我曾经听到这么一个故事: 一个年轻的程序员问一个老程序员(一个比较牛逼的公司的CTO) 年轻程序员: 你为什么这么牛X., 就好像没有你不会的。老程序员: 积累的。年轻程序员: 怎么才能积累到您的程度呢。我每天都在积累。但是似乎都没有感觉到进步。老程序员: 我从20岁开始做到了一件事情,直到今天,而且尽可能地保证不间断。年轻程序员: 到底是什么? 老程序员: 我每天保证自己有2个小时在学习新的东西。

Redhat Enterprise linux 6 - 4

上一篇 / 下一篇  2012-09-10 16:01:42 / 个人分类:linux

From http://www.unixmen.com/suspend-vs-hibernate-in-linux-what-is-the-difference/

Suspend VS hibernate in Linux, what is the difference?

Suspendstops operation of all applications andsystem state is saved in RAM, the machine go into a low-power mode, in this state, the system still requires power . Various triggers can resume the machine, among them pressing a key or quickly pressing and releasing the power button.

Command to suspend Computer/Laptop

sudo pm-suspend

HibernateMoves the contents of memoryinto swap,tells the bootloader to boot directly into the appropriate kernel, and shuts the machine down, in this state, the system does not require power. You turn on the machine by powering up, which causes the kernel to reload the contentsof memory from swap.

Command to Hibernate computer/ Laptop

sudo pm-hibernate

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