Connecting a bluetooth (Jabra BT250V) handset to a linux box (Scientific linux)

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-04-07 20:54:42 / 个人分类:Linux

If you want to use a bluetooth headset with linux, I recommend that you read:

A few pitfalls to avoid:
  • When you try to pair your computer check that bluetooth is enable and that the deamon has been started (this is not done by default on some distros)
    If you get a message like:
    >hcitool scan
    Device is not available: Success
    You should try to start bluetooth again:
    /etc/init.d/bluetooth start

    Once bluetooth is started, to find the hardware address of your device (in pairing mode) use:
    >hcitool scan
    It should return:
    Scanning ...
           00:07:A4:23:XX:XX       Jabra BT 250v

    Then you can pair it by typing:
    >hcitool cc 00:07:A4:23:XX:XX
  • The next step is to install btsco and the kernel module snd_bt_sco.
    • When you download the sources of btsco (At:, check the kernel version. If the compilation of the kernel module fails witout explanation, it might be that the module requires a more recent kernel than yours.
    • After compiling and installing the module, you need to refresh your modules list by typing:
      >depmod -ae
      >modprobe snd_bt_sco

      If the compilation/installation is successful but you get the error:
      >modprobe snd_bt_sco
      FATAL: Module snd_bt_sco not found.
      It probably means that you forgot to type:
      >depmod -ae

      Once this is done you can start btsco:
      >btsco -v 00:07:A4:23:XX:XX
      (and then start skype in another terminal)
    • Summary (once everything is installed):
      • To connect your handset type (in pairing mode):
        >/etc/init.d/bluetooth start
        >hcitool scan
        >hcitool cc 00:07:A4:23:XX:XX
        >btsco -v 00:07:A4:23:XX:XX
        You are ready to use your handset...

TAG: Linux




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