Exist Returns True Even When The Object Does Not Exists

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Exist Returns True Even When The Object Does Not Exists

December 21, 2008 7:27 AM

Checking Exist property for a Test object might return True even when the object is not present on the screen. Though this is not an issue with QTP but there could be 2 possible reasons behind this. This article walks through both the reasons in details

Root Cause #1 – Smart identification being used to identify the object

My article “Is Smart Identification really smart?” explains this issue in great details.

Root Cause #2 – Element is hidden using Cascading style. sheets (CSS)

This is what we will look into in detail. There are 3 different ways of hiding a element on a web page

  • Method 1 – Element hidden using display

In this the element is hidden using the CSS display property. Below HTML code and preview show a demo of the same


<label id="hiddenMessageDisplay" style="color:blue">This message is hidden using CSS display property</label>

<input nclick="if(this.value=='Show message'){this.value='Hide message';document.getElementById('hiddenMessageDisplay').style.display=''}else{this.value='Show message';document.getElementById('hiddenMessageDisplay').style.display='none'}" name="btnhiddenMessageDisplay" type="button" value="Hide message" />

HTML preview

This message is hidden using CSS display property

Since the object exist in the HTML source code QTP Exist method will return true even if the element is not being displayed. To check the visibility of the element we can use code 3 different approaches

Set Elm = Browser("B").Page("P").WebElement("This message is hidden using CSS display property")

If oElm.object.currentStyle.display="none" Then

    Msgbox "Object is hidden"


    Msgbox "Object is visible"

End if

    • The above code only compatible with Internet explorer as QTP supports the object property only for IE. Though there are 2 workarounds to test the same in Firefox.
    • 2nd Approach

This approach uses the fact that x,y, width and height of a element hidden using display:none is zero.

Set Elm = Browser("B").Page("P").WebElement("This message is hidden using CSS display property")

Dim x,y, width, height

x = oElm.GetROProperty("x")

y = oElm.GetROProperty("y")

width = oElm.GetROProperty("width")

height = oElm.GetROProperty("height")

If x=0 And y=0 And width=0 And height=0 Then

    Msgbox "Object is hidden"


    Msgbox "Object is visible"

End if

This approach gets the style. property of element and looks for display:none in the style.

Set Elm = Browser("B").Page("P").WebElement("This message is hidden using CSS display property")

If InStr(oElm.GetROProperty("attribute/style"),"display:none") Then

    Msgbox "Object is hidden"


    Msgbox "Object is visible"

End if

The best way to check for CSS related is property is to use IE browser and use the .object property to access currentStyle. object.

  • Method 2 – Element hidden using visibility

In this the element is hidden using the visibility attribute of CSS. The below HTML code and preview shows the same

<label id="hiddenMessageVisibility" style="color:red;">This message is hidden using CSS visibility property</label>

<input nclick="if(this.value=='Show message'){this.value='Hide message';document.getElementById('hiddenMessageVisibility').style.visibility=''}else{this.value='Show message';document.getElementById('hiddenMessageVisibility').style.visibility='hidden'}" name="btnhiddenMessageVisibility" type="button" value="Hide message" />

HTML preview

This message is hidden using CSS visibility property

The difference in hiding a object using display and visibility is that when a object is hidden using visibility the object will have the actual position and occupy space on the page. While display:none will totally hide the element. Playing with the 2 HTML previews will make thing clear. This can be tested using 1st and 3rdapproach discussed in Method 1

  • Method 3 – Element hidden using class

In this method two different stylesheet class are created, one for hidden and one for visible elements. When the visibility needs to be changed for a element the class is changed. Element are hidden using Method1 or Method2 only in CSS class.

<label id="messageClass" class="messageVisibile">This message is hidden using class property</label>

<input nclick="if(this.value=='Show message'){this.value='Hide message';document.getElementById('messageClass').className='messageVisible'}else{this.value='Show message';document.getElementById('messageClass').className='messageHidden'}" name="btnmessageClass" type="button" value="Hide message" />

HTML preview

This message is hidden using class property

This can be tested using Approach 1 discussed in Method 1. We can also check for the class value and see it is the one of the hidden one’s or not.

Set Elm = Browser("B").Page("P").WebElement("This message is hidden using CSS display property")

If oElm.GetROProperty("class") = "messageHidden" Then

    Msgbox "Object is hidden"


    Msgbox "Object is visible"

End if

This approach is very much implementation specific and should be avoided if possible.







« 2024-05-07  


  • 访问量: 1108
  • 日志数: 2
  • 建立时间: 2013-03-03
  • 更新时间: 2013-04-08


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