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老外讨论自动化测试开发(框架驱动 五)

上一篇 / 下一篇  2011-01-07 17:12:18 / 个人分类:转载

Framework-driven approach


For a while, the framework discussion turned into an extended discussion of the design of a procedural language, and of good implementation practices when using a procedural language. We grew tired of this, felt that other people had tackled this class of problem before, and we edited out most of this discussion from our agreements list. Ive skipped most of the remaining points along these lines. Here are a few framework-specific suggestions:



22. The degree to which you can develop a framework depends on the size / sophistication of your staff. (Consensus).


23. When you are creating a framework, be conscious of what level you are creating functions at. For example, you could think in terms of operating at one of three levels:



menu/command level, executing simple commands;菜单/命令级,执行简单命令

object level, performing actions on specific things;对象级,对具体事物实行操作

task level, taking care of specific, commonly-repeated tasks.任务级,负责具体的经常反复执行的任务


You might find it productive to work primarily at one level, adding test cases for other levels only when you clearly need them.



There are plenty of other ways to define and split levels. Analyze the task in whatever way is appropriate. The issue here is that you want to avoid randomly shifting from creating very simple tests to remarkably long, complex ones. (Consensus)


24. Scripts loaded into the framework’s function library should generally contain error checking. (Consensus)



This is good practice for any type of programming, but it is particularly important for test code because we expect the program that we’re testing to be broken, and we want to see the first symptoms of a failure in order to make reporting and troubleshooting easier.



25. When creating shared library commands, there are risks in dealing with people’s differing programming and documentation styles. People will not use someone else’s code if they are not comfortable with it.(Consensus)



26. Beware of "saving time" when you create a scripts by circumventing your library. Similarly, beware of not creating a library. (Consensus)



The library is an organized repository for shared functions. If a function is too general, and requires the user to pass it a huge number of parameters, some programmers (testers who are doing automation) will prefer to use their own special-purpose shorter version. Some programmers in a hurry simply won’t bother checking what’s in the library. Some programmers won’t trust the code in the library because they think (perhaps correctly) that most of it is untested and buggy.


27. It is desirable to include test parameters in data files such as .ini files, settings files, and configuration files rather than as constants embedded into the automation script. or into the file that contains the script. (Consensus)



28. Wrappers are a good thing. Use them as often as reasonably possible. (Consensus)包裹是一个好东西。要尽可能多的合理使用它们。






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  • 访问量: 16733
  • 日志数: 32
  • 建立时间: 2010-09-08
  • 更新时间: 2011-08-11


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