我曾经听到这么一个故事: 一个年轻的程序员问一个老程序员(一个比较牛逼的公司的CTO) 年轻程序员: 你为什么这么牛X., 就好像没有你不会的。老程序员: 积累的。年轻程序员: 怎么才能积累到您的程度呢。我每天都在积累。但是似乎都没有感觉到进步。老程序员: 我从20岁开始做到了一件事情,直到今天,而且尽可能地保证不间断。年轻程序员: 到底是什么? 老程序员: 我每天保证自己有2个小时在学习新的东西。

Fedora 播放音乐

上一篇 / 下一篇  2011-01-11 14:47:21

由于Fedora默认不安装mp3译码解码器,所以要在fedora听音乐,会提示需要安装:MPEG-1 Layer 3 (MP3) decoder,解决办法:
  1. Visit Fluendo Webshop and click on "Fluendo MP3 Decoder."
  2. Click on "Add to Cart" button and follow by "Checkout" button.
  3. Sign in either as a new customer or returning customer. Continue Checkout Procedure to confirm this order. After confirming your order, you can download the codec in various formats. The most comfortable option is RPM.(注册后即可下载)
  4. If you've downloaded the file as an RPM, just double-click and install it. Otherwise, extract the tarball and read the documenation/INSTALL.mp3.txt.
    $ ls
    $ tar -jxvf fluendo-mp3-1.i386.tar.bz2
    $ ls
    documentation fluendo-mp3-1.i386.tar.bz2 fluendo-mp3-i386
    $ cd fluendo-mp3-i386/
    $ ls
  5. Basically, you need to create a plugins directory under $HOME/.gstreamer-0.10 then copy the binary over.
    $ mkdir -p $HOME/.gstreamer-0.10/plugins
    $ cp libgstflump3dec.so $HOME/.gstreamer-0.10/plugins
    $ chcon --type=textrel_shlib_t $HOME/.gstreamer-0.10/plugins/*.so
    The last step may not be necessary if selinux is disabled.
  6. If selinux is enabled, make sure that executable stacks are enabled (seeSystem>Administration>SELinux Management>Boolean>Memory Protection>Allow unconfined executables to mark their stack executable).
  7. Now, you should be able to play MP3 files using GStreamer applications such as Totem Movie Player, Rhythmbox Music Player, Banshee Music player or the Elisa Media center.


Install mp3 decode on rhel6.
到http://www.fluendo.com/shop/product/fluendo-mp3-decoder/ 注册一个帐号,免费下解码包fluendo-mp3-14.x86_64.tar.bz2 (要通过邮箱收取链接地址)
# mkdir fluendo
# tar -xvf fluendo-mp3-14.x86_64.tar.bz2  -C fluendo
[root@yong fluendo]# cp -rf codecs/libgstflump3dec.so  /usr/lib64/gstreamer-0.10/
[root@yong fluendo]#  gst-inspect-0.10 | grep flu
flump3dec:  flump3dec: Fluendo MP3 Decoder (IPP build)





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