
上一篇 / 下一篇  2011-11-28 15:43:04 / 个人分类:文件下载

51Testing软件测试网7Ab's'| T&n

By default, Page Saver will append a file name to the URL before uploading the captured image using FTP or HTTP PUT. However, if the URL ends with .png, .jpg, or .jpeg it will be used "as is" to upload to a specific file. For example, to upload a captured image to a file named img42.png, use a command similar to the following:

firefox -saveimage -saveas
At this time,file name patternscannot be used within file upload URLs.51Testing软件测试网5~2vEg"@{X

PROIn Page Saver Pro, the-saveoptionscommand line flag may be used to control additional aspects of the image capture process. Separate multiple options with a comma. For example:
firefox -saveimage -saveoptions visible,delay=2000,scale=50%
The available options are:
  • visible— capture the visible portion of the page instead of the entire page.
  • useoriginalurl— use the original URL provided on the command line when replacing the special character sequences%h,%u, and%5within file name and header/footer patterns. Without this option, the URL used is the one that results from following all automatic redirects.
  • maxwait=ms— wait at mostmsmilliseconds for the page to load. A slow page load is stopped and an image of the partially loaded page is captured.
  • refreshmaxwait=ms— wait at mostmsmilliseconds for a page that contains a meta. refresh directive to load the next page.
  • delay=ms— wait an extramsmilliseconds after the page has finished loading before capturing the image (this works the same as the-savedelayflag).
  • flashdelay=ms— if the page contains Flash content, wait an additionalmsmilliseconds after the page has finished loading before capturing the image (this delay is in addition to any specified by-savedelayordelay=ms). If theflashdelayoption is used, Page Saver Pro operates as if you also used the-captureflashflag.
  • top=pixelval— omit from the captured image the firstpixelvalpixels along the top of the page.
  • left=pixelval— omit from the captured image the firstpixelvalpixels along the left side of the page.
  • bottom=pixelval— crop the captured image along the bottom atpixelvalpixels. If a negative value is specified for bottom, the captured image is cropped that many pixels up from the bottom edge.
  • right=pixelval— crop the captured image along the right side atpixelvalpixels. If a negative value is specified for right, the captured image is cropped that many pixels to the left of the right edge.
  • element=elementID— capture the region occupied by the first DOM element on the page with an id ofelementID. If more than oneelement=elementIDvalue is included in-saveoptionsthen each element will be captured as a separate image. If no element with the ID specified exists within the page, then no image is captured and an error is reported. Tip: to include the element ID in the name of the image files that are saved, add%ito the the file name pattern (located on theImage Capturetab within the Page Saver Pro options window).
  • scale=scaleval— reduce or limit the size of the captured image. Ifscalevalends with a%character, the image is scaled to the specified percentage. Ifscalevalis a simple integer, the largest dimension of the resulting image will be at mostscalevalpixels.
  • format=imagetype— useimagetypeas the output format when saving images to a local file or to a server. The choices forimagetypeare:
    • png
    • png@transparency=none(PNG format without transparency information)
    • jpeg
    • jpeg@quality=Q(JPEG format with a quality of Q — ranging from 0 to 100)







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  • 访问量: 124897
  • 日志数: 107
  • 文件数: 1
  • 建立时间: 2007-04-20
  • 更新时间: 2017-12-29


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