[原创] SilkTest问题与回答 第一部分--中英文对照翻译

上一篇 / 下一篇  2011-01-27 05:09:26 / 个人分类:原创翻译

1. What is the Silk Testing Methodology?
什么是silk 测试方式
silk testing methodology is a six-phase testing process:
--Plan - Determine the testing strategy and define specific test requirements.
--Capture - Classify the GUI objects in your application and build a framework for running your tests.
--Create - Create automated, reusable tests. Use recording and/ or programming to build test scripts written in 4Test language.
--Run - Select specific tests and execute them against the AUT.
--Report - Analyze test results and generate defect reports.
--Track - Track defects in the AUT and perform. regression testing.

2. What is SilkTest Host?
Silktest host是什么
SilkTest Host is a SilkTest component that manages and executes test scripts. SilkTest Host usually runs on a separate machine different than the machine where AUT (Application Under Test) is running.
Silktest主机是silktest的部件,此部件管理和执行测试脚本。Silktest host通常运行在一个与运行被测程序机器不同的另外一个的机器上。

3. What is SilkTest Agent?
SilkTest Agent is a SilkTest component that receives testing commands from the SilkTest Host and interacts with AUT (Application Under Test) directly. SilkTest Agent usually runs on the same machine where AUT is running.
Silktest agent是一个silktest的部件,用于接收来自silk test host的测试命令,并且和AUT(在被测试的程序)直接交互。Silktest agent通常运行和被测试的程序运行于同一个机器上。

4. What is 4Test?
4Test is a test scripting language used by SilkTest to compose test scripts to perform. automated tests. 4Test is an object-oriented fourth-generation language. It consists of 3 sets of functionalities:
4test是silktest使用的一个测试脚语言本,用于编辑可执行自动测试的测试脚本。4test是一个面对对象的第4代语言, 其包括3套个功能
--A robust library of object-oriented classes and methods that specify how a testcase can interact with an application GUI objects.
--A set of statements, operators and data types that you use to introduce structure and logic to a recorded testcase.
一系列的statement, operator还有数据类型,你可以其用来把架构和逻辑导入至录制了的测试案例中
-- A library of built-in functions for performing common support tasks.

5. What is the DOM browser extension?
Document Object Model (DOM) browser extension is a SilkTest add-on component for testing Web applications. DOM browser extension communicates directly with the Web browser to recognize, categorize and manipulate objects on a Web page. It does this by working with the actual HTML code, rather than relying on the visual pattern recognition techniques currently employed by the Virtual Object (VO) extension.





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