
上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-06-22 11:04:26 / 个人分类:开发知识



H.x:W*g3zv l0

pL M:Y.U$NF0代码调用的存储过程51Testing软件测试网0H)K9RpG(m


USE [oscartest]51Testing软件测试网y7W+\+Z^2L vP$\L-}
2gs A.giTk0/****** 对象:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[myprc]    脚本日期: 06/22/2009 10:53:03 ******/51Testing软件测试网C5I\#g1Q f}+@)n
:f[2w!sP\0GO51Testing软件测试网e f7NZ$L
\0vw`C9W.F.`M0Create Procedure   [dbo].[myprc]
7y/L@Y'q$@e0@score int ,51Testing软件测试网?1SJJwB g'm1ga9CZ
@usename nvarchar(50),
F:nh8{i2\6`(]"b0@countN int output51Testing软件测试网AB `r6|!Jd
  as  51Testing软件测试网`I$D5m2? \6hd4P
select @countN =(select count(*) from Student)+1

1O pb(}O'e051Testing软件测试网$XGL9R_!O

 insert into student(NO,Nname,score) values (@countN,@usename,@score);51Testing软件测试网h#Z6i"W[U u\a



!cy KV$rH4z;PO^0

IE0OE8O _| V051Testing软件测试网e-M4ys[oX\? M

51Testing软件测试网?Iwt H


sZI M"i051Testing软件测试网3vh-^)Pa$H Z


Vm7lH0}E'{ W0

p J"LD}L pWR T0using System;


&Cy9da DF0public class Login51Testing软件测试网0U3A,V!X:z^1z/MK
  // Alter this connection string here - all other examples use this class
5@(Z2Q#G%j8r-T0  public static string Connection
Bf!I!pxB0  {
\ RW*U m,u i0    //get { return "data source=(local);initial catalog=Northwind;integrated security=SSPI;"; }

D5h0`0Ag051Testing软件测试网/O]*A K"c}n)_@

      get { return "Data Source=;Initial Catalog=oscartest;User ID=oscar;Password=000;"; }51Testing软件测试网 J/e3DA|+jEV2q.S

51Testing软件测试网w%\.[n3]$N n}2C

  }51Testing软件测试网sX s^SE+p$P6Z.Nd$x




using System;
:[hxEk0using System.IO;
eLn {\A$`[0using System.Data;
.a3OA-[r~-yt1{M4e0using System.Xml;
v(T+L;ekb N0using System.Data.SqlClient;
0aN!z"~8?T2E0using System.Data.OleDb;51Testing软件测试网c"Uc\4Ph;e#\

51Testing软件测试网&RF$_ ]q W]vj

/// <summary>
ESebg^S$Z5^0/// Corresponds to section titled 'Executing Commands' in Chapter 11
H`I/O;_0/// </summary>51Testing软件测试网,dj0Yv&v1\ Ge
public class ExecutingCommands
i8p(j;L ?Mv8Q0 /// <summary>
xj?oHR\,Uq'|9c0 /// SimpleDataAccess - show SQL & Stored Procs
So\ SHl%[A@0 /// </summary>51Testing软件测试网&^ rO}/NZZ
 public static void Main ( )
{Ja9Z'r2^N0 {51Testing软件测试网W%Y3Dr6?v{
  // The following is the database connection string
_u{6J/T7E;c0                string source = Login.Connection ;

#n%sV u+qE0

%bn!sOlHsFB0  // First section of code - using a SQL statement to select records
1w&poE1@K#xpde0  ExecuteSql ( source ) ;

:Nd3viIg051Testing软件测试网{3^.G!e2x t!@

  // Second section - calling a stored procedure51Testing软件测试网qg7L/^.J]:K5x
  ExecuteStoredProc ( source ) ;

+Y&x TVv,c0

~8FCpD0Ca;po0  // Third - batch statements
&^~&^ Oq~X0  ExecuteBatch ( source ) ;51Testing软件测试网)Vm3t'q/B.CW

51Testing软件测试网D6M X t[A-Q@

  // Fourth - Return XML from SqlServer...
p z[(w H0  ExecuteXml ( source ) ;51Testing软件测试网 z?%eh/k6}t


        //DataSet51Testing软件测试网wR dU^C/zU U
      51Testing软件测试网_8O7o _ iC6aub

[ i)Q0D+m*|EhD6`:QD0 public static void ExecuteSql ( string source )51Testing软件测试网B!pgM dM~
  // And this is the SQL statement that will be issued
{0OfXO5Zr,|di7z0  string select = "SELECT id,Nname,score FROM student;select id from student";51Testing软件测试网*@,E~s.L!|S}#si

`j5f'kC7q0y0  try51Testing软件测试网MK9yyZ J&[:B5[i^
7ac/k7y aP|-nr0   // Connect to the database...
8pK.NL6}4D0   using ( SqlConnection conn=new SqlConnection(source) )
@:p[%D Gc.^&lr;o9~2}0   {51Testing软件测试网&s]P w H
6m.X1H(Y:I+M%]0    conn.Open ( ) ;51Testing软件测试网kr|:Ll%e7Mt"}
              51Testing软件测试网 qd4K5CZ:@.P

51Testing软件测试网/h(x g?1\'s wEh

    // Create the SQL command...51Testing软件测试网y2[3v a)j%Q,Owl
    SqlCommand  cmd = new SqlCommand ( select , conn ) ;51Testing软件测试网 T(u8G{;N2K

'a!M#qd[HP i"{ H0    // Construct the data reader
1Nq-Y#nD GstRg5A0    using ( SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ( ) )51Testing软件测试网/oX&g*X Mm&s.~
O"V2g]CYA0     // Output headings...51Testing软件测试网7R1pZ{ b\4H.{[$~
     Console.WriteLine ( "*** SqlProvider ***" ) ;51Testing软件测试网W(yl QJpH#R\J
     Console.WriteLine ( "Output from direct SQL statement..." ) ;51Testing软件测试网!R%y7xJ2F'Y vSY
     Console.WriteLine ( ) ;
m!w6i[1x5h&C0     Console.WriteLine ( "ID                                 Name         score" ) ;
"K'g h|/i9g%]&f\U0     Console.WriteLine ( "----------------------------------------------------------------" ) ;51Testing软件测试网?}J#P0M Z

51Testing软件测试网&i6c@ pT'iJ:E

     // And iterate through the data51Testing软件测试网^I&i9c)I8XP
     while ( reader.Read ( ) )
|'S"Q2GL2y0     {
K+]t UM*k N0      Console.WriteLine ( "{0,-30} {1},{2}" , reader.GetString(0) , reader[1],reader[2] ) ;51Testing软件测试网,|WtqG~q$|@ N5k

2`4Hw Mw3s!]/s~051Testing软件测试网[6bx F/n P.I2u

     reader.Close ( ) ;
a;h U5Mr c$QI{W0    }


t#I `CQ0    conn.Close ( ) ;
7\E2J Z5gb'Fc0   }
#T y2t,Uc }^&U0  }
0f*k'E4u%Q&~0  catch ( Exception e )
E4sJD0l3q0  {
~0F9n {/A lL0   Console.WriteLine ( e.ToString( ) ) ;
n7P?{+fdt0  }
K AwD_ Dcc0 }

&jp4OL IaPb0

IB1K|.y0 51Testing软件测试网*uTeI.n x

51Testing软件测试网 w q%S*r!yDy Z

E!ou-p-~h0    public static void ExecuteStoredProc(string source)51Testing软件测试网&\6b+~%Z iI
.\0N r ~$\0Q0        // Connect to the database...
p0A dA+w P0        using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(source))51Testing软件测试网)S7D swaW4E
        {51Testing软件测试网:T0K-j T]:Rck~
            // Open the database connection51Testing软件测试网}7E"Xs1T(S

gAAS'M Hb#k8O9y]051Testing软件测试网*u{|1e&\ JVd

            // Create the SQL command that links to a stored procedure51Testing软件测试网T+_f*pBTNwZ-bo
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("myprc", conn);51Testing软件测试网[9l A!@Wk b)W*s

^i|X e'v}0            // Set the type to stored procedure51Testing软件测试网(cp Xf6j;t5v
            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;51Testing软件测试网_%X ]L[
            string usename1 = "test1";51Testing软件测试网c.jy b*e y
            Random rnd = new Random();
JvGJO,B/~#[0            51Testing软件测试网9R/YBD@7f&X(ur
            // And add the parameter to the stored proc...51Testing软件测试网Y*} L2s^iF T,xO(n
            SqlParameter score = cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@score", SqlDbType.Int));51Testing软件测试网&_3j:{w&E W5v`
            SqlParameter usename= cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@usename", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50));
)X,y:A |.c eio0            SqlParameter countN = cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@countN", SqlDbType.Int));

SiH IAC051Testing软件测试网@3AqAD9K@ z

            score.Value = rnd.Next(60, 100);
C:IqU+_{t3D"Y0            usename.Value = usename1;51Testing软件测试网 ?5e(Q D Z%BG.uN
            countN.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;51Testing软件测试网YIq.pz5G%v#j
            score.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
)fzM1D|7M'p T0            usename.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
g3kvnK'h s7m0            //cmd.UpdatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.None;
+RFJ'qT/Ls+Es8e0         51Testing软件测试网3Xjm SY(J
            //cmd.Parameters[0].Value = score1;51Testing软件测试网;[)g?/C!D
            //Console.WriteLine(cmd.Parameters[0].Value is Int32);
v5]L(u`6]!j!a2~(s0            //cmd.Parameters[1].Value = usename1;51Testing软件测试网O9Y-N.Fb%F+K5z;PO3B

-M g*hnR*[7K0            // Construct the data reader51Testing软件测试网)_8]"m\~"C(r|O
            using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
|s1IivMT0            {51Testing软件测试网;]u.v Usd
+c.[+xr5gL)Xz d,k0                Console.WriteLine("*** SqlProvider ***");
NhdA#U1| @0                Console.WriteLine("Call NorthWind CustOrderHist stored proc for customer 'QUICK'...");51Testing软件测试网%C(n FT UB$?h
0{:n!{}+sU}!k0                Console.WriteLine("Product Name                       Quantity");51Testing软件测试网wQ+nZ(r8`&w,N5H;V
4x(^\^ vh s)VP2}0                Console.WriteLine("共有{0}个学生",countN.Value);51Testing软件测试网+Bk/D0f2N4J.`g
               51Testing软件测试网!C tb*P/XK u:g




a3S@8Z&h0            string select = "SELECT id,Nname,score FROM student;";51Testing软件测试网o&qqH%S"G}1],Ci
            cmd = new SqlCommand(select, conn);51Testing软件测试网TS-n5tYF#`h a
            using (SqlDataReader reader1 = cmd.ExecuteReader())51Testing软件测试网-h(v1XitSc
            { // Iterate through the data51Testing软件测试网'| ^B&h6v"xmfl$`7m
                while (reader1.Read())51Testing软件测试网y {fXD~
2w)fC/e?NA0                    Console.WriteLine("{0,-34} {1} {2}", reader1[0], reader1[1],reader1[2]);
%V*vOt%A0                }51Testing软件测试网![#S!XxAe`O
            }51Testing软件测试网 jOZ [3Y
            // Close the connection
eR8Og$m3h] @(t5W0            conn.Close();51Testing软件测试网m!W,ZGY'K!l

'}HT CX T ~M,\0 protected static void ExecuteFullTable ( string source )51Testing软件测试网.kR]w7p)cI
 {51Testing软件测试网]$r Cxu8t
  // Connect to the database...
y~N%L9G&C f"?0  using ( OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection("Provider=SQLOLEDB;" + source) )
X|/m1B1`3`*CM9R0  {51Testing软件测试网*by;d"^:o }6?
   // Open the database connection
d6M,Ir3c'_3MD0   conn.Open ( ) ;

M s-g5}vYH5eD8b0

EW6CPbU T\0   // Create the SQL command that links to a stored procedure51Testing软件测试网[9E7n9DE4]8l0g:eD&d
   OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand ( "Categories" , conn ) ;


] \w:WCV5S0   // Set the type to TableDirect51Testing软件测试网2E#[+e]5f%SZ


\$_a:L'E(xN0   // Construct the data reader
2B5P{i\!H dT0P(~0   using ( OleDbDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ( ) )51Testing软件测试网%?%B]3b8r#jZ]9vP
3I$} Y bW w Y!i2q0    Console.WriteLine ( "" ) ;
7Y,Ak'{Lp0~A%j0    Console.WriteLine ( "*** OleDbProvider ***" ) ;
g4X;OS%e~Jcc0                //Console.WriteLine ( "Listing all records in Categories table..." ) ;51Testing软件测试网3z0DD] MfqI
    Console.WriteLine ( ) ;
vsxE2O+l?0    Console.WriteLine ( "ID  Name            Description" ) ;51Testing软件测试网?1\u w7jjTQ)`a
    Console.WriteLine ( "-----------------------------------------------------" ) ;

Vc qo B0J+B051Testing软件测试网-L3x"W7mdn0b

    // Iterate through the data51Testing软件测试网N2g'~)p[*@[o ^*W
    while ( reader.Read ( ) )51Testing软件测试网/rWe@ F
     Console.WriteLine ( "{0,-3} {1,-15} {2}---此段代码没有执行" , reader.GetString(0) , reader[1], reader[2] ) ;51Testing软件测试网6t(k,{Idv0i(Bm'\

51Testing软件测试网h%|q} N$v

    reader.Close ( ) ;

nuP!e_ nYY6W,{6{(|051Testing软件测试网6\b0fZ6k7K(c

    Console.WriteLine ( ) ;
-xGh+g P1_mt0   }51Testing软件测试网5F0~\\M

[a*^ jdX?0   // Close the connection
*u#SX|Z3i0   conn.Close ( ) ;51Testing软件测试网/`7a R+D6e5|
b8GhA*T0 }


 protected static void ExecuteBatch ( string source )
r;`!U!H`8Xg0 {
7p2w\B!u C-J*i0  string   select = "SELECT count(*) FROM student;";
T7P&\:\,R3P6t+B!A0        //SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Products
+]G6G2G&|h0  // Connect to the database...51Testing软件测试网#k#n:A)xVJ ` rM ?l
  using ( SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(source) )
Z{-w J1j2t0  {51Testing软件测试网2{ iZ)k4C[/|(G
   // Open the database connection
IT)in0n5S$KU1\0   conn.Open ( ) ;51Testing软件测试网2? ?\8Oys1D$cK8du

D0^iX:_#w0   // Create the SQL command...51Testing软件测试网"kMg$K)|,MC
   SqlCommand  cmd = new SqlCommand ( select , conn ) ;

k.~;jaK4^_2NB051Testing软件测试网#wMFX3J R

   // Construct the data reader
6b3c2^ h!YW0   using ( SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader ( ) )51Testing软件测试网b7G5F.h7D
w#By&?'\'FD7o,KS-byB0    // Output headings...
c_:Q7j5K0    Console.WriteLine ( "*** SqlProvider ***" ) ;
Xs.hR sfT3gJz0    Console.WriteLine ( "Output from batched SQL statements" ) ;51Testing软件测试网"r:qd:J] e
    Console.WriteLine ( ) ;51Testing软件测试网1eg `m(pE"]*u

9VSPAKzj#SP%H3YCa)\0    int  statement = 0 ;

F Py@e Hj051Testing软件测试网XCf%{sK

Ajg:AA U0    {51Testing软件测试网K Qn_$q-a k
     statement++ ;51Testing软件测试网{p0O r/KE q8~,V4qA

51Testing软件测试网-p bWr`Z"B(J

     while ( reader.Read ( ) )
jk^;A,}Z2b#@$N0     {
;}S.Jz ]Y0      Console.WriteLine ( "Output from batch statement {0} is {1}" , statement , reader[0]) ;
lG }i*_ _0     }
5q$a3T@i0?B2I0    } while ( reader.NextResult ( ) ) ;51Testing软件测试网 O`3UKv,x v'{q#~


    reader.Close ( ) ;
E&d+Rv5yc v{0   }

^[E#Btif051Testing软件测试网.B;x#[i U B\2CJ

   conn.Close ( ) ;51Testing软件测试网4|i(sflha
  }51Testing软件测试网6_y#Kx [-y
 }51Testing软件测试网X o PT8pS#PU S-u

2u BbS:\0 protected static void ExecuteXml ( string source )51Testing软件测试网/RMv9[%P0P:^.It2F
 {51Testing软件测试网2Mm7I |9u
  string   select = "SELECT NO,id,Nname,score FROM student FOR XML AUTO";51Testing软件测试网lBQZ8@

51Testing软件测试网*M Ir^R;R!B

  using ( SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(source) )
?1}_(F|X)S0  {51Testing软件测试网8Y;V^Ig u
   // Open the database connection51Testing软件测试网5D&~s3J:^:yM
   conn.Open ( ) ;


H YobS"Sp0   // Create the SQL command...51Testing软件测试网@0\{2~'d
   SqlCommand  cmd = new SqlCommand ( select , conn ) ;

X E\j[~sX0

:fa/]hO$bUn`[o0   // Construct an Xml Reader51Testing软件测试网*P |7_nElob0c3h
   XmlReader  xr = cmd.ExecuteXmlReader ( ) ;51Testing软件测试网/q:t4^5tW'hrU3c0d
'NL4|-Fz_y0   Console.WriteLine ( "" ) ;51Testing软件测试网/{%N"_5Nkl
   Console.WriteLine ( "*** SqlProvider ***" ) ;
@R^I5He D/T_0   Console.WriteLine ( "Use ExecuteXmlReader with a FOR XML AUTO SQL clause" ) ;51Testing软件测试网OZfb)t m3F-O
   Console.WriteLine ( ) ;
H3I(DcZ&b"d0            StreamWriter swd;
/O.D~zt%D0            swd = File.CreateText("oscar.txt");
,c"P:oc@z&q0    //Do something useful with the xml51Testing软件测试网,v%woD{6KoU6roi)z

0fP#s ZU jJ0            //while ( xr.Read() )51Testing软件测试网 a(Y0~[}3Iz+V
            //{51Testing软件测试网%UD `,] S,hY l
            //    string s = xr.ReadOuterXml();
6v|0jF)w#R0a2X5q0            //    Console.WriteLine (  s) ;
2nY2?0uN:^1}3H0            //    //File.AppendAllText("oscar.txt",xr.ReadOuterXml());51Testing软件测试网 `WI"x7O }'\Q"J
            //此种方式不能全部打印console.WriteLine,在while(xr.read())也会执行向下一次。51Testing软件测试网w d}2O+fq8v!Tn
              51Testing软件测试网7cKG$B7AC sTe LN

"V1zy1eI j051Testing软件测试网Od3epgt

2yL6MO+VR0            string s1="0";
|uSjE%P'x!mJ0            do51Testing软件测试网uVI&K|:Q
            {51Testing软件测试网3E C/^p1e@zp)MZ U
                s1 = xr.ReadOuterXml();
sun G2R3~0                swd.WriteLine(s1);
!`E)lSP9F)c0                if (s1 != "")
T&zV y:fA0                    Console.WriteLine(s1+DateTime.Now);
KC3tkwq4|0            } while (s1 != "");51Testing软件测试网a/E/odT*^,V/@ q



(X k|:v:v4q051Testing软件测试网 f%z I,k+{]~9O

   // And close the connection51Testing软件测试网Hy{t#@;t
   conn.Close ( ) ;
kSATX8l2Ty0bF4S0  }
nrN)SZwO5`? L0 }

]%uOm/Ix)TI051Testing软件测试网O T,[ZVLO7Yz9c q)r

    protected static void Dateset1(string source)
&R%n/Y'o L6x,k`;{9|0    {51Testing软件测试网l nFW C @
        SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(source);51Testing软件测试网m"y(FC)]e
        string select = "select * from student";51Testing软件测试网 V:J_ J*^-A+JS%VpN
        //SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(select, conn);
)M W(TC5sz0        //SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
lJi;Q.m(_w}$Q0        SqlDataAdapter sda = new SqlDataAdapter(select, conn);


dT2v[-}0        DataSet ds = new DataSet();


:eU&E [pKB"ge0        //填充数据到coustomers表
5b`,r\ Q@0        sda.Fill(ds, "Customers");51Testing软件测试网^e.X#DbS

,vT;B0uxW051Testing软件测试网ufdfbC E {)Y

        DataRow dr = ds.Tables["Customers"].NewRow();
;x;C!j$\,d!?q0        dr["id"] = 99;51Testing软件测试网\ T!z!If8f*P
        dr["Nname"] = "samon";
*y4BV[yp%L0        dr["score"] = 88;
K ?$d:b,zr0        ds.Tables["Customers"].Rows.Add(dr);       
\ L+y.kJz D y0        //DataRow dr = ds.Tables["Customers"].Rows.Add(new object[] { 4, "samon", 88 }); 51Testing软件测试网la+` `;S'yH!B

k,p8X^0S"{&p*g-['mQ T0        foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables["Customers"].Rows)51Testing软件测试网5G_7RH6^!TE1G$w{*L
            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1,-30},{2,-16},{3},{4}",51Testing软件测试网 utP:t-nc
                row[0], row[1],row[2],row[3],row.RowState);51Testing软件测试网[!INEf z$c

51Testing软件测试网i&DBho mqu ^})t

        SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("myprc", conn);51Testing软件测试网UD;j {U:Yf
        sda.InsertCommand = cmd;     
!_ g#W1Jd#D:k0 51Testing软件测试网,sjj^ V2bA {
        // Set the type to stored procedure51Testing软件测试网5t"^-D.c/?)CJ
        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;51Testing软件测试网&c'S#_(miOM
        SqlParameter score = cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@score", SqlDbType.Int));
c:[W/tOB(VS0        SqlParameter usename = cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@usename", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50));
:r qm"cp4H ?T0        SqlParameter countN = cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@countN", SqlDbType.Int));
0WbjUj'K6oN@8I+K^0        score.SourceColumn = "score";51Testing软件测试网c#| oJuV0U
        usename.SourceColumn = "Nname";
X^2J4v$I0A0        countN.Value = 3;51Testing软件测试网 g)U!^ [#L&k(u!T7K"A
       51Testing软件测试网 {jyb_ C;K [*R
        sda.Update(ds, "Customers");51Testing软件测试网sIYci#n TWxh:Y


        sda.Fill(ds, "Customers1");51Testing软件测试网S0@.xrN:O,\#p
        foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables["Customers1"].Rows)
L E2Q"R6Yfn"a0            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1,-30},{2,-16},{3},{4}",51Testing软件测试网9B tiP XD0Z;d
                row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row.RowState);


MUZ!]!RNU2o{051Testing软件测试网4j^ F RU
        //从数据库中加载数据到手动创建的表,如果列名不匹配,会自动添加列51Testing软件测试网A t:uG?fB.Z
        DataTable products = new DataTable("products");
F&z EYqD0        products.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("NO", typeof(Int16)));
od?#B T&K#q0        products.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ID", typeof(string)));51Testing软件测试网8fe}Z;s
        products.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("N0name", typeof(string)));51Testing软件测试网N'y ?GeD:L
        products.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("score", typeof(int)));51Testing软件测试网H7rtU7O5k%Eh
,v0g:{d P[+{9_/U0        sda.Fill(ds, "products");
;i&yh]L!W/m.h0        foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables["products"].Rows)51Testing软件测试网7wTrV[i'n
            Console.WriteLine("{0} {1,-30},{2,-16},{3}", row[0], row[1], row[4], row[3]);51Testing软件测试网[6`t5fAsHaP

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Vu1kO;\V051Testing软件测试网"Z gS6G Db;d

;S!l M%?:h$b:Y0        ds.WriteXml(".\\taseta.xml", XmlWriteMode.WriteSchema);51Testing软件测试网Ro~ge

f`zS:xM0        conn.Close();51Testing软件测试网 F"zvE(H|

D/j3L)t&hi#K0w0    }
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