关于自动测试软件测试Flex程序时遇到的"License not present"的问题

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-12-23 23:28:31 / 个人分类:Flex

Flex的silktest automation build早就放在服务器上好几周了。公司也早就招进了一个印度同事专职作silktest automation部分的测试。据他自己所说15年的QA经验3年的silktest的自动测试经验。他以前没有用过open agent,都是用的classic agent的,有经验就是有经验,比我们这些没有怎么用过silktest的QA,或者只有初级水平silktest的就是上手快。我看他边查helep 边写,据他自己说1周左右就差不多开始正式写script了。
每隔几天他就花半个小时,教我们一些工作上用得着的silktest基本知识,有的时候给我们出一两道练习题让我们做。我们也开始用automation build开始写script了。
“License not present. With trial version only limited replays are allowed”。 接着整个程序background变白,需要关闭IE Brower,然后重新开启登陆。
I get a "License not present. With trial version only limited replays are allowed" message.
The message that you see is not coming from RIATest.
You get this message because your application is compiled using the Trial version or Standard Edition of Flex/Flash Builder. You will need to compile the application using Flex Builder 3 Professional Edition or Flash Builder 4 Premium Edition.
This is not our limitation, it comes from Adobe.

QTP script. replay error: License not present. With the trial verison only limited replays are allowed.QTP 9.1 with Flex 3 beta plug in
When I playback a QTP script, I get a flex popup box: License not present. With the trial verison only limited replays are allowed.
Does anyone else have the same error? Any fixes?
Re: QTP script. replay error: License not present. With the trial verison only limited replays are allowed.
with trial version (FB basic) you can record/replay only 30 script. lines. You need to buy FB pro license to remove this restriction
这些都是其他flex自动测试软件遇到的同样license问题的,看来开发部还需要买一套FlexBuilder Pro来做automation的build。麻烦事还不少。





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