靠着 51testing 论坛管理员“风在吹”同志和一位不知名MM的辛勤工作,我的 blog 终于完成 CNBlogs 和 51testing-blog 的同步。亲爱的同志,我要请你们吃饭 ^_^

What's Syslog?

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-06-27 17:40:09 / 个人分类:11.计算机网络

Syslog is a service for logging data. In UNIX, regular programs do not log any information; they send all data to a syslog server that saves data in a log file. One example is a web server that sends data over the computers that connects to the server and sends error messages for web pages that it could not locate. Messages to a syslog server can also be sent over the network. Syslog uses the UDP protocol. A syslog server listens to port 514 for syslog messages.
Jackei 2006-03-09 13:48 发表评论

Link URL: http://www.cnblogs.com/jackei/archive/2006/03/09/346373.html





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