
上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-08-21 17:10:36 / 个人分类:实用英语

1. Don't pass up any chances.
2. you sly dog 你这个狡诈的家伙
3. you have common sense. 你的常识很丰富
4. it sucks 讨厌
5. it really pissed me off. 真令人生气
6. we are stuck
   we are trapped 我们被堵死了 (赌车)
7. money talks. 有钱能使鬼推磨
8. we are ripped off
9. life is full of ups and downs.
10. what a day!
11. give a little extra
12. not likely.
13. that's music to my ears.
13. get right to work
14. i comprehend the situation.
15. same as ever
16. i am hanging in there.
17. u can say that again
18. i get the picture.
19. chances are slim
20. traffic is bumper to bumper.
21. can you hold a lot?
22. far from it.
23. no way!
24. i am feeling under the weather.
25. my mouth is watering.
26. it's a pie in the sky.
27. it is out of the question.
28. i couldn't care less.
29. u have an eye for beauty.
30. that's cutting it close.
31. that's a close call.
32. everything is goofing around.
33. i have sth pressing.
34. i am already locked into sth
35. it stinks!
36. the food is stale.
37. be good
38. don't yell
39. that's enough.
40. the company is in the red.


TAG: 实用英语




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