
上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-02-05 17:38:38 / 个人分类:english

j:y(c`"~0The conditional is formed using themodal"would" in front of an infinitive (dropping the word "to"). The conditional is used especially in three contexts:51Testing软件测试网O!@:ST}o6@\

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1) Politeness51Testing软件测试网jY[:~0C'~({O

  • Iwould likethe menu, please.
  • Wouldyouhavea couple of minutes for me?
51Testing软件测试网|Q/?7zu3M K%x`

2) To indicate the "future within the past":51Testing软件测试网rjw ] H!ZUF

  • She said shewould cometo the party.
  • I thought hewould arrivebefore me.

3) In hypothetical constructions with "if." When "if" is followed by the preterit or the subjunctive, the conditional is expected in the second clause:

  • If I had the time, Iwould domy homework.
  • If you told me the truth, Iwould believeyou.

    g~ `G0JV0The "if" of hypothetical expressions can be implicit:

    NxmF.uQq a0
  • In your position (= if I were you), Iwouldn't havestayed.51Testing软件测试网 b&B I5l(o4w1I'J%P(\


TAG: english




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