
  • QTP使用技巧之二:使用相对路径

    2008-08-02 17:03:25

  • QTP访问外部数据之三:execl文件

    2008-07-30 21:50:50

    QTP访问外部数据,可以通过把数据存放一个Excel文件当中,然后在脚本当中来访问,当然你也可以通过把Excel文件导入到DataTable当中来,这样使用起来更方便。下面为一些在脚本直接对Excel文件操作的Function Library,可以在QTP安装目录\CodeSamplesPlus下有一个UsingExcel.vbs文件,里面详细的列表出如何对Excel文件进行操作。
    ' ****************************************** Function Library ***********************************************************

    Dim ExcelApp 'As Excel.Application
    Dim excelSheet 'As Excel.worksheet
    Dim excelBook 'As Excel.workbook
    Dim fso 'As scrīpting.FileSystemObject
    ' This function will return a new Excel Object with a default new Workbook
    Function CreateExcel() 'As Excel.Application
        Dim excelSheet 'As Excel.worksheet
        Set ExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 'Create a new excel Object
        ExcelApp.Visible = True
        Set CreateExcel = ExcelApp
    End Function
    'This function will close the given Excel Object
    'excelApp - an Excel application object to be closed
    Sub CloseExcel(ExcelApp)
        Set excelSheet = ExcelApp.ActiveSheet
        Set excelBook = ExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook
        Set fso = CreateObject("scrīpting.FileSystemObject")
        On Error Resume Next
        fso.CreateFolder "C:\Temp"
        fso.DeleteFile "C:\Temp\ExcelExamples.xls"
        excelBook.SaveAs "C:\Temp\ExcelExamples.xls"
        Set ExcelApp = Nothing
        Set fso = Nothing
        Err = 0
        On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub
    'The SaveWorkbook method will save a workbook according to the workbookIdentifier
    'The method will overwrite the previously saved file under the given path
    'excelApp - a reference to the Excel Application
    'workbookIdentifier - The name or number of the requested workbook
    'path - the location to which the workbook should be saved
    'Return "OK" on success and "Bad Workbook Identifier" on failure
    Function SaveWorkbook(ExcelApp, workbookIdentifier, path) 'As String
        Dim workbook 'As Excel.workbook
        On Error Resume Next
        Set workbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks(workbookIdentifier)
        On Error GoTo 0
        If Not workbook Is Nothing Then
            If path = "" Or path = workbook.FullName Or path = workbook.Name Then
                Set fso = CreateObject("scrīpting.FileSystemObject")
                'if the path has no file extension then add the 'xls' extension
                If InStr(path, ".") = 0 Then
                    path = path & ".xls"
                End If
                On Error Resume Next
                fso.DeleteFile path
                Set fso = Nothing
                Err = 0
                On Error GoTo 0
                workbook.SaveAs path
            End If
            SaveWorkbook = "OK"
            SaveWorkbook = "Bad Workbook Identifier"
        End If
    End Function
    'The SetCellValue method sets the given 'value' in the cell which is identified by
    'its row column and parent Excel sheet
    'excelSheet - the excel sheet that is the parent of the requested cell
    'row - the cell's row in the excelSheet
    'column - the cell's column in the excelSheet
    'value - the value to be set in the cell
    Sub SetCellValue(excelSheet, row, column, value)
        On Error Resume Next
        excelSheet.Cells(row, column) = value
        On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub
    'The GetCellValue returns the cell's value according to its row column and sheet
    'excelSheet - the Excel Sheet in which the cell exists
    'row - the cell's row
    'column - the cell's column
    'return 0 if the cell could not be found
    Function GetCellValue(excelSheet, row, column)
        value = 0
        Err = 0
        On Error Resume Next
        tempValue = excelSheet.Cells(row, column)
        If Err = 0 Then
            value = tempValue
            Err = 0
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
        GetCellValue = value
    End Function
    'The GetSheet method returns an Excel Sheet according to the sheetIdentifier
    'ExcelApp - the Excel application which is the parent of the requested sheet
    'sheetIdentifier - the name or the number of the requested Excel sheet
    'return Nothing on failure
    Function GetSheet(ExcelApp, sheetIdentifier) 'As Excel.worksheet
        On Error Resume Next
        Set GetSheet = ExcelApp.Worksheets.Item(sheetIdentifier)
        On Error GoTo 0
    End Function
    'The InsertNewWorksheet method inserts an new worksheet into the active workbook or
    'the workbook identified by the workbookIdentifier, the new worksheet will get a default
    'name if the sheetName parameter is empty, otherwise the sheet will have the sheetName
    'as a name.
    'Return - the new sheet as an Object
    'ExcelApp - the excel application object into which the new worksheet should be added
    'workbookIdentifier - an optional identifier of the worksheet into which the new worksheet should be added
    'sheetName - the optional name of the new worksheet.
    Function InsertNewWorksheet(ExcelApp, workbookIdentifier, sheetName) 'As Excel.worksheet
        Dim workbook 'As Excel.workbook
        Dim worksheet 'As Excel.worksheet
        'In case that the workbookIdentifier is empty we will work on the active workbook
        If workbookIdentifier = "" Then
            Set workbook = ExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook
            On Error Resume Next
            Err = 0
            Set workbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks(workbookIdentifier)
            If Err <> 0 Then
                Set InsertNewWorksheet = Nothing
                Err = 0
                Exit Function
            End If
            On Error GoTo 0
        End If
        sheetCount = workbook.Sheets.Count
        workbook.Sheets.Add , sheetCount
        Set worksheet = workbook.Sheets(sheetCount + 1)
        'In case that the sheetName is not empty set the new sheet's name to sheetName
        If sheetName <> "" Then
            worksheet.Name = sheetName
        End If
        Set InsertNewWorksheet = worksheet
    End Function
    'The RenameWorksheet method renames a worksheet's name
    'ExcelApp - the excel application which is the worksheet's parent
    'workbookIdentifier - the worksheet's parent workbook identifier
    'worksheetIdentifier - the worksheet's identifier
    'sheetName - the new name for the worksheet
    Function RenameWorksheet(ExcelApp, workbookIdentifier, worksheetIdentifier, sheetName) 'As String
        Dim workbook 'As Excel.workbook
        Dim worksheet 'As Excel.worksheet
        On Error Resume Next
        Err = 0
        Set workbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks(workbookIdentifier)
        If Err <> 0 Then
            RenameWorksheet = "Bad Workbook Identifier"
            Err = 0
            Exit Function
        End If
        Set worksheet = workbook.Sheets(worksheetIdentifier)
        If Err <> 0 Then
            RenameWorksheet = "Bad Worksheet Identifier"
            Err = 0
            Exit Function
        End If
        worksheet.Name = sheetName
        RenameWorksheet = "OK"
    End Function
    'The RemoveWorksheet method removes a worksheet from a workbook
    'ExcelApp - the excel application which is the worksheet's parent
    'workbookIdentifier - the worksheet's parent workbook identifier
    'worksheetIdentifier - the worksheet's identifier
    Function RemoveWorksheet(ExcelApp, workbookIdentifier, worksheetIdentifier) 'As String
        Dim workbook 'As Excel.workbook
        Dim worksheet 'As Excel.worksheet
        On Error Resume Next
        Err = 0
        Set workbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks(workbookIdentifier)
        If Err <> 0 Then
            RemoveWorksheet = "Bad Workbook Identifier"
            Exit Function
        End If
        Set worksheet = workbook.Sheets(worksheetIdentifier)
        If Err <> 0 Then
            RemoveWorksheet = "Bad Worksheet Identifier"
            Exit Function
        End If
        RemoveWorksheet = "OK"
    End Function
    'The CreateNewWorkbook method creates a new workbook in the excel application
    'ExcelApp - the Excel application to which an new Excel workbook will be added
    Function CreateNewWorkbook(ExcelApp)
        Set NewWorkbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add()
        Set CreateNewWorkbook = NewWorkbook
    End Function
    'The OpenWorkbook method opens a previously saved Excel workbook and adds it to the Application
    'excelApp - the Excel Application the workbook will be added to
    'path - the path of the workbook that will be opened
    'return Nothing on failure
    Function OpenWorkbook(ExcelApp, path)
        On Error Resume Next
        Set NewWorkbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(path)
        Set ōpenWorkbook = NewWorkbook
        On Error GoTo 0
    End Function
    'The ActivateWorkbook method sets one of the workbooks in the application as Active workbook
    'ExcelApp - the workbook's parent excel Application
    'workbookIdentifier - the name or the number of the workbook
    Sub ActivateWorkbook(ExcelApp, workbookIdentifier)
        On Error Resume Next
        On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub
    'The CloseWorkbook method closes an open workbook
    'ExcelApp - the parent Excel application of the workbook
    'workbookIdentifier - the name or the number of the workbook
    Sub CloseWorkbook(ExcelApp, workbookIdentifier)
        On Error Resume Next
        On Error GoTo 0
    End Sub
    'The CompareSheets method compares between two sheets.
    'if there is a difference between the two sheets then the value in the second sheet
    'will be changed to red and contain the string:
    '"Compare conflict - Value was 'Value2', Expected value is 'value2'"
    'sheet1, sheet2 - the excel sheets to be compared
    'startColumn - the column to start comparing in the two sheets
    'numberOfColumns - the number of columns to be compared
    'startRow - the row to start comparing in the two sheets
    'numberOfRows - the number of rows to be compared
    Function CompareSheets(sheet1, sheet2, startColumn, numberOfColumns, startRow, numberOfRows, trimed) 'As Boolean
        Dim returnVal 'As Boolean
        returnVal = True
        'In case that one of the sheets doesn't exists, don't continue the process
        If sheet1 Is Nothing Or sheet2 Is Nothing Then
            CompareSheets = False
            Exit Function
        End If
        'loop through the table and fill values into the two worksheets
        For r = startRow to (startRow + (numberOfRows - 1))
            For c = startColumn to (startColumn + (numberOfColumns - 1))
                Value1 = sheet1.Cells(r, c)
                Value2 = sheet2.Cells(r, c)
                'if 'trimed' equels True then used would like to ignore blank spaces
                If trimed Then
                    Value1 = Trim(Value1)
                    Value2 = Trim(Value2)
                End If
                'in case that the values of a cell are not equel in the two worksheets
                'create an indicator that the values are not equel and set return value
                'to False
                If Value1 <> Value2 Then
                    Dim cell 'As Excel.Range
                    sheet2.Cells(r, c) = "Compare conflict - Value was '" & Value2 & "', Expected value is '" & Value1 & "'."
                    Set cell = sheet2.Cells(r, c)
                    cell.Font.Color = vbRed
                    returnVal = False
                End If
        CompareSheets = returnVal
    End Function
  • QTP访问外部数据之二:环境变量

    2008-07-30 21:37:58

    QTP的环境变量之中有系统变量和用户自定义变量,环境变量的设置和查看可以可以通过打开(File-settings)Test Settings,在Environment Tab页。系统的环境变量不能增加,修改和删除,用户自定义的,可以增加、修改和删除,同时QTP还提供了,从一个xml文件把符合一定格式的数据导入到QTP的自定义变量当中,所以,在我们需要访问外部数据的时候,也可以通过把数据放到一个xml文件当中,把它作为自定义环境变量,这样,无论在脚本的某一个地方,都可以引用它(环境变量是全局),同时我们也可以修改自定义的环境变量,这样,我们也可以通过用户自定义的环境变量来在脚本当中传递、引用。

    到底如何把一个xml文件引用关联到QTP当中来呢?第一可以通过手工在Test Settings的Environment Tab页来设置,还可以在脚本当中,利用Environment的LoadFromFile方法来实现,如下面, Environment.LoadFromFile("C:\QuickTest\Files\MyVariables.xml")
  • qtp使用技巧之一

    2008-07-30 21:10:01

    1、创建Action 模板
    有时候,我们想在每一次新建一个Action的时候,在Action的最前面,标明Action的一些相关的信息,如Action 创建日期,作者等等,这个时候,可以创建一个Action的模板,这样只要根据模板,把一些信息填进去就可以了,不需要全部的手工的输入,而且在多人开发当中,可以保证格式某种程度的一致性。

  • QTP访问外部数据之一:数据库

    2008-07-10 20:52:49


    'connection_string="Provider=MSDAORA.1;Password=password;User ID=user;Data Source=orcl;Persist Security Info=True"
    Function db_connect( byRef curSession ,connection_string)
        dim connection
        on error Resume next
        ' 打开连接
        set connection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
        If Err.Number <> 0 then
            db_connect= "Error # " & CStr(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Descrīption
            Exit Function
        End If
        connection.Open connection_string
        If Err.Number <> 0 then
            db_connect= "Error # " & CStr(Err.Number) & " " & Err.Descrīption
            Exit Function
        End If
        set curSession=connection
    End Function

    Function db_disconnect( byRef curSession )
        set curSession = Nothing
    End Function

    Function db_execute_query ( byRef curSession , SQL)
         set rs = curSession.Execute( SQL )
        set db_execute_query = rs
    End Function
    Function db_get_rows_count( byRef curRS )
        On error resume next
        dim rows
        rows = 0
        Do Until curRS.EOF
            rows = rows+1
        db_get_rows_count = rows
    End Function

    Function db_get_field_value( curRecordSet , rowIndex , colIndex )
        dim curRow
        count_fields = curRecordSet.fields.count-1
        If ( TypeName(colIndex)<> "String" ) and ( count_fields < colIndex ) then
            db_get_field_value = -1 'requested field index more than exists in recordset
            curRecordSet.Move rowIndex
            db_get_field_value = curRecordSet.fields(colIndex).Value
        End If
    End Function


  • QTP设置可选步骤

    2007-03-24 15:24:56




        当运行测试或组件时,如果可选对话框中的步骤未打开, QuickTest 将跳过该步骤,继续运行测试。当运行会话结束时,将对无法打开对话框的步骤显示一条消息,但是该步骤不会导致测试或组件失败。


  • QTP数据表的使用

    2007-03-24 15:21:11

  • QTP虚拟对象的使用

    2007-03-24 15:18:13

    1:QuickTest 不支持用于模拟或低级录制的虚拟对象
    4:虚拟对象管理器中显示的虚拟对象集合存储在您的计算机中,而不是随包含虚拟对象步骤的测试或组件存储。这意味着如果您在测试或组件步骤中使用虚拟对象,则仅当在包含正确的虚拟对象定义的计算机中运行时,该对象在运行会话过程中才能被识别。要将您的虚拟对象集合定义复制到另一个计算机,请将您的 <QTP安装文件夹>\dat\VoTemplate 文件夹的内容(或该文件夹中的单个 .vot 集合文件)复制到目标计算机上的相同文件夹中。
    5:您只能为可以在其上单击或双击并录制 Click 或 DblClick 步骤的对象定义虚拟对象。否则,将忽略虚拟对象。例如,如果您在 WinList 对象上定义一个虚拟对象,录制 Select 操作,则虚拟对象被忽略。
    6:不要使您的应用程序或网页中的虚拟对象相互重叠。如果虚拟对象与另一个虚拟对象重叠, QuickTest 可能无法正确地在虚拟对象上录制或运行测试或组件。
    7:在“标识对象使用”框中,选择您希望 QuickTest 标识和映射虚拟对象的方式。
    7.1 如果您想要 QuickTest 标识所有出现的虚拟对象,请选择“仅父类”。QuickTest 仅通过其直接父类标识虚拟对象,而不考虑整个父层次。 例如,如果虚拟对象是使用 Browser("A").Page("B").Image("C") 定义的,则即使层次更改为 Browser("X").Page("Y").Image("C"), QuickTest 仍将识别该虚拟对象。
    7.2 如果想要 QuickTest 仅标识一次出现的虚拟对象,请选择“整个父层次”。QuickTest 将仅标识具有准确的父层次的虚拟对象。 例如,如果虚拟对象是使用 Browser("A").Page("B").Image("C") 定义的,则如果层次更改为Browser("X").Page("B").Image("C"), QuickTest 将无法识别该虚拟对象。



  • QTP使用操作的规则

    2007-03-24 15:16:52

    3.您可能希望使用描述性名称重命名测试中的操作,以便识别这些操作。添加详细的操作描述也是一种很好的想法。这有利于将一个测试中的操作插入到另一个测试中。可以通过选择“编辑” > “重命名操作”对操作进行重命名。
    3.要在另一个操作的步骤内使用某个操作中(或测试中)的操作参数值,必须将该值通过测试层次结构按操作依次向下传递到要使用该参数值的操作中(测试 ->操作 A -> 操作 B -> 操作 C -> 步骤 1)。
    4.要在另一个操作的步骤内使用某个操作中的操作输出值,必须将该值通过测试层次结构按操作依次向上传递到要使用该值的操作中(步骤 1 -> 操作 C -> 操作 B ->操作 A -> 测试 1)。
    6.可以将从被调用操作中检索的任一类型的操作输出参数值,在调用操作的后续步骤中用作一个变量。例如,如果 ActionA 调用 ActionB 并指定 MyBVar 作为变量来存储 ActionB 的输出参数,则 ActionA 中的步骤在调用 ActionB 之后可以将 MyBVar 作为一个值使用(如同使用任何其他变量一样)。


Open Toolbar