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微软与Test Architect

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-11-07 00:35:07 / 个人分类:测试架构师的日常工作

  首先申明没有对微软团队有偏见,只是认为:微软总部应该对中国团队更信任,更开放些。最近就windows7中国团队开发2个核心模块的新闻,我们内部有一个讨论。新闻中谈到的2个核心模块之一自诊断模块,在我们这里定义为可测试性模块。可测试性模块是产品设计中的重要模块之一,但是无法在重要模块中优先级排到上半区。微软总部还没有把一个操作系统产品中最重要的内存管理,进程管理,任务管理,文件管理,可靠性模块放到中国来,不知需要多久微软中国的工程师才能有机会做到真正产品中优先级上半区的核心模块。由此我想到微软在美国有几十个测试架构师,但为什么现在中国工程院已有上千人,按微软二百五十分之一的比例,至少中国工程院也应该有45名测试架构师,来中国领导微软的测试工程师在系统的测试技术之路上发展,成为标杆。也许是我见识少,目前不但还没看到关于微软中国工程院测试架构师的报道,也没有看到美国微软的华人测试架构师。看到微软测试最多的报道都是关于自动化测试和测试工具的内容,这样会很容易导致国内的测试界误认为测试活动的技术方向只有自动化测试和测试工具。实际上在测试知识世界中自动化测试和测试工具所占比例不到50%,鉴于微软在国内大多数人心目中标杆地位,希望微软内部的朋友们能在测试工具和自动化测试之外,多分享一些测试“软技术”的信息。51Testing软件测试网}$y ^+] M9G4{4N$V

下面是微软美国Test Architect的信息(来自google)51Testing软件测试网P&GTc.W/~#s*D

Bj Rollison spoke about his experiences in sixteen years as a Microsoft test architect. He jokingly refered to Microsoft as a „whore house“: „We all know that it is there, some of us know better what is going on, most of us don’t“. Therefore he wanted to present some details….


Bj Rollison teaches more than 500 testers per year and is on a couple of universities’ advisory boards. The main message of his speech:Software Test is much more than just finding bugs, it is also about design and analysis. Quote: „The value of Software Testing is the ability to prevent defects, accurately evaluate business critical product attributes and capabilities and adequately identify and analyse potential risks.”51Testing软件测试网H x"yOL.E ^"s



http://sqa.fyicenter.com/art/What-is-a-test-architect.html51Testing软件测试网|[T g#eZ-l

what is a test architect. One answer is that it's a fancy title for an experienced tester. AtMicrosoft, we try to avoid this definition, and instead describe test architect as a senior test role with wide strategic scope.That's the short answer. 51Testing软件测试网/s-z)`,e&hx
Here's the long answer. 


There is no typical test architect role.Test architects focus on a diverse set of goals and perform. a wide variety of tasks.Some spend time developing testing infrastructure, test authoring frameworks, or evaluating features in order to create complex tests. Some are in charge of a particular technology for their group. Others spend time consulting on how to improve test effectiveness.The common thread across all test architect roles and the primary responsibility of atest architect is to provide technical leadership and strategic direction for their testing organization.It is also expected that in addition to accountability to the current product, that senior test architects will consistently look beyond the current release and may have several deliverables not tied to a particular product release. 
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A test architect has in-depth knowledge of a variety of testing techniques and methodologies used both inside and outside of Microsoft. They often provide technical assistance and/or advice to the test Manager. The test architect often takes on some leadership roles typically associated with the test manager. For example, while test managers certainly will implement change to grow their teams, the test architect is frequently the individual who provides technical leadership and strategic direction for their organization. 
qAc1UP.|i0A test architect is expected to be able to affect change not only across the testing community, but between other engineering disciplines as well. Test architects must drive quality across all disciplines, providing guidance, feedback, and suggestions to improve quality practices across an entire engineering team. 51Testing软件测试网)oPmu^lzD}
While a few test architects may be focused on a specific problem or improvement, the
goal for the test architect investment should be long-term improvement of the organization testing process and growth.Senior test leaders, when faced with an urgent problem or situation in need of quick improvement can typically find a solution.Broad or recurring issues, however, may require a test architect. The test architect should be thinking long-term and laying out a path for solving big issues over a long period and not focused on fighting daily fires.The test architect must be focused on defining the testing process and setting the test team up for continued success.51Testing软件测试网p`5Z*j K x


Test Architect, Bing51Testing软件测试网Pxx#t`

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Job Category: Software Engineering: Test 51Testing软件测试网-`] S WE}h
 United States, WA,Redmond 51Testing软件测试网+{:E!qF J n$I8D%G'q7f
Job ID:
@8a@F#Z |v0Product:
vHW{*_$j K2N/E0Division:
 Online Services Division

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We are looking for a test architect to help deliver world class infrastructure by developing effective test strategies, test tools and breakthrough test technologies. 51Testing软件测试网&v;N[b5B\cQ*|@
Responsibilities51Testing软件测试网6S$c x1L@f^k#xE
Design and implement the test engineering system for functional, performance, scalability and stress testing for Bing infrastructure team51Testing软件测试网%w ~ aU6\F$n&S7@
Advance the state of the art of large scale distributed systems by developing new test techniques and tools for testing
eu'xcu#|$A0Understand customer pain points and testability challenges to influence product design
:?"C)l!l|UF7{;s0Work with test managers to define, guide and drive testing strategies for Autopilot, Cosmos and Data mining feature teams51Testing软件测试网%[%W D~k
Coach and influence highly motivated individual contributors and leads
W7n _-gW0Qualification51Testing软件测试网{ d5AyFdwE
Shipped multiple large commercial software products or online services as senior dev or test individual contributor51Testing软件测试网F%hx(EXtys
Excellent analytical, design, implementation and testing skills
Ff7Oa:MUy0Ability to influence all engineering disciplines on quality and product strategy decisions51Testing软件测试网ax cNs D$TqWS
Ability to experiment sophisticated algorithms and statistical models51Testing软件测试网&@A%ur[*xHS$dy
Experience in distributed system testing and data mining experience is a big plus
[3B#x5Wv yq!u"@0M.S. in computer engineering/science is desired.

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引用 删除 lydia11   /   2010-04-12 18:08:54
测试人生 引用 删除 mexia   /   2009-11-10 15:20:52



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