
上一篇 / 下一篇  2012-07-10 17:59:08 / 个人分类:QTP



Option Explicit
'Declaretion and Initialization
Dim intItemCount               
Dim intRdmSelect
Dim strTotalPrice
Dim intTimeCount
Dim intOrderNo
' In order to get a changeable date and  satisfy the special   format
Dim strCurrentDate,strMyDate,strLastDate,strType
strCurrentDate=date                                                                      'get the current date
strMyDate=split(strCurrentDate,"/",-1,1)                                        'Intercept  the date string to an array
strType=strMyDate(2) mod 400                                                       'setup an temporary  Parameter to  Distinguish the Leap year
strMyDate(2)=mid(strMyDate(2),3,2)                                               'return two characters from the strMyDate(2)
strMyDate(1)=strMyDate(1)+1                                                            'set up a new day

Select Case strMyDate(0)
 Case "2"
  Select Case strType
  'Distinguish the Leap year
  Case "0"
   Select Case strMyDate(1)
   Case "30"
    strMyDate(0)=strMyDate(0)+1  'set  up a new month
   End Select
  'if it's  February and   not  a leap year,then it has 28 days
  Case else
   Select Case strMyDate(1)
   Case "29"
   End Select
  End Select

 'Distinguish the month which has 31 days
 Case "1" or "3" or "5" or "7" or"8" or"10"
  Select Case strMyDate(1)
  Case "32"
  End Select

 'Distinguish the month which has  only 30 days
 Case "4" or "6" or "9" or "11"
  Select Case strMyDate(1)
  Case "31"
  End Select

 'if  it's  the last day of December, set up to the next year
 Case "12"
  Select Case strMyDate(1)
  Case "32"
  End Select

 End Select

If (strMyDate(0)<10 and strMyDate(1)<10) Then

 elseif (strMyDate(0)<10 and strMyDate(1)>=10)  then

      elseif(strMyDate(0)>=10 and strMyDate(1)<10 ) then

 elseif(strMyDate(0)>=10 and strMyDate(1)>=10)  then
End If
Window("Flight Reservation").WinMenu("Menu").Select "File;New Order"
Window("Flight Reservation").ActiveX("MaskEdBox").Type strLastDate
Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly From:").Select DataTable("fly_from", dtLocalSheet)
Window("Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("Fly To:").Select DataTable("fly_to", dtLocalSheet)
Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("FLIGHT").Click

'get  the number of  the select items
intItemCount=Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Flights Table").WinList("From").GetROProperty("items count")

'get the random number to select
intRdmSelect=RandomNumber(0, intItemCount-1)
Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Flights Table").WinList("From").Select (intRdmSelect)
Window("Flight Reservation").Dialog("Flights Table").WinButton("OK").Click
Window("Flight Reservation").WinEdit("Name:").Set "test"&RandomNumber(1, 100)

Window("Flight Reservation").WinRadioButton("First").SetToProperty "text","Business"
Window("Flight Reservation").WinRadioButton("First").Set
Window("Flight Reservation").WinEdit("Tickets:").Set RandomNumber(1, 10)

'Verify the relation between the price and total price
strTotalPrice=window("Flight Reservation").WinEdit("Price:").GetROProperty("text")* window("Flight Reservation").WinEdit("Tickets:").GetROProperty("text")
If strTotalPrice=window("Flight Reservation").WinEdit("Total:").GetROProperty("text") then
 Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify" ,"tickets total price is right. And the price is "&strTotalPrice
  reporter.ReportEvent micFail,"Verify" ,"tickets total price is wrong,the expected price  is"&strTotalPrice &" and the actual price is"&window("Flight Reservation").WinEdit("Total:").GetROProperty("text")
end if

 Window("Flight Reservation").WinButton("Insert Order").Click
' loop until the  “Insert Done…” text in the status bar
     wait 1
     If intTimeCount>60 Then
  Exit do
     End If
Loop until Window("Flight Reservation").ActiveX("Threed Panel Control").GetROProperty("text")="Insert Done..."

'Verify the orderNo
intOrderNo=Window("Flight Reservation").WinEdit("Order No:").GetROProperty("text")

If intOrderNo<>0 Then
 Reporter.ReportEvent micPass,"Verify" ,"order tickets successfully with Order No is"& intOrderNo 
 Reporter.ReportEvent micFai,"Verify" ,"order tickets failed,the order number  is null"
Call Exittest
End If
DataTable("OrderNo",dtGlobalSheet)=intOrderNo              'put  the intOrderNo  to the global sheet


















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