
上一篇 / 下一篇  2012-07-19 10:04:52 / 个人分类:Backlog

This needs to be create a excel file. Format as in script.
Call load_for_TitleAndSnippet
'This function is for read from the excel for search term
Public Function load_for_TitleAndSnippet
 FilePath = "C:\automation\OLR stop words\StopWords.xls"
 DataTable.ImportSheet  FilePath , "Sheet1", "Action1" 
 Call open
 Dim arrayT(), arrayTB(), arrayBT()
 Dim sarrayT(), sarrayTB(), sarrayBT()
 TermNum = DataTable.Value("TermNum", "Action1")
 For i = 1 to TermNum
  sTermT = DataTable.Value("Term","Action1")
  Call load_TitlesAndSnippets(sTermT, arrayT, sarrayT)
  sTermTB = DataTable.Value("TermStop","Action1")
  Call load_TitlesAndSnippets(sTermTB, arrayTB, sarrayTB)
  sTermBT = DataTable.Value("StopTerm","Action1")
  Call load_TitlesAndSnippets(sTermBT, arrayBT, sarrayBT)
  Call compare_TitleAndSnippet(arrayT, arrayTB, arrayBT, sTermT, sTermTB, sTermBT, sarrayT, sarrayTB, sarrayBT)
 Call closeIE
End function
''This function is for opening the broswer
Public Function open()
 SystemUtil.Run "iexplore.exe", "http://srspwqbos1.fmr.com:19000/vivisimo/cgi-bin/query-meta?v%3Aproject=olr-fesco-proj&query="
 Browser("name:=Vivísimo Velocity","opentitle:=Vivísimo Velocity").Page("title:=Vivísimo Velocity").Sync
 Wait 3
End function
'This funciton is for  loading titles and snippets for each term
Public Function load_TitlesAndSnippets(term1, arrayTitle, arraySnippet)
 Browser("opentitle:=Vivísimo Velocity").Page("micClass:=Page").WebEdit("name:=query").Set term1
 Browser("opentitle:=Vivísimo Velocity").Page("micClass:=Page").WebButton("name:=Search").Click
 Set Title = Description.Create()
 oTitle("micClass").value = "Link"
 oTitle("class").value = "title"
  Set Lists = Browser("opentitle:=Vivísimo Velocity").Page("micClass:=Page").ChildObjects(oTitle)
 NumberOfLists = Lists.count()
 For i = 0 to NumberOfLists - 1
  linkname = Trim(Lists(i).getRoProperty("innertext")) 'remove the black
  linkname = LCase(linkname)  'A to a for title
  ReDim preserve arrayTitle(i)
  arrayTitle(i) = linkname
 Set Snippets = Description.Create()
 oSnippets("micClass").value = "WebElement"
 oSnippets("class").value = "document-snippet"
 Set Lists2 = Browser("opentitle:=Vivísimo Velocity").Page("micClass:=Page").ChildObjects(oSnippets)
 NumberOfLists2 = Lists2.count()
 For i = 0 to NumberOfLists2 - 1
  snippet = Trim(Lists2(i).getRoProperty("innertext")) 'remove the black
  snippet = LCase(snippet)  'A to a for title
  ReDim preserve arraySnippet(i)
  arraySnippet(i) = snippet
End Function
'This function is for closing the broswer
Public Function closeIE()
 Browser("opentitle:=Vivísimo Velocity").Close
End Function
'This function is for compare the 3 array to check each of element(i) are the same
Public Function compare_TitleAndSnippet(arrayT, arrayTB, arrayBT, sTermT, sTermTB, sTermBT, sarrayT, sarrayTB, sarrayBT)
  Dim flagA
  Dim flagB
  Dim flagC
  Dim flagD
  flagA = 0
  flagB = 0
  flagC = 0
  flagD = 0
  ' verify arrayT and arrayTB
  If ubound(arrayT) = ubound(arrayTB) Then    
    For i = 0 to ubound(arrayT)
       If arrayT(i) <> arrayTB(i) Then
          j = i+1
          reporter.ReportEvent micFail, sTermT&"  the  "&j&"  element error  ", arrayT(i)&"  and  "&arrayTB(i)&"  are different"
       End If
    'reporter.ReportEvent micPass, sTermT, sTermT&"  and  "&sTermTB&"  have the same Titles"
    flagA = 1
    reporter.ReportEvent micFail, sTermT, sTermT&"  and  "&sTermTB&"  have the different Titles number"
  End If
  ' verify arrayT and arrayBT
  If ubound(arrayT) = ubound(arrayBT) Then    
    For i = 0 to ubound(arrayT)
       If arrayT(i) <> arrayBT(i) Then
          j = i+1
          reporter.ReportEvent micFail, sTermT&"  the  "&j&"  element error", arrayT(i)&"  and  "&arrayBT(i)&"  are different"
       End If
    'reporter.ReportEvent micPass, sTermT, sTermT&"  and  "&sTermBT&"  have the same Titles"
    flagB = 1
    reporter.ReportEvent micFail, sTermT, sTermT&"  and  "&sTermBT&"  have the different Titles number"
  End If
  ' verify sarrayT and sarrayTB
  If ubound(sarrayT) = ubound(sarrayTB) Then    
    For i = 0 to ubound(sarrayT)
       If sarrayT(i) <> sarrayTB(i) Then
          j = i+1
          reporter.ReportEvent micFail, sTermT&"  the  "&j&"  element error  ", sarrayT(i)&"  and  "&sarrayTB(i)&"  are different"
       End If
    'reporter.ReportEvent micPass, sTermT, sTermT&"  and  "&sTermTB&"  have the same snippets"
    flagC = 1
    reporter.ReportEvent micFail, sTermT, sTermT&"  and  "&sTermTB&"  have the different snippets number"
  End If
  ' verify sarrayT and sarrayBT
  If ubound(sarrayT) = ubound(sarrayBT) Then    
    For i = 0 to ubound(sarrayT)
       If sarrayT(i) <> sarrayBT(i) Then
          j = i+1
          reporter.ReportEvent micFail, sTermT&"  the  "&j&"  element error", sarrayT(i)&"  and  "&sarrayBT(i)&"  are different"
       End If
    'reporter.ReportEvent micPass, sTermT, sTermT&"  and  "&sTermBT&"  have the same snippets"
    flagD = 1
    reporter.ReportEvent micFail, sTermT, sTermT&"  and  "&sTermBT&"  have the different snippets number"
  End If
  If flagA = 1 and flagB = 1 and flagC = 1 and flagD = 1 Then
    reporter.ReportEvent micPass, sTermT, "Test Right"
    reporter.ReportEvent micFail, sTermT, "Test Fail"
  End If
End Function






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  • 访问量: 6371
  • 日志数: 15
  • 建立时间: 2012-07-12
  • 更新时间: 2012-07-30


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