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〔转贴〕Good ways to interrupt in a meeting

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-06-27 17:45:13 / 个人分类:15.英语学习

Some tips in the daily work. 51Testing软件测试网vc Vzwdnj

When you want to interrupt somebody in a meeting, you can use any of the following sentences. 51Testing软件测试网1QxQw^,mZP5~

1.         I'm sorry to interrupt, but may I interject?


2.         Excuse me for interrupting, but I'd like to ask a question? 51Testing软件测试网&OZzO L)c

3.         Pardon me, but may I say something? 51Testing软件测试网s I lkI@6z0]["BR{_

4.         Sorry, but I have something to add.




As the driver of the meeting, you can agree to interrupt or not. 51Testing软件测试网*_B4z^ P4hZ$]6t

1.         Just a moment, please.


2.         May I finish, please?

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3.         Sure


4.         Of course 51Testing软件测试网!x cgTV i}~ l

5.         Go ahead

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While the interrupt is complete, you should come back to your topic.

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1.         As I was saying, 51Testing软件测试网1qYc(Q(w t%N

2.         To get back to my point


3.         If I could finish what I was saying 51Testing软件测试网)xvX2k3x&`E1b

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Jackei 2006-03-12 14:08 发表评论

vZ4du1W+a;F D/Yf0Link URL: http://www.cnblogs.com/jackei/archive/2006/03/12/348352.html





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