iscsi-target help文件

上一篇 / 下一篇  2011-06-21 14:22:04 / 个人分类:搜集总结

--op new --tid=[id] --params Name=[name]
                        add a new target with [id]. [id] must not be zero.
  --op new --tid=[id] --lun=[lun] --params Path=[path]
                        add a new logical unit with [lun] to specific
                        target with [id]. The logical unit is offered
                        to the initiators. [path] must be block device files
                        (including LVM and RAID devices) or regular files.
  --op new --tid=[id] --user --params=[user]=[name],Password=[pass]
                        add a new account with [pass] for specific target.
                        [user] could be [IncomingUser] or [OutgoingUser].
                        [pass] should be >= 12 charactors.
                        If you don't specify a target (omit --tid option),
                        you add a new account for discovery sessions.
  --op new --tid=[id] --lun=[lun] --iotype=[ro|wb] --user --params=[user]=[name]
                        add a relation ship between a account and [lun] for specific target.
                        [lun] should be >= 1, actually <=254.
                        [iotype] could be [ro] or [wb], which spcified
                         the user has the right as read only or read write on the lun.
                        [user] could be [IncomingUser] or [OutgoingUser].
                        here, only 1 wb user and 4 ro user are allowed on a single [lun].
  --op delete
                        stop all activity.
  --op delete --tid=[id]
                        delete specific target with [id]. The target must
                        have no active sessions.
  --op delete --tid=[id] --lun=[lun]
                        delete specific logical unit with [lun] that
                        the target with [id] has.
  --op delete --tid=[id] --user --params=[user]=[name]
                        delete specific account having [name] of specific target.
                        [user] could be [IncomingUser] or [OutgoingUser].
                        If you don't specify a target (omit --tid option),
                        you delete the account for discovery sessions.
  --op delete --tid=[id] --lun=[lun] --user --params=[user]=[name]
                        delete user's relation ship on [lun].
                        [lun] should be >= 1, actually <=254.
                        [user] could be [IncomingUser] or [OutgoingUser].
  --op delete --tid=[id] --sid=[sid] --cid=[cid]
                        delete specific connection with [cid] in a session
                        with [sid] that the target with [id] has.
                        If the session has no connections after
                        the operation, the session will be deleted
  --op update --tid=[id] --user --params=[user]=[name],Password=[pass]
                        update the user's [pass].
                        [pass] should be >= 12 charactors.
  --op update --tid=[id] --lun=[lun] --iotype=[ro|wb] --user --params=[user]=[name]
                        update the user's iotype on [lun].
  --op update --tid=[id] --params=key1=value1,key2=value2,...
                        change iSCSI IET target parameters of specific
                        target with [id]. You can use parameters in ietd.conf
                        as a key.
  --op update --tid=[id] --redirect=[dest]
                        redirect login to target with tid [id] to portal
                        [dest]. Discovery sessions will not be impacted,
                        but normal sessions will be redirected before
                        security negotiation. The destination should be
                        specified using the format:
                        IPv6 addresses need to be enclosed in [] brackets
                        To clear, provide an empty string
  --op show --tid=[id]
                        show target parameters of target with [id].
  --op show --tid=[id] --user
                        show list of Discovery (--tid omitted / id=0 (zero))
                        or target CHAP accounts.
  --op show --tid=[id] --user --params=[user]=[name]
                        show CHAP account information. [user] can be
                        "IncomingUser" or "OutgoingUser". If --tid is
                        omitted / id=0 (zero), [user] is treated as Discovery
  --op show --tid=[id] --sid=[sid]
                        show iSCSI parameters in effect for session [sid]. If
                        [sid] is "0" (zero), the configured parameters
                        will be displayed.
  --version             display version and exit
  --help                display this help and exit







« 2024-04-24  


  • 访问量: 8672
  • 日志数: 7
  • 文件数: 2
  • 建立时间: 2011-06-21
  • 更新时间: 2011-07-01


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