
Could not start application. Please see your system administrator

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-01-10 11:02:39 / 个人分类:ClearQuest

在使用CQ-Web登录系统后出现了Could not start application. Please see your system administrator的提示信息,无奈之下放狗搜了一把,问题产生的原因及对应的解决方案如下:



This technote explains possible solutions to the error "Could not start application. Please see your system administrator", when logging into the IBM® Rational® ClearQuest® Web interface. This solution only applies to ClearQuest versions 2003.06.12 and earlier, that used the Microsoft® Windows® IIS server.



Improper setup and configuration of the IIS server can cause errors when connecting to the ClearQuest® Web interface. The full text of the error is:

Could not start application.
Please see your system administrator
Error message:
Error #-2147024890: ShowText - EventLog message failure in CLEARQUEST.WEBUTIL.1


Could not start application.
Please see your system administrator
Error message:
Error #-2147023394: ShowText - EventLog message failure in CLEARQUEST.WEBUTIL.1



There are numerous issues that are known to cause this issue.

  • Group Membership:
    Verify the IUSR_<machine_name> account use by ClearQuest under the IIS manager is not a member of the group "Guest". Guest membership is known to restrict access permission's, which can prevent the ClearQuest web from working correctly. TheClearQuest Administrators Guidespecifies that the IUSR account should only be a member of the "Users" group.
  • Incorrect IUSR password
    Reset the password for the IUSR account. If the password has been reset, or is incorrect, the ClearQuest web server will not start.
  • Event View logs are full
    Clear out the Event Viewer log. If the log files on the Windows® web server machine are full, the ClearQuest web server will not start.
    To clear the event log and restart the Web server:

1.     Go to:Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer

2.     Right click the System log and select Clear All Events.

3.     Right click the Application log and select Clear All Events.

4.     Right click the Security log and select Clear All Events.
NOTE:Selecting the "Over write as necessary option may help prevent the logs from becoming full" .

  • IIS Version
    These versions of ClearQuest where only supported on IIS versions 4 and 5.

TAG: ClearQuest





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  • 日志数: 18
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  • 建立时间: 2006-12-27
  • 更新时间: 2007-08-08


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