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PHP is a very fast programming language, but there is more to optimizing PHP than just speed of code execution.
php 是一个高效的语言,不过优化php不仅仅是优化程序的代码

In this chapter, we explain why optimizing PHP involves many factors which are not code related, and why tuning PHP requires an understanding of how PHP performs in relation to all the other subsystems on your server, and then identifying bottlenecks caused by these subsystems and fixing them. We also cover how to tune and optimize your PHP scrīpts so they run even faster.


Achieving High Performance

When we talk about good performance, we are not talking about how fast your PHP scrīpts will run. Performance is a set of tradeoffs between scalability and speed. scrīpts tuned to use fewer resources might be slower than scrīpts that perform caching, but more copies of the same scrīpt can be run at one time on a web server.
当我们谈及高性能时,我们不是谈论你的PHP脚本如何的快。性能是在资源占用和速度之间的折中。调整脚本去使用更少的资源会比使用更多的缓存要慢。但是可以有更多的拷贝同时在服务器上运行[就是我们常说的以资源换速度还是以速度换资源—by achieverain]

In the example below, A.php is a sprinter that can run fast, and B.php is a marathon runner than can jog forever at the nearly the same speed. For light loads, A.php is substantially faster, but as the web traffic increases, the performance of B.php only drops a little bit while A.php just runs out of steam.
在下面的例子中,A.php 是一个跑的很快的短跑选手。B.php是一个可以永远跑下去的马拉松选手。在轻量级负载中。A.php绝对领先,但是当网页的流量增加时,B.php的速度仅仅下降了一点,但A.php已经被淘汰了。

Let us take a more realistic example to clarify matters further. Suppose we need to write a PHP scrīpt that reads a 250K file and generates a HTML summary of the file. We write 2 scrīpts that do the same thing: hare.php that reads the whole file into memory at once and processes it in one pass, and tortoise.php that reads the file, one line at time, never keeping more than the longest line in memory. Tortoise.php will be slower as multiple reads are issued, requiring more system calls.
让我们举更过的类似的例子来证明这个事实。假设我们需要写一个读取一个250k大小的文件并生成一个HTML摘要文件。我们同时写两个脚本来做这个事情:hare.php[hare 是兔子的意思 –by achieverain]每次运行直接把整个文件读入内存,tortoise.php[tortoise 是乌龟的意思 –by achieverain]每次只读文件的一行,并且让内存的数据保持在一行。Tortoise.php当然因为因为多次的读取而更慢,需要更多次的系统调用

Hare.php requires 0.04 seconds of CPU and 10 Mb RAM and tortoise.php requires 0.06 seconds of CPU and 5 Mb RAM. The server has 100 Mb free actual RAM and its CPU is 99% idle. Assume no memory fragmentation occurs to simplify things.
hare.php 需要CPU运行0.04秒。10M 内存,tortoise.php 需要CPU运行0.06秒。5M 内存,服务器有100M的空闲物理内存,CPU的空闲资源(idle)为99%.简单起见:假设没有内存碎片。

At 10 concurrent scrīpts running, hare.php will run out of memory (10 x 10 = 100). At that point, tortoise.php will still have 50 Mb of free memory. The 11th concurrent scrīpt to run will bring hare.php to its knees as it starts using virtual memory, slowing it down to maybe half its original speed; each invocation of hare.php now takes 0.08 seconds of CPU time. Meanwhile, tortoise.php will be still be running at its normal 0.06 seconds CPU time.
在10个并发的情况下,hare.php将把所有的内存用完(10 x 10 = 100)。而tortoise.php将还有50M的剩余内存。如果要同时运行第11个 hare.php将是服务器使用虚拟内存,降低的速度也许是原始速度的一般;每次调用hare.php将消耗0.08秒,与此同时,tortoise.php将仍然是0.06秒。
In the table below, the faster php scrīpt for different loads is in bold:
CPU seconds required to satisfy 1 HTTP request
CPU seconds required to satisfy 10 HTTP requests
CPU seconds required to satisfy 11 HTTP requests

(runs out of RAM)


As the above example shows, obtaining good performance is not merely writing fast PHP scrīpts. High performance PHP requires a good understanding of the underlying hardware, the operating system and supporting software such as the web server and database.
由上可知,取得良好的表现并不仅仅是写一个高速的php脚本。高性能的PHP需要很好的理解程序所基于的硬件基础,操作系统,web server [如apache]和数据库之类的支援软件


The hare and tortoise example has shown us that bottlenecks cause slowdowns. With infinite RAM, hare.php will always be faster than tortoise.php. Unfortunately, the above model is a bit simplistic and there are many other bottlenecks to performance apart from RAM:

(a) Networking

Your network is probably the biggest bottleneck. Let us say you have a 10 Mbit link to the Internet, over which you can pump 1 megabyte of data per second. If each web page is 30k, a mere 33 web pages per second will saturate the line.
More subtle networking bottlenecks include frequent access to slow network services such as DNS, or allocating insufficient memory for networking software.
(b) CPU
(b) CPU

If you monitor your CPU load, sending plain HTML pages over a network will not tax your CPU at all because as we mentioned earlier, the bottleneck will be the network. However for the complex dynamic web pages that PHP generates, your CPU speed will normally become the limiting factor. Having a server with multiple processors or having a server farm can alleviate this.

(c) Shared Memory
(c) 共享内存

Shared memory is used for inter-process communication, and to store resources that are shared between multiple processes such as cached data and code. If insufficient shared memory is allocated any attempt to access resources that use shared memory such as database connections or executable code will perform poorly.
共享内存是为进程间通讯准备的,如果系统内存不足的话,使用共享内存的操作如 数据库联接,执行代码将会是低效的。
(d) File System
(d) 文件系统

Accessing a hard disk can be 50 to 100 times slower than reading data from RAM. File caches using RAM can alleviate this. However low memory conditions will reduce the amount of memory available for the file-system cache, slowing things down. File systems can also become heavily fragmented, slowing down disk accesses. Heavy use of symbolic links on Unix systems can slow down disk accesses too.

Default Linux installs are also notorious for setting hard disk default settings which are tuned for compatibility and not for speed. Use the command hdparm to tune your Linux hard disk settings.
默认设置下安装的linux有个糟糕的问题就是硬盘的设置是兼容性优先而不是速度。使用 hdparm 这个命令可以调整你的linux硬盘的设置
(e) Process Management
(e) 进程管理

On some operating systems such as Windows creating new processes is a slow operation. This means CGI applications that fork a new process on every invocation will run substantially slower on these operating systems. Running PHP in multi-threaded mode should improve response times (note: older versions of PHP are not stable in multi-threaded mode).

Avoid overcrowding your web server with too many unneeded processes. For example, if your server is purely for web serving, avoid running (or even installing) X-Windows on the machine. On Windows, avoid running Microsoft Find Fast (part of Office) and 3-dimensional screen savers that result in 100% CPU utilization.
避免你的服务器被过多没有必要的进程所拥塞。例如:假如你的服务器纯粹用于网站服务,不在服务器上运行(甚至安装)X-Windows,在windows上,不运行Microsoft Find Fast (part of Office)和3D屏保可以防止100%CPU的情况

Some of the programs that you can consider removing include unused networking protocols, mail servers, antivirus scanners, hardware drivers for mice, infrared ports and the like. On Unix, I assume you are accessing your server using SSH. Then you can consider removing:

deamons such as telnetd, inetd, atd, ftpd, lpd, sambad
sendmail for incoming mail
portmap for NFS
xfs, fvwm, xinit, X

You can also disable at startup various programs by modifying the startup files which are usually stored in the /etc/init* or /etc/rc*/init* directory.

Also review your cron jobs to see if you can remove them or reschedule them for off-peak periods.

(f) Connecting to Other Servers

telnetd, inetd, atd, ftpd, lpd, sambad
sendmail for incoming mail
portmap for NFS
xfs, fvwm, xinit, X
之类的服务,你也可以考虑仅用一些启动时加载的项目.你可以通过修改 /etc/init* 或/etc/rc*/init*的启动配置文件来实现他们的配置.你一个可以看下你的计划任务,不需要的就移除,需要执行的就把他放在没人访问服务器的时候执行.

If your web server requires services running on other servers, it is possible that those servers become the bottleneck. The most common example of this is a slow database server that is servicing too many complicated SQL requests from multiple web servers.

When to Start Optimizing?

Some people say that it is better to defer tuning until after the coding is complete. This advice only makes sense if your programming team's coding is of a high quality to begin with, and you already have a good feel of the performance parameters of your application. Otherwise you are exposing yourselves to the risk of having to rewrite substantial portions of your code after testing.

My advice is that before you design a software application, you should do some basic benchmarks on the hardware and software to get a feel for the maximum performance you might be able to achieve. Then as you design and code the application, keep the desired performance parameters in mind, because at every step of the way there will be tradeoffs between performance, availability, security and flexibility.


Also choose good test data. If your database is expected to hold 100,000 records, avoid testing with only a 100 record database – you will regret it. This once happened to one of the programmers in my company; we did not detect the slow code until much later, causing a lot of wasted time as we had to rewrite a lot of code that worked but did not scale.


Tuning Your Web Server for PHP

We will cover how to get the best PHP performance for the two most common web servers in use today, Apache 1.3 and IIS. A lot

of the advice here is relevant for serving HTML also.
接下来我们谈谈如何在现今最流行的两个网络服务器平台 Apache 和 IIS 上让PHP取得最好的的表现。这里也有很多关于HTML的建议(??)

The authors of PHP have stated that there is no performance nor scalability advantage in using Apache 2.0 over Apache 1.3

with PHP, especially in multi-threaded mode. When running Apache 2.0 in pre-forking mode, the following discussion is still

relevant (21 Oct 2003).
PHP的作者统计过PHP在 Apache 2.0 上的表现比apache 1.3 上的表现在实际上并没有实质的优势,尤其在多线程模式下。当在apache 2.0的预


(a) Apache 1.3/2.0
(a) Apache 1.3/2.0

Apache is available on both Unix and Windows. It is the most popular web server in the world. Apache 1.3 uses a pre-forking

model for web serving. When Apache starts up, it creates multiple child processes that handle HTTP requests. The initial

parent process acts like a guardian angel, making sure that all the child processes are working properly and coordinating

everything. As more HTTP requests come in, more child processes are spawned to process them. As the HTTP requests slow down,

the parent will kill the idle child processes, freeing up resources for other processes. The beauty of this scheme is that it

makes Apache extremely robust. Even if a child process crashes, the parent and the other child processes are insulated from

the crashing child.

Apache 在Unix和Windows都可以使用。他是世界上最流行的网络服务器。apache为网络服务使用了预编译模式(pre-forking model)。当

apache启动时。他创建了多个等待http请求的子进程。最初的父进程(parent process)就像个守护天使,他保证那些子进程在正常工作。当出现


The pre-forking model is not as fast as some other possible designs, but to me that it is "much ado about nothing" on a

server serving PHP scrīpts because other bottlenecks will kick in long before Apache performance issues become significant.

The robustness and reliability of Apache is more important.


Apache 2.0 offers operation in multi-threaded mode. My benchmarks indicate there is little performance advantage in this

mode. Also be warned that many PHP extensions are not compatible (e.g. GD and IMAP). Tested with Apache 2.0.47 (21 Oct 2003).
apache 2.0 提供在多线程模式的操作。我的测试显示在这个模式下的性能只有一点点的提升。当然要提醒一下:很多PHP扩展不被兼容。

Apache is configured using the httpd.conf file. The following parameters are particularly important in configuring child


APACHE 使用httpd.conf作为配置文件。下面的这些对配置子进程非常重要


The maximum number of child processes to create. The default means that up to 256 HTTP requests can be handled concurrently.

Any further connection requests are queued.

The number of child processes to create on startup.

The number of idle child processes that should be created. If the number of idle child processes falls to less than this

number, 1 child is created initially, then 2 after another second, then 4 after another second, and so forth till 32 children

are created per second.

If more than this number of child processes are alive, then these extra processes will be terminated.

Sets the number of HTTP requests a child can handle before terminating. Setting to 0 means never terminate. Set this to a

value to between 100 to 10000 if you suspect memory leaks are occurring, or to free under-utilized resources.

For large sites, values close to the following might be better:

MinSpareServers 32

MaxSpareServers 64


MinSpareServers 32

MaxSpareServers 64

Apache on Windows behaves differently. Instead of using child processes, Apache uses threads. The above parameters are not

used. Instead we have one parameter: ThreadsPerChild which defaults to 50. This parameter sets the number of threads that can

be spawned by Apache. As there is only one child process in the Windows version, the default setting of 50 means only 50

concurrent HTTP requests can be handled. For web servers experiencing higher traffic, increase this value to between 256 to


:ThreadsPerChild (默认数值为50)由于在windows版本上只有一个子进程,默认设为50意味着只有50个http并发请求。大流量的服务器请把


Other useful performance parameters you can change include:

Set to OS default
Determines the size of the output buffer (in bytes) used in TCP/IP connections. This is primarily useful for congested or

slow networks when packets need to be buffered; you then set this parameter close to the size of the largest file normally

downloaded. One TCP/IP buffer will be created per client connection.

KeepAlive [on|off]
In the original HTTP specification, every HTTP request had to establish a separate connection to the server. To reduce the

overhead of frequent connects, the keep-alive header was developed. Keep-alives tells the server to reuse the same socket

connection for multiple HTTP requests.

If a separate dedicated web server serves all images, you can disable this option. This technique can substantially improve

resource utilization.

The number of seconds to keep the socket connection alive. This time includes the generation of content by the server and

acknowledgements by the client. If the client does not respond in time, it must make a new connection.

This value should be kept low as the socket will be idle for extended periods otherwise.

Socket connections will be terminated when the number of requests set by MaxKeepAliveRequests is reached. Keep this to a

high value below MaxClients or ThreadsPerChild.

Disconnect when idle time exceeds this value. You can set this value lower if your clients have low latencies.

Maximum size of a PUT or POST. O means there is no limit.

If you do not require DNS lookups and you are not using the htaccess file to configure Apache settings for individual

directories you can set:

# disable DNS lookups: PHP scrīpts only get the IP address

HostnameLookups off

# disable htaccess checks

<Directory />

AllowOverride none


If you are not worried about the directory security when accessing symbolic links, turn on FollowSymLinks and turn off

SymLinksIfOwnerMatch to prevent additional lstat() system calls from being made:

Options FollowSymLinks

#Options SymLinksIfOwnerMatch

(b) IIS Tuning
(b) IIS 调整
IIS is a multi-threaded web server available on Windows NT and 2000. From the Internet Services Manager, it is possible to

tune the following parameters:
IIS 是一个在 Windows NT 和 2000上运行的多线程网络服务器。通过IIS管理器,他可以调整以下的参数:
Performance Tuning based on the number of hits per day.
Determines how much memory to preallocate for IIS. (Performance Tab).

Bandwidth throttling
Controls the bandwidth per second allocated per web site. (Performance Tab).

Process throttling
Controls the CPU% available per Web site. (Performance Tab).

Default is 900 seconds. Set to a lower value on a Local Area Network. (Web Site Tab)

HTTP Compression
In IIS 5, you can compress dynamic pages, html and images. Can be configured to cache compressed static html and images. By

default compression is off.
在IIS 5,你可以压缩动态页,html页和图片。他可以被配置为缓存静态页和图片。默认情况下压缩是关闭的

HTTP compression has to be enabled for the entire physical server. To turn it on open the IIS console, right-click on the

server (not any of the subsites, but the server in the left-hand pane), and get Properties. Click on the Service tab, and

select "Compress application files" to compress dynamic content, and "Compress static files" to compress static content.

You can also configure the default isolation level of your web site. In the Home Directory tab under Application Protection,

you can define your level of isolation. A highly isolated web site will run slower because it is running as a separate

process from IIS, while running web site in the IIS process is the fastest but will bring down the server if there are

serious bugs in the web site code. Currently I recommend running PHP web sites using CGI, or using ISAPI with Application

Protection set to high.



You can also use regedit.exe to modify following IIS 5 registry settings stored at the following location:
你也可以使用 regedit.exe 直接编辑IIS 5 在注册表中的信息,他的位置是:

Sets the amount of memory that IIS will use for its file cache. By default IIS will use 50% of available memory. Increase if

IIS is the only application on the server. Value is in megabytes.


Determines the maximum size of a file cached in the file cache in bytes. Default is 262,144 (256K).

Sets the length of time (in milliseconds) that objects in the cache are held in memory. Default is 30,000 milliseconds (30


Sets the number of pool threads to create per processor. Determines how many CGI applications can run concurrently. Default

is 4. Increase this value if you are using PHP in CGI mode.

Specifies the maximum number of active Keep Alive connections that IIS maintains in the connection queue. Default is 15, and

should be increased to the number of concurrent connections you want to support. Maximum is 250.

If the settings are missing from this registry location, the defaults are being used.

High Performance on Windows: IIS and FastCGI
在windows上高效的 :IIS 和 FastCGI

After much testing, I find that the best PHP performance on Windows is offered by using IIS with FastCGI. CGI is a protocol

for calling external programs from a web server. It is not very fast because CGI programs are terminated after every page

request. FastCGI modifies this protocol for high performance, by making the CGI program persist after a page request, and

reusing the same CGI program when a new page request comes in.
在多次测试之后,我发现在windows上PHP表现最好的情况是以 FastCGI方式在IIS上运行(我个人持保留意见—by achieverain)。CGI是网络服



As the installation of FastCGI with IIS is complicated, you should use the EasyWindows PHP Installer. This will install PHP,

FastCGI and Turck MMCache for the best performance possible. This installer can also install PHP for Apache 1.3/2.0.
以FastCGI 方式安装到IIS上是很复杂的,你必须使用EasyWindows PHP Installer。他将把PHP, FastCGI 和 Turck MMCache以最优化的方式安

装好。这个安装包也可以给Apache 1.3/2.0安装PHP。(因为这是比较古老的文章[2005年],我实际使用中发现EasyWindows PHP Installer并不

是万灵丹,还是自己老老实实调整吧 —by achieverain)
This section on FastCGI added 21 Oct 2003.

PHP4's Zend Engine
PHP4的 Zend 引擎
The Zend Engine is the internal compiler and runtime engine used by PHP4. Developed by Zeev Suraski and Andi Gutmans, the

Zend Engine is an abbreviation of their names. In the early days of PHP4, it worked in the following fashion:
Zend引擎是PHP4使用的内部编译器和运行用引擎,他是由Zeev Suraski 和 Andi Gutmans开发。zend引擎是他们名字的混合体。在PHP4的早期


The PHP scrīpt was loaded by the Zend Engine and compiled into Zend opcode. Opcodes, short for operation codes, are low level

binary instructions. Then the opcode was executed and the HTML generated sent to the client. The opcode was flushed from

memory after execution.


Today, there are a multitude of products and techniques to help you speed up this process. In the following diagram, we show

the how modern PHP scrīpts work; all the shaded boxes are optional.

PHP scrīpts are loaded into memory and compiled into Zend opcodes. These opcodes can now be optimized using an optional

peephole optimizer called Zend Optimizer. Depending on the scrīpt, it can increase the speed of your PHP code by 0-50%.
PHP脚本读入内存并被编译成Zend的中间代码。这些中间代码将被一个内置解析器: Zend Optimizer 优化。通过这些步骤,他可以提高你的程


Formerly after execution, the opcodes were discarded. Now the opcodes can be optionally cached in memory using several

alternative open source products and the Zend Accelerator (formerly Zend Cache), which is a commercial closed source product.

The only opcode cache that is compatible with the Zend Optimizer is the Zend Accelerator. An opcode cache speeds execution by

removing the scrīpt loading and compilation steps. Execution times can improve between 10-200% using an opcode cache.
原本在执行结束之后,中间代码将被清除。但现在使用一些开源代码和 Zend Accelerator(原生的zend缓存,虽然不是个开源软件)
Where to find Opcode Caches

Zend Accelerator: A commercial opcode cache developed by the Zend Engine team. Very reliable and robust. Visit

http://zend.comfor more information.
Zend Accelerator: 一个由Zend 引擎团队开发的商业缓存。非常可靠和稳定。你可以访问http://zend.com去得到相关信息。

You will need to test the following open source opcode caches before using them on production servers as their performance

and reliability very much depends on the PHP scrīpts you run.

Turcke MMCache:http://turck-mmcache.sourceforge.net/is no longer maintained. See eAccelerator, which is a branch of mmcache

that is actively maintained (Added 28 Feb 2005).

Alternative PHP Cache:http://apc.communityconnect.com/

PHP Accelerator:http://www.php-accelerator.co.uk/

AfterBurner Cache:http://www.bwcache.bware.it/

One of the secrets of high performance is not to write faster PHP code, but to avoid executing PHP code by caching generated

HTML in a file or in shared memory. The PHP scrīpt is only run once and the HTML is captured, and future invocations of the

scrīpt will load the cached HTML. If the data needs to be updated regularly, an expiry value is set for the cached HTML. HTML

caching is not part of the PHP language nor Zend Engine, but implemented using PHP code. There are many class libraries that

do this. One of them is the PEAR Cache, which we will cover in the next section. Another is the Smarty template library.


的一部分,但可以用PHP实现。现在有很多的类库可以做这个。其中一个就是PEAR 缓存。另一个是Smarty 模版库
Finally, the HTML sent to a web client can be compressed. This is enabled by placing the following code at the beginning of

your PHP scrīpt:




If your HTML is highly compressible, it is possible to reduce the size of your HTML file by 50-80%, reducing network

bandwidth requirements and latencies. The downside is that you need to have some CPU power to spare for compression.
HTML Caching with PEAR Cache
PEAR Cache中的HTML缓存
The PEAR Cache is a set of caching classes that allows you to cache multiple types of data, including HTML and images.
PEAR Cache是一个允许包括HTML和图片在内多种类型数据的缓存类。

The most common use of the PEAR Cache is to cache HTML text. To do this, we use the Output buffering class which caches all

text printed or echoed between the start() and end() functions:
PEAR Cache最常见的使用便是缓存HTML文本。我们可以在输出缓存类使用start() 和 end()输出所有缓存的数据。


$cache = new Cache_Output("file", array("cache_dir" => "cache/") );

if ($contents = $cache->start(md5("this is a unique key!"))) {

# aha, cached data returned

  print $contents;
  print "<p>Cache Hit</p>";

} else {

# no cached data, or cache expired

  print "<p>Don't leave home without it…</p>"; # place in cache
  print "<p>Stand and deliver</p>"; # place in cache
  print $cache->end(10);


Since I wrote these lines, a superior PEAR cache system has been developed: Cache Lite; and for more sophisticated

distributed caching, see memcached (Added 28 Feb 2005).
当我们写下这些代码之后,一个超级PREA缓存系统就被开发出来了:缩水版缓存;如果需要复杂的缓存,看看memcached 。
The Cache constructor takes the storage driver to use as the first parameter. File, database and shared memory storage

drivers are available; see the pear/Cache/Container directory. Benchmarks by Ulf Wendel suggest that the "file" storage

driver offers the best performance. The second parameter is the storage driver options. The options are "cache_dir", the

location of the caching directory, and "filename_prefix", which is the prefix to use for all cached files. Strangely enough,

cache expiry times are not set in the options parameter.
缓存创建的第一个参数是存储的路径,文件,数据库,共享内存都可以;看看pear/Cache/Containe的路径。Ulf Wendel的测试指出“文件”存



To cache some data, you generate a unique id for the cached data using a key. In the above example, we used md5("this is a

unique key!").
为缓存以下数据,你需要为缓存数据生成唯一ID。在上面的例子中,我们使用了d5("this is a unique key!")
The start() function uses the key to find a cached copy of the contents. If the contents are not cached, an empty string is

returned by start(), and all future echo() and print() statements will be buffered in the output cache, until end() is


The end() function returns the contents of the buffer, and ends output buffering. The end() function takes as its first

parameter the expiry time of the cache. This parameter can be the seconds to cache the data, or a Unix integer timestamp

giving the date and time to expire the data, or zero to default to 24 hours.

Another way to use the PEAR cache is to store variables or other data. To do so, you can use the base Cache class:



$cache = new Cache("file", array("cache_dir" => "cache/") );
$id = $cache->generateID("this is a unique key");

if ($data = $cache->get($id)) {

  print "Cache hit.<br>Data: $data";

} else {

  $data = "The quality of mercy is not strained…";
  $cache->save($id, $data, $expires = 60);
  print "Cache miss.<br>";



To save the data we use save(). If your unique key is already a legal file name, you can bypass the generateID() step.

Objects and arrays can be saved because save() will serialize the data for you. The last parameter controls when the data

expires; this can be the seconds to cache the data, or a Unix integer timestamp giving the date and time to expire the data,

or zero to use the default of 24 hours. To retrieve the cached data we use get().



You can delete a cached data item using $cache->delete($id) and remove all cached items using $cache->flush().
New: A faster Caching class is Cache-Lite. Highly recommended.
Using Benchmarks

In earlier section we have covered many performance issues. Now we come to the meat and bones, how to go about measuring and

benchmarking your code so you can obtain decent information on what to tune.


TAG: 待分析




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