
上一篇 / 下一篇  2011-03-18 11:24:01 / 个人分类:测试角

Question:  What is your most memorable(值得纪念的,值得记忆的) bug, testing experience or lesson learned?


Pradeep(牛人一个,任职过摩托罗拉和麦咖啡,in 2010 Pradeep co-founded Moolya Software Testing):  There was an interesting testing experience recently. I was on a consulting assignment away from home and the customer thought they had hired the best man in India to test their productsme. Its a goodego boost(自我宣传) when the customer tells you they hired you because they thought you are among the best in the country.I thought my goal set by the customer was clear: find as many important problems as possible for a product that we plan to launch.(我认为客户给我设定的目标是很清晰的:尽力找出待测产品的重要问题,越多越好。)If it can pass through your tests, wed be convinced of pushing it out. I tried helping them understand that passing through me is a heuristic, or rule of thumb.


About 9 days into the project, I was reporting bugs that I was finding and then all of a sudden I am called for a meeting where people say,Pradeep, you are only finding low priority issues although they are high severity.(Pradeep,你发现的严重问题都是低优先的问题)I was hit hard just like any other tester would have felt for that moment but then I said to myself,Reaction to such a situation is what differs you from other testers. So be of value to the customer and dont try to show that they dont know to recognize your testing.(这里可以反应出一个观点:怎么样证明你与其他测试人员不同?你的测试对客户有价值而且能够得到他们的认可。)I accepted what they had to say about the issues I was finding and then with a soft voice replied,I understand you want me to find higher priority issues but I kindly request you to understand that I am not as good a person to know what your priority is because you know the history of this product where I am new to it. Lets strike a deal. You tell me what kind of issues you would consider as high priority and I can find themif they exist.(你们想要我找出高优先的问题,但是我并不清楚你们的优先级是怎样设定的,因为这是我初次测试你们的产品,历史问题和新问题对我来说没什么区别。我们应该制定一个规则,你们要告诉我哪种类型的问题是你们所认为的我应该找出来的高优先的问题。)


I went looking for the kind of issues they thought would be high priority and found so many of them that they were very excited and happy that they hired me. This not only gave them confidence in me but they also have been giving me repeat business. (最后的结果是皆大欢喜,Pradeep如客户所愿找出了很多问题,给了客户自信,客户也成了Pradeep的回头客。)


Had I reacted any different way at that instant, or allowed my ego to get in the way, I would have ruined things. Thanks for asking this, I am going to detail it out in a blog post sometime.






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