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01~‘QuickTest Professional Unplugged’Study Notes

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-12-03 00:16:49 / 个人分类:QTP

1. when should test automation be used?
* the test must be repeated very often
* the test's workflow and its validation evolve and change slowly over time
* the test validates a business process or workflow,rather than validating the look and feel,color,table,layout,etc.
* the test is very repetitive and has a lot of steps,and it's important that those step be performed ecactly the same way each time and where manual tester fatigue must be avoided.
* the testproduces results for a regulatory body that demands that those results be electronically recorded and archived as a formal evidence of compliance
* the test's pass/fail results are reasonably easy to determine and capture with the selected automation tool

2.the automated testing process.
* Choosing automation tool --> Proof of Concept --> Design --> Execution --> Debugging -->Create Test Case --> Result Analysis --> Maintenace


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