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Selenium 中如何自动记录测试结果

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-06-27 17:46:02 / 个人分类:16.开源技术 & 开源文化

     摘要: Selenium can't actually write to a file directly. In "auto" mode, 51Testing软件测试网.An0OEw;Q+W;T2|F{
Selenium will POST results to a URL, where it expects to find a "results
j6~e&X-dUFK;[0handler". The default URL is "/postResults". So, you need to implement
6t] ]%^P0a "results handler" (typically a CGI-script, Java servlet, or similar),
E\ Lq"`5^\8I#w0and arrange for it to be "mounted" at "http://yourserver/postResults"
(w Z(S({)@C!Q0(see the Selenium manual for details of what data gets POSTed). Your
v*m3pX7_MD0handler can record the result data however you wish; wr  阅读全文51Testing软件测试网3B&e~5Jh$~.p!B

Jackei 2007-03-19 17:50 发表评论

eM ?3X ?W }2Y"O#Yg0Link URL: http://www.cnblogs.com/jackei/archive/2007/03/19/680148.html





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