问自己今天是否比明天进步了 !

(转)Run erroe R.java Android 学习笔记 !

上一篇 / 下一篇  2011-07-26 09:03:16


Problem whenrun

[2010-09-26 16:07:56 - Test] ERROR: Unable to open class file D:\workspace\MJAndroid\gen\com\oreilly\helloworld\R.java: No such file or directory


1.After creating the Project, Right click the Project Folder within the Project Explorer on the Left Tab of Eclipse.

Click on Source->Format.

The Console will say:

[2010-11-24 11:57:42 - YourProject] R.java was modified manually! Reverting to generated version!

2. just move it to another file and eclipse will auto reconfigure a new one for you. This will work as you work through your project.

3. just restart the Eclipse IDE and everything will be fine

4. 1.-Open Eclipse 2.-Open Window/Preference 3.-Expand JAVA option 4.-Select Build Path 5.-Check the option "Projec"t and uncheck "folder" options 6.-Click on OK 7.-Restart eclipse IDE

5. Go to your "workspace" folder and make sure it's not "read-only"

6. Eclipse Menu > Projects > clean

7.go to Window/Preferences/Java/Build Path,select 'Folders' and change the output folder to 'gen' (this is where Android looks for the generated java files,but the default in eclipse is 'bin').

restart Eclipse





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