C Primer Plus read note(2012-3-21)

上一篇 / 下一篇  2012-03-21 08:41:44 / 个人分类:学习日志

21.S=1 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 +……

#include <stdio.h>


 int main(void)


   int t_ct;

double time,x;

int limit;


printf("enter the number of terms you want:");


for (time=0,t_ct=1,x=1;t_ct<=limit;t_ct++,x*=2.0)


          time += 1.0/x;

          printf("time = %f when terms = %d.\n",time,t_ct);


return 0;



enter the number of terms you want:15

time = 1.000000 when terms = 1.

time = 1.500000 when terms = 2.

time = 1.750000 when terms = 3.

time = 1.875000 when terms = 4.

time = 1.937500 when terms = 5.

time = 1.968750 when terms = 6.

time = 1.984375 when terms = 7.

time = 1.992188 when terms = 8.

time = 1.996094 when terms = 9.

time = 1.998047 when terms = 10.

time = 1.999023 when terms = 11.

time = 1.999512 when terms = 12.

time = 1.999756 when terms = 13.

time = 1.999878 when terms = 14.

time = 1.999939 when terms = 15.


#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)


          int k;


          for ( k = 1,printf(“%d:Hi!\n”,k) ; printf(“k = %d\n”,k),

                   k*k<26 ; k+=2,printf ( “Now k is %d\n”,k) )

                            printf (“k is %d in the loop\n”,k);

          return 0;




k = 1

k is 1 in the loop

Now k is 3

k = 3

k is 3 in the loop

Now k is 5

k is 5 in the loop

Now k is 7

k = 7




int main(void)


   int a;

   char i,j,k;



   scanf(" %c",&i);                 /*输入的字母用i */

   for(k='A' ; k<=i ; k++)   /*输入的字母i減掉A的数目就是要做的行数*/


       for(a=(i-k) ; a>0 ; a--)

           printf(" ");             /*印出空白字元*/


       for(j='A' ; j<=k ; j++)

           printf("%c",j);          /*递增印出字母*/


       for(j=k-1 ; j>='A' ; j--)

           printf("%c",j);          /*递減印出字母*/




   return 0;


24. getchar()没有参数,它返回来自输入设备的下一个字符,比如:ch = getchar();相当于scanf(%c,&ch);



25.    ctype.h系列字符函数:ctype.h头文件包含了一些函数的原型,这些函数接受一个字符作为参数,如果该字符属于某特定的种类则返回真,否则返回假,比如isalpha()函数判断是否为字母。一些映射函数,比如转换为小写字母tolower()函数,它并不改变原始的参数,它们只返回改变后的值,也就是说,tolower(ch); //ch没有影响,若要改变ch,可以这样做:ch = tolower(ch);


27.    2num之间的所有数,看它们是否可以整除num,比如求144的约数,由于一次成功的num%div测试可以得到两个约数,拿144除以2,可以得到72,则这两个数均为其约数,这样,我们可以将测试的数缩小到num的平方根即可,而不必到num。如果测试的数是一个完全平方数,就只需打印出一个数。如果测试的数是一个素数,那么程序流程也进不了if语句中,对此我们可设置一个布尔值变量,即标志(flag):

#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>           // BOOL,TRUE,FALSE包含在windows.h头文件中
int main(void)
    unsigned long num;         
    unsigned long div;            
    BOOL isPrime;              
    printf("Please enter an integer for analysis,enter q to quit.\n ");
    while (scanf("%lu", &num) == 1)
        for (div = 2, isPrime= TRUE; (div * div) <= num; div++)





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