
上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-02-02 18:44:14 / 个人分类:english

51Testing软件测试网 @3s#c'w.G#`~

1.prepareto takeoffice

'X(I\(|[mAl?051Testing软件测试网6o;Q TF6v

准备上任51Testing软件测试网 UCt$a)C;nT

51Testing软件测试网&B s`0wz(wOo

2.compared to fifty-three percentnationally [adv] 全国性的


7c[~P%^Cl$wp(w03. Another quality that people often look for is the ability toresist dry periods. Lantana is an example of a populardrought-resistantplant.51Testing软件测试网Ld:qV"yP;A

p#DgBU`04.Where people live canlimit the choicesfortheir gardens. The United States is a huge country with all kinds of weather conditions,from desert heat to arctic cold51Testing软件测试网E |U0A2i.q TI

D(nv[.pn05.In a recession, people often "trade down." They buy alower-priced versionof a product to save money. Home gardeners are no different.


;nlwL5Uo)AfIS06.people still want flowers even if they do nothave much to spend. To save money, they may buysmall bedding plants instead of more costly plants or trees.51Testing软件测试网!o0s/thI

yB'M8@;b`;U ]o07.Floridawas close behind 佛罗里达是紧随其后

uE;W,BA_.C051Testing软件测试网af/k2D#Y/W yxZ

8.the latest yearavailable

6b)`m;u_#A:R)S051Testing软件测试网f*K(C7wl4Je y

9. fourmoreindividuals51Testing软件测试网9A,l[?aw}C

DmzZ}2R!]A7v010.mental health treatment


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