Gesture tour

上一篇 / 下一篇  2014-03-27 12:33:47 / 个人分类:mobile testing


> Tap
push your finger tip on the screen and let go right away in a tapping motion

> Double Tap
push your finger tip on the screen twice, rapidly

> Press
push your finger tip on the screen and leave it there

> Press and Drag
push your finger tip on the screen, then move your finger up on the screen in any direction

> Swipe
slide your finger tip across the screen quickly, in any direction

> Flick
very quickly slide your finger tip in a rapid motion in any direction

> Shake
physically shake the entire device
* Often used to clear input fields or reset an application to a default state

> Rotate
press your finger tip on the screen and draw a circle on the screen
* Used to change perspective or view, or as an input for a game or entertainment

> Pinch
press two finger tips on the screen, then bring both of them together on the screen in a pinching motion
* Used to zoom in on an object on the screen

> Spread
press two finger tips on the screen, and move them apart in a spread motion
* Used to zoom out an object on the screen





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