上一篇 / 下一篇  2013-09-14 14:41:13 / 个人分类:数据库


create table people(
peopleId number(38,0),
peopleName varchar2(64),
peopleAge number(38,0));

truncate table people1;

delete from table people1;

drop table people1;


insert into people values (1001,'zhuol',20);
insert into people values (1002,'abin',22);
insert into people values (1003,'zzl',26);
insert into people values (1003,'gege',32);

select * from people;

select max(peopleage),min(peopleage),avg(peopleage),sum(peopleage) from people;

update people set peopleage=22 where peopleid=1003;

select distinct * from people where peopleage in (select peopleage from people group by peopleage having count(peopleage)>1);

select peopleage from people group by peopleage;

select peopleage from people group by peopleage having count(peopleage)>1;

select distinct * from people where peopleId in (select peopleId from people group by peopleId having COUNT(peopleId)>1);


select * from people where peopleId in (select peopleId from people group by peopleId having COUNT(peopleId)>1);

select count(peopleid),peopleid from people group by peopleid  having count(peopleid)>1;

--查询peopleid是1003的记录个数,group by 分组,having 限制分组显示结果:

having 中的条件一般对集合函数进行比较,除此之外一般的条件应该写到where子句


效率底:(having 只对检索出所有纪录后对结果集进行过滤)

select count(*),peopleid from people group by peopleid having peopleid=1001;


select count(*),peopleid from people where peopleid=1001 group by peopleid;


select peopleid,max(peopleage) from people group by peopleid;

select max(peopleage),min(peopleage),avg(peopleage),peopleid from people group by  peopleid order by max(peopleage);

select peopleid,peoplename,peopleage from people where peopleage in (select max(peopleage) from people);

--修改表alter table 增加,删除,修改表列的方法:
alter table people add (address varchar2(64));
alter table people modify (address varchar2(60));
alter table people drop column address;
rename pe to people;
select * from people where address is null;
desc people;
savepoint a;
update people set address='湖南' where peopleid=1001;
rollback to a;  --则会恢复到原保存点

select t2.* from
(select t1.*,rownum rn from
 (select * from people) t1
 where rownum<=3) t2 where rn>=2;
select t1.* from (select people.* ,rownum rn from people where rownum <=3) t1 where rn >=2;
select t1.* from (select people.*,rownum rn from people) t1 where rn>=2 and rn<=3;

select * from people;

--drop table people;

savepoint a;
update people set peoplename='gege' where peoplename='zzl';

select a.* from people a where (a.peopleid,a.peoplename) in (select peopleid,peoplename from people group by peopleid,peoplename having count(*)>1)
and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from people group by peopleid,peoplename having count(*)>1);


select * from people a where a.rowid > (select min(b.rowid) from people b where b.peopleage=a.peopleage);

delete from people a where (a.peopleid,a.peoplename) in (select peopleid,peoplename from people group by peopleid,peoplename having count(*)>1)
and rowid not in (select min(rowid) from people group by peopleid,peoplename having count(*)>1);


delete from people a where a.rowid > (select min(b.rowid) from people b where b.peopleage=a.peopleage);

--rowid 标记记录的物理位置,是不变的,rownum记录行号,是变化的。
select rowid,people.* from people;

rollback to a;

insert into people (peopleid,peoplename,peopleage,address) (select peopleid,peoplename,peopleage,address from people);

select * from people order by peopleid desc;

select * from people where peoplename like 'g%';

create procedure haha
    insert into people values(1002,'zzm',42,'深圳');
execute haha

drop procedure haha;



select instanceid,resourceid,instancename,hostname from tics_pso_instance where instanceid in (select instanceid from tinstance_nic where ipaddress='');
select t.instanceid,t.resourceid,t.instancename,t.hostname from tics_pso_instance t where exists (select * from tinstance_nic n where t.instanceid=n.instanceid and ipaddress='');
--表连接 更更高效
select t.instanceid,t.resourceid,t.instancename,t.hostname from tics_pso_instance t,tinstance_nic n where t.instanceid=n.instanceid and ipaddress='';

su - oracle -c "expuserid=$oracle_user/$oracle_pwd@$oracle_sidtables=TDATASTORE_HOST,TDATASTORE,TINSTANCE file=/home/oracle/$(basename $0).dmp indexes=y rows=y compress=y grants=y direct=y buffer=409600 log=/home/oracle/$(basename $0).log"


su - oracle -c "impuserid=$oracle_user/$oracle_pwd@$oracle_sidfile=/home/oracle/$(basename $0).dmp fromuser=$oracle_user touser=$oracle_user ignore=y buffer=409600 commit=y log=/home/oracle/$(basename $0).log"

set line 156;
set pagesize 200;
col tablespace_name for a24;
col file_name for a56;
col bytes for 9,999,999,999;
set line 156;
select sum(bytes)/(1024*1024) as free_space,tablespace_name from dba_free_space   group by tablespace_name;
select sum(bytes)/(1024*1024) as free_space from dba_free_space where tablespace_name='C3PMIDX';
select tablespace_name,file_name,bytes/1024/1024,autoextensible from dba_data_files where TABLESPACE_NAME='VPX';
alter database datafile '/home/oracle/c3db/C3PMIDX.dbf' resize 600M
alter database datafile '/home/oracle/c3db/vcenter.dbf' autoextend on;
 select * from v$tablespace
select open_mode from v$database;
show parameter control_files





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