不谋万世者,不足谋一时;不谋全局者,不足谋一域。君子敏于事而慎于言 新浪微薄:土司阿哈

自动化测试之谜与事实/Software Test Automation--Myths and Facts

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-11-24 23:33:36 / 个人分类:自动化测试

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    本文的作者对自动化测试提出了一些比较中肯的观点,我把他译成中文,希望能给大家解解困惑,同时希望那些鼓吹自动化的人的呐喊声能够稍微收敛一些,因为自动化测试不仅仅是技术,而且首先需要的是,你对需求了解的深度,你的测试设计,对工具解,工具能否适合当前的项目?测试的流程做好了没有?还有计划.........                                                          M.N. Alam
FwuGU0                                                                                IMI Systems Inc.51Testing软件测试网$H#f5m7M0{2|v
                                                                                   Dallas, TX
lzg aZ,D^0Introduction
Today softwaretestautomation is becoming more and more popular in both C/S andwebenvironment. As the requirements keep changing (mostly new requirements are getting introduced on daily basis) constantly and thetestingwindow is getting smaller and smaller everyday, the managers are realizing a greater need for test automation. This is good news for us (people who do test automation). But, I am afraid this is the only good news.  
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GN6`(G8u'I5oN&`H9j0    如今,软件自动化测试在C/S及WEB环境中变得越来越普及。由于需求变化频繁(大多新的需求都是每日被介绍给大家)而测试窗口则变得越来越小,管理者意识到自动化测试是十分有必要的,对于我们从事自动化的人来说,这是个好消息,但是,我很担心,这或许只是个好的消息51Testing软件测试网xLT~c(?Q,dR
BMFw L-}(Z0Myths & Facts51Testing软件测试网:i$zOj0Xw$A3Hgp
A number of articles and books are written on different aspects of Software Test Automation. “Test Automation Snake Oil” by, James Bach is an excellent article on some of the myths of automation. I like to discuss some of these myths and will try to point out the facts about these myths. I also like to discuss some of my observations and hopefully point out possible solutions. These are based on my experience with a number of automation projects I was involved with.51Testing软件测试网o!`)pvN2f2|
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- Find more bugs:Some QA managers think that by doing automation they should be able to find more bugs. It’s a myth. Let’s think about it for a minute. The process of automation involves a set of written test cases. In most places the test cases are written by test engineers who are familiar with the application they are testing. The test cases are then given to the automation engineers. In most cases the automation engineers are not very familiar with the test cases they are automating. From test cases to test scrīpts, automation does not add anything in the process to find more bugs. The test scrīpts will work only as good as the test cases when comes to finding bugs. So, it’s the test cases that find bugs (or don’t find bugs), not the test scrīpts.51Testing软件测试网j)o0h,N3CAZh
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        许多文章或书籍里面都有提到软件自动化测试的各个方面,由 James Bach 写的“Test Automation Snake Oil”的文章,是篇揭开自动化测试之谜的最好的文章,我很想他讨论下这些迷并且尽量揭示这些迷背后的真实;我也很想阐述下我的观点,希望能指出这些问题的可行的解决办法。这些都基于我曾经参与的大量的自动化测试项目51Testing软件测试网5c|s-M:O7u
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- Eliminate or reduce manual testers:In order to justify automation, some point out that they should be able to eliminate or reduce the number of manual testers in the long run and thus save money in the process. Absolutely not true. Elimination or reduction of manual testers is not any of the objectives of test automation. Here is why – as I have pointed out earlier that the test scrīpts are only as good as the test cases and . They are the ones who know the application inside out. If the word gets out (it usually does) that the number of manual testers will be reduced by introducing automation then, most if not all manual testers will walk out the door and quality will go with them as well.51Testing软件测试网2{LoE!CP
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I have met a number of QA managers who are frustrated with their automation. According to them the tool is not doing what it is supposed to do. Here is a true story, the client (I had the opportunity to work with them for some time) found out that the tool they have just bought does not support the application they are testing (I am not making it up). How can this happen! – It does happen more often than one would think. I will get back on this when I discuss possible solutions. A manager of one of the major telecom companies that I had a recent interview with told me that after three years and more than a million dollar he is still struggling with automation. This is pretty sad and I get the feeling that he is not alone.
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Zdes-U|0    ---替代手工测试或减少手工测试:为了认识自动化,一些人指出,从长远上来说,自动化测试应该可以替代手工测试或减少手工测试,由此,可以节约过程成本。很显然这不是事实。替代或减少大量的手工测试并不是自动化测试的目的,原因如下:
bJ?5{;m0     就像我开始指出的那样,测试脚本只是和测试用例一样好,他们都很熟悉这些应用程序,假如大量手工测试者随着对自动化的理解而减少,很多手工测试都将退出手工测试领域,而软件的质量也会随之一落千丈。
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Let’s discuss some of the reasons for this frustration and some of the solutions to this problem.
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- Unrealistic expectations:Most managers have their first encounter with any automation tool when they look at the demo and everything looks nice and simple.
r3s?%Ez-?*xZ0But everything is not so nice and simple when you try to use the tool with your application. The vendors will only tell you the things you want to hear (how easy to use, how simple to set up, how it will save time and money, how it will help you find more bugs etc.). This builds a false set of hopes and expectations.51Testing软件测试网(}q'xD o1D
- Lack of planning:A great deal of planning is required from selection to implementation of the tool. “Evaluating Tools” by Elisabeth Hendrickson is a very good article on step by step process of selecting a tool. She talks about “Tool Audience” as one of the steps. This would be an ideal way to select a tool. It may not happen in every place because of the everyday workload of the people involved. But the participation of the users in the process is very important, because they are the ones who will use the tool day in and day out. I am almost certain that what happened to one of my clients (the tool they have bought did not support the application they were testing) would not have happened if the users were involved in the selection process.  51Testing软件测试网 A4~o Udq#r2`:^1a8n G

s^dT\M ubv0- Lack of a process:Lack of a process may also contribute to failure of automation. Most places do have some kind of process in place. In most cases (although it differs from place to place) developers write code against a set of requirements. If the requirement does not call for a change in GUI then, there should not be any change in GUI. But if the GUI keep changing constantly from one release to another without any requirement for that change then, there is a problem in the process. You may have the best tool and the best (for your environment) architecture is in place and you will still have problems with your automation because of a faulty process.
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pZ[/y6w0       --不现实的期望:许多经理第一次碰到自动化测试工具的时候,总是觉得很好,也很简单。51Testing软件测试网p{]4p$lO/W#n
       但是当这些工具用于到测试中来时,不是所有的事都是看上去很好且很简单,销售人员往往会告诉你想听的(用起来很简单,配置也很简单,节约很多时间和金钱,找到更多的BUG),这就建立一套错误的期望。51Testing软件测试网pTOn m6Xv;^Q]N
      --缺乏计划:从选择到配置工具,需要很多计划,由Elisabeth Hendrickson写的“Evaluating Tools”很好的介绍了怎样来一步步选择工具,这只和相关工作人有关,但是测试人员参与这个过程非常重要,因为他们是天天用这个工具的人,如果测试人员参与到选择工具的过程,我可以确定我上面提到的那个客户那样的情况不会发生。51Testing软件测试网s#y@o X.?
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I think there is a need to educate QA managers about the benefits and limitations of automation. There is a need to separate the facts from the fictions. But here is the problem, in most cases consultants are brought in to fix problems of prior attempts instead of initial setup. At this point the managers have already learned (painfully) the pitfalls of automation. In order to avoid this painful experience I would recommend (most automation engineers will agree with me) to spend more time up front doing research about the styles and techniques of automation and find an architecture that fits the environment. There is no doubt that automation adds a great value to overall QA process but, short of knowledge and understanding about automation and lack of planning can also cause a nightmare.51Testing软件测试网|U0b+}W2Tg&@2x
总结51Testing软件测试网R'YZ6B D'^
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