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上一篇 / 下一篇  2006-12-27 17:54:27 / 个人分类:自动化测试

  The article is only my personal experience to learn and use. Here, I use my English is designed to improve the standard of English. So if I have any technical and grammatical mistakes, please give me your propose, I will thanks for you.  
  Why we used the automated testing tools? You know, when we use manual testing, we will hard to repeat, not always reliable, and costly and time consuming, so we using the automation to solve these problems. And if you are just beginning to use automated tools, you have to know what it can give you?
  Ok, you know after completing the using tools course, you will be able to: create a basic test by recording the steps of the business process, enhance basic test with synchronization and verification, parameterize test to run with multiple sets of data. create and reuse modular actions, and understand and use the object repository, create and use recovery scenarios. So one of biggest benefits of automated testing tools is that they can save you time if they are implemented properly.
  Now, let we talk about the automated testing framework. what is the automated testing framework? we know if we want recording a operation, the first we need set the address of record and operation; and secondly will add the property of object's; and then we record test scrīpts and repeat its, in these we need attention a importance -- add the checkpoint; The last to optimized its.  But the fact so is by no means simple. Basing an automated testing effort on using only a capture tool such as IBM Rational Robot to record and play back test cases has its drawbacks. Running complex and powerful tests is time consuming and expensive when using only a capture tool. Because these tests are created ad hoc, their functionality can be difficult to track and reproduce, and they can be costly to maintain.

  A better choice for an automated testing team that's just getting started might be to use a test automation framework, defined as a set of assumptions, concepts, and practices that constitute a work platform or support for automated testing.


TAG: 自动化测试





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  • 建立时间: 2006-12-11
  • 更新时间: 2007-12-17


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