reads


    Mean time per dialog step for a logical "direct read" data base request, e.g. the ABAP/IV "SELECT SINGLE ..." statement.



    Time per Req.:    Sequential Reads


    Mean time per dialog step for a logical "sequential read" data base request, e.g. the ABAP/IV "SELECT * FROM ..." statement.


  • (转)献给正在为面试而奋斗的七期同学们

    2008-08-25 11:06:23




       第一 我有九年的护士工作经验,这对于找测试工作是不利的一面,我在网站上贴的简历,没有半点隐瞒我的这个工作经验,那为什么会有这么多公司给我面试机会呢?这就要谈谈我的简历了,简历中的项目经验,工作经验和职业技能非常重要,是最容易吸引人的地方。用人单位都想找有测试工作经验的,没有测试工作经验,有项目经验也好。我在这里就耍了一点小聪明,大大的增加了我的面试机会,我把我们学习过程中的Counter V1.0 和宠物网站的测试,当成的我项目经验,如下:

       项 目 经 验   
    项目描述: 该项目是一个宠物购买的网站,由Asp开发,SQLServer数据库,支持Http协议
    责任描述: 利用Robot QTP loadrunner 三种工具对该网站进行自动化测试.利用Robot QTP生成数据,录制运行脚本,分析得到的各种数据,找出网站的性能瓶颈

    2005/09--2005/11:Counter v1.0
    软件环境: VC
    项目描述: 该项目开发一个代码行统计工具,要求可以实现(.c)(.cpp)文件代码行数的多种统计功能。
    责任描述: 对SRS、LLD评审,写作系统测试计划,设计系统、集成、单元测试用例,用TCL脚本语言搭建测试集成测试环境,执行集成测试,单元测试,系统测试.提交缺陷报告与测试日报

       第三,面试通知到来了,我所做的面试准备。接到面试通知,我做的第一件事是上网查找该公司的详细信息,最好能找到公司的网站,了解公司是做什么产品的。然后查看该公司的招聘信息,了解他对测试人员都有哪些要求,针对这些要求做准备。例如,一家做通信信息的公司,他的招聘信息,是要求应聘人员了解IEEE802.3, 802.1D, 802.1Q, TCP/IP, IGMP, RIP, OSPF…想把这些都搞明白,一天的时间是不够的,那怎么办呢,我就找各种资料了解IEEE802.3, 802.1D, 802.1Q, TCP/IP, IGMP, RIP, OSPF… 的全称是什么,主要是做什么。第二天去面试,果然笔试的题就有相关的内容。还有,就是要把乘车路线查找好,保证第二天能够准时面试。

    [ 本帖最后由 cynthia_lu 于 2005-12-3 22:07 编辑 ]
  • 探子

    2008-08-25 10:49:22





  • 自动化测试框架中如何远程启动进程的技术

    2008-08-22 22:46:07




              打开QC 打开test lab--> in the execution flow-->设置



             strComputer = "."
             strCommand = "QPro.exe"

             Const INTERVAL = "n"
             Const MINUTES = 1

             Set ōbjWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
             Set ōbjScheduledJob = objWMIService.Get("Win32_ScheduledJob")
             Set ōbjSWbemDateTime = CreateObject("Wbemscrīpting.SWbemDateTime")

             objSWbemDateTime.SetVarDate(DateAdd(INTERVAL, MINUTES, Now()))
             errReturn = objScheduledJob.Create(strCommand, objSWbemDateTime.Value, False, 0, 0, True, intJobID)

             If errReturn = 0 Then
                Wscrīpt.Echo "notepad.exe was started with a process ID: " & intJobID
                Wscrīpt.Echo "notepad.exe could not be started due to error: "&errReturn
             End If

           3.利用lr controller远程启动qtp自动化测试脚本

            打开controller,然后加载qtp脚本,设置load generator



  • 老婆测试工具培训记 - QTP 函数实现 - 1

    2008-08-20 13:13:18

    Write a program to delete Line in file?


    Function DeleteLine(strFile, strKey, LineNumber, CheckCase)

    'Use strFile = "c:\file.txt"  (Full path to text file)
    'Use strKey = "John Doe"      (Lines containing this text string to be deleted)
    'Use strKey = ""              (To not use keyword search)
    'Use LineNumber = "1"         (Enter specific line number to delete)
    'Use LineNumber = "0"         (To ignore line numbers)
    'Use CheckCase = "1"          (For case sensitive search )
    'Use CheckCase = "0"          (To ignore upper/lower case characters)

       Const ForReading=1:Const ForWriting=2
       Dim objFSO,objFile,Count,strLine,strLineCase,strNewFile
       Set ōbjFSO=CreateObject("scrīpting.FileSystemObject")
       Set ōbjFile=objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFile,ForReading)
       Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream
          If CheckCase=0 then strLineCase=ucase(strLine):strKey=ucase(strKey)
          If LineNumber=objFile.Line-1 or LineNumber=0 then
             If instr(strLine,strKey) or instr(strLineCase,strkey) or strKey="" then
             End If
          End If
       Set ōbjFSO=CreateObject("scrīpting.FileSystemObject")
       Set ōbjFile=objFSO.OpenTextFile(strFile,ForWriting)
       objFile.Write strNewFile

    End Function



  • vbs创建对象的知识点

    2008-08-20 11:18:58



      dim   a   as   object_x  
      dim   a   as   new   object_x  



      dim   a   as   object_x  
      set   a= new   object_x  

      dim   a   as   object_x  
      set   a= CreateObject("objectname”)


  • 面子与培训

    2008-08-19 18:12:41





  • 接到一个电话

    2008-08-18 14:27:50



           由于打进电话的人要问些课程的具体设置,所以需要交流,该人说他在美国做了10多年的QA,回国后找到一家公司做自动化,但是很久不用工具,所以想参加培训。了解培训内容中是否有白盒测试,我界很少了下课程体系和单元测试的内容,但是她竟说不知道我说的单元测试是什么?做过测试的人都知道软件测试是一项复杂的系统工程,从不同的角度考虑可以有不同的划分方法,对测试进行分类是为了更好的明确测试的过程,了解测试究竟要完成哪些工作,尽量做到全面测试。按照是否执行可以划分为动态和静态测试,按照测试阶段划分单元测试 集成测试 系统测试,按照测试方法来分有白盒测试,黑盒测试。明显可以看出白盒测试和黑盒测试只是一种测试方法,一般白盒测试用在单元测试阶段,黑盒测试用在系统测试阶段,如果想保证软件质量我们都是从整个软件生命周期去把握,孤立的看白盒测试和黑盒测试是没有意义的,比如在单元测试阶段需要参照文档进行设计和编写测试用例,而我们看白盒测试主要是写针对内部逻辑进行测试(概念:白盒测试也称结构测试或逻辑驱动测试,是指基于一个应用代码的内部逻辑知识,即基于覆盖全部代码、分支、路径、条件的测试,它是知道产品内部工作过程,可通过测试来检测产品内部动作是否按照规格说明书的规定正常进行,按照程序内部的结构测试程序,检验程序中的每条通路是否都有能按预定要求正确工作,而不顾它的功能,白盒测试的主要方法有逻辑驱动、基路测试等,主要用于软件验证)

        如果按照阶段来看的话就有流程和技术,技术我们不用说了主要是测试单元模块内和模块之间的 功能测试、容错测试、边界测试、约束测试、界面测试、重要的执行路径测试,单元内的业务流程和数据流程等。 如果是流程就要设计到人,   单元测试的职责分工: 由各项目组的开发人员完成测试工作,并详细记录测试结果和修改过程等。所以真正的来看要想做好单元测试不仅仅是测试的具体技术用的是什么还有流程方面去要保证。做了10年的人还不知道单元测试和白盒测试的区别。实在是遗憾,而且还是在国外做了10多年。




  • Mercury SiteScope 性能监控工具简介

    2008-08-17 22:58:13

        SiteScope是由Mercury Interactive公司所提供的系统管理软件。SiteScope可以实施于Windows PC 服务器,Sun Solaris平台或是Linux之上,在统一的平台上集中式地管理各种不同的操作系统的服务器,WEB服务器,数据库系统,邮件服务器,网络设备,应用服务器等等资源。它的显著的无代理方式监控技术的应用,尤其适用于多变的系统环境之中,再加上SiteScope的远端管理方式和极其灵活的配置方式,将为用户的管理和服务助一臂之力。

       用户可以通过URL监控器管理每一个关注的WEB页面的响应时间,使用URL content做页面内容的匹配检查。而URL sequence监控器更能模拟用户一定的业务流程顺序的访问一组页面。SiteScope 从URL等监控器获得数据帮助用户实时的了解的基于WEB的应用系统的性能问题。
    传统的性能监测方式依赖片断式的结构显示。每个IT 部门都配有不同人员负责网络结构的某一部件。而且,每个部门又都使用各自的监测器跟踪系统性能。其结果是从元件层面得到的是片段孤立的应用性能显示。利用Mercury Interactive 的SiteScope,管理员从一台座机就能监测到所有服务器和应用程序的性能品质,发生状况立即能接收到警报。SiteScope可以在系统发生故障时,发送Email,SMS,Pager,SNMP traps,scrīpts,Sound,Database,Log,Post等不同形式的警告到管理员的信箱或是手机。在任何时候,管理员都会在第一时间,早于客户了解到系统的运作状况。在一个警报之后,SiteScope能够实施一系列自动的应急措施,在管理员到达现场之前,尽量避免down机等重大损失


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