

上一篇 / 下一篇  2006-12-28 20:48:33 / 个人分类:性能测试


Using Badboy with JMeter

While Badboy offers some elementary load testing features, to do real stress testing you often need much more. Rather than trying to offer all of the features of a complete load testing product, Badboy integrates with a free, open source product called JMeter. JMeter is run by the Apache Software Foundation and is free and open source.

Badboy integrates with JMeter by letting you save your scrīpts in the JMeter file format so that you can open them and run them in JMeter. This support means that you can use Badboy to record your scrīpts to do functional testing, and then save the same scrīpt as a JMeter file to do performance testing using the full power of JMeter!

Exporting a scrīpt in JMeter format is very simple. Simply record your scrīpt and navigate to File->Export to JMeter


There are, unfortunately some limitations to Badboy's JMeter support. These limitations exist because the features of JMeter and Badboy do not exactly match each other and in some cases it is not possible to export items directly.

The following limitations should be noted:

  • Jscrīpt cannot be exported. JMeter cannot run Jscrīpt because it does not have an embedded browser window. Jscrīpt items will be ignored in the scrīpt when you do your export.
  • Data sources are not exported. JMeter has its own concept to replace Data Sources. When you export your file, all of your variables will be created in JMeter as "User Parameters". You can, if you wish, provide a file for JMeter to read variable values from. Please read the JMeter help on the "HTTP User Parameter Modifier" to see how to do this.
  • Increments are not exported.JMeter does not use increments to modify variables. Rather, variables are automatically modified by the iteration of a loop and the presence of a User Parameter Modifier.
  • Navigations are not exported.Navigations also rely on having a browser window present and thus cannot be directly supported by JMeter. You can simulate them if you wish by using Jmeter features.
  • Assertions are not exported. Assertions will be added in a future release.

Important Note

Badboy's integration with JMeter is entirely supported by Badboy Software. If you have issues with JMeter support, please find help from Badboy's support channels (for example, theBadboy Forum). Please do not bother the JMeter mailing lists with Badboy questions!

Badboy 是一款专门为动态应用开发的强大的测试工具.Badboy 提供了Web测试所需的完整且强大的功能, 同时提供了简单的操作界面.通过Badboy录制的脚本可以转化为JMeter脚本,进行性能测试

TAG: 性能测试 Jmeter BadBoy

引用 删除 q23sd   /   2015-01-12 13:34:11




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  • 访问量: 24768
  • 日志数: 18
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  • 文件数: 2
  • 建立时间: 2006-12-27
  • 更新时间: 2007-08-08


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