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【Python 操作IE的弹出窗口 2】

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-04-02 00:05:27 / 个人分类:Python

Python 操作IE的弹出窗口 2】51Testing软件测试网Wf$}Pb4l.Hk'dE





def clickmsgboxbutton(self, filter = None, buttonname = None):51Testing软件测试网/|VwGwZ)k
        """ click the specified Popup message box's button
I9k#W9ee$A,VV0            parameters:
z~(I)E,P4b0                   [filter]   - Only return elements that match this filter in format51Testing软件测试网#F c'mM)f6T'j
                       (title=Microsoft Internet Explorer;text=Are you sure to close the window;index:=0)51Testing软件测试网/J,?Xmi6S
                       The filter value to match.  Regular Expressions
;k'frtP#W0                       can be used by starting the val with an !  "title=!Google;text=!baidu"
3w]`-}!nVK3\0                    [buttonname] - the button name or index, it can use the Regular Expressions also.51Testing软件测试网5rP1F)[b bF
                        eg : "Yes","!Ye",2
/B f7q Or9f1f)IX1C0                       #(Add by luchenzhi @ March 31,2010)
c&INi W Hn+[;B0            returns:
'Y xL"`tU0                True or false or None        """51Testing软件测试网c'b$jGoL5p
        Mesgboxhwnd = self.getmsgbox(filter)
"I{*q5n:~L0        if Mesgboxhwnd == None :51Testing软件测试网 Im.y h-\ p
            return None51Testing软件测试网w?dJ0Vz9e;y2k
.CHw,e y3j5B0            ButtonHwnd=051Testing软件测试网5t8\ Dq;v&B_9^
            if type(buttonname) == type(1) :51Testing软件测试网0Y2x m1~&a+Kw!D:e:I
"X}\Y@/K0                for t in range(0,buttonindex+1):
d,h&S6P |'d9X0                    ButtonHwnd=win32gui.FindWindowEx(Mesgboxhwnd,ButtonHwnd,"Button",None)
3E+u"x~4R(lzS4M0            elif buttonname == None :51Testing软件测试网8q qy [!`
[9B-?(G f9f0            else:51Testing软件测试网*\8x)~B G:{oL{!Z
                for i in range(0,10) :51Testing软件测试网F#C*Hv4\'uD
8D-@j#v1n)~:?0                    ButtonText=win32gui.GetWindowText(ButtonHwnd)
!Z R,Gh a3\ u0                    if buttonname[0] == "!":51Testing软件测试网4Ly!n/C'gr;i
                        val = buttonname.replace( "!", "", 1)
+t t%_q*Bc(I0                        myRE = re.compile(val)
bPVF#GOn$j%[&g%~0                        m = myRE.match(ButtonText)51Testing软件测试网7em/y5hg;Z9Z
                        if m:                           
(jK.~N/ml$e L0                            break51Testing软件测试网i!eI3u5]ob0Ln
        if ButtonHwnd ==0:
,~lz^c'W8Im0            return None51Testing软件测试网-u_!P `q
e#V/}Iu0            win32gui.SendMessage(ButtonHwnd,513,1,0)51Testing软件测试网-X;^X J9t.`}2j
K j WaTb~3K0            win32gui.SendMessage(ButtonHwnd,514,0,0)
T#Y6Q9eT P0            time.sleep(0.6)
U0^p)b!GY op0UX0            if win32gui.IsWindow(ButtonHwnd) == 0 :
}a4GJ'X`;tH0                return True51Testing软件测试网Dkh6N3WCY2E}
            else:51Testing软件测试网g7K:T+DfI@ mL T
                return False51Testing软件测试网p] h Tz$on1B7fe;sw

def closemsgbox(self, filter = None):
s6P$f"Nk_w0f0        """ close the specified Popup message box
bdX,m/b#M$^0            parameters:51Testing软件测试网cO5tL0{jBXG3P
                   [filter]   - Only return elements that match this filter in format
/jdY Kl0                       (title=Microsoft Internet Explorer;text=Are you sure to close the window;index:=0)51Testing软件测试网m+_8GS+R)r G
                       The filter value to match.  Regular Expressions51Testing软件测试网O4g|:\A
                       can be used by starting the val with an !  "title=!Google;text=!baidu"51Testing软件测试网:gN/|)k-zJu
                       #(Add by luchenzhi @ March 31,2010)
y6S,G ^O8p|0            returns:51Testing软件测试网5YPP GmI S!Gn
                true or false /None51Testing软件测试网^gH;P7H~~m
+{\H*u~0        Mesgboxhwnd = self.getmsgbox(filter)51Testing软件测试网 Y#Kl,J\n&q
        if Mesgboxhwnd != None :
'f9BdmvGdDp@$i0            win32gui.SendMessage(Mesgboxhwnd,16,1,0)51Testing软件测试网r-UMry
8n,^cd1] h0            if win32gui.IsWindow(Mesgboxhwnd) == 0 :51Testing软件测试网)K8[!ZDN
                return True51Testing软件测试网9u.?Sqv'ot5m~xx
            else:51Testing软件测试网#AF{ BOu,C@1H#?
                return False51Testing软件测试网&dB.F _`
v)^F&XO'q3wRO0T0            return None
1PRii:_*s t0       51Testing软件测试网2pO)z#@} e%W3geBp
def getmsgboxtitle(self, filter = None):
mM5zVnw NQ'n0        """ Get the specified Popup message box's title51Testing软件测试网0oh8OvZ3h cM
            parameters:51Testing软件测试网+lg j| GV
                   [filter]   - Only return elements that match this filter in format
(zZ } Cu1w0                       (title=Microsoft Internet Explorer;text=Are you sure to close the window;index:=0)
r |xT&ue0                       The filter value to match.  Regular Expressions51Testing软件测试网4j)}GT(x#rw$l
                       can be used by starting the val with an !  "title=!Google;text=!baidu"51Testing软件测试网@9pd^g[
                       #(Add by luchenzhi @ March 31,2010)
'q\o6|-vf)r0            returns:51Testing软件测试网2{+j8WJ[_fRFr3G.A4FB
                a popup message box title51Testing软件测试网 {4\cq E
*P2PSf2E&t3c{A0        Mesgboxhwnd = self.getmsgbox(filter)
#^d5t3f~w&LRz0        if Mesgboxhwnd == None :
S*m$R.O*iaG ~0s0            return None51Testing软件测试网 @3k}Np+T3\_Mx9}
7tH_ gB6wN0            return win32gui.GetWindowText(Mesgboxhwnd)
*jY ]tE3w0       51Testing软件测试网!LM/H#f4x%C
    def getmsgboxtext(self, filter = None):51Testing软件测试网 N(b"}\7t @"S
        """ Get the specified Popup message box's text
)oYg Rrq0            parameters:
,DB3fb JZo0                   [filter]   - Only return elements that match this filter in format51Testing软件测试网g \8@h;ba
                       (title=Microsoft Internet Explorer;text=Are you sure to close the window;index:=0)
(W C:qH,?7?0                       The filter value to match.  Regular Expressions
.HW,se*`8K6e1nS0                       can be used by starting the val with an !  "title=!Google;text=!baidu"51Testing软件测试网1M*UAocI*p$[(|
                       #(Add by luchenzhi @ March 31,2010)51Testing软件测试网 M+e,c3g#C
            returns:51Testing软件测试网0? iK R-yAt+I
                a popup message box text51Testing软件测试网#q$IuvRA%Au
        Mesgboxhwnd = self.getmsgbox(filter)
'a-yLO'|&UXD0        if Mesgboxhwnd == None :51Testing软件测试网cv `7\{9v H0{
            return None51Testing软件测试网 {5k ~H/gN i,I
:M C Z5w i&|4d.C0            FirstStaticHwnd = win32gui.FindWindowEx(Mesgboxhwnd,0,"Static",None)51Testing软件测试网 P2|SW3K;M$FWdT
            if win32gui.GetWindowText(FirstStaticHwnd):51Testing软件测试网8W3xE\A5F
                return win32gui.GetWindowText(FirstStaticHwnd)51Testing软件测试网)I2yk6~G;Nf
QO)V?]H^0                return win32gui.GetWindowText(win32gui.FindWindowEx(Mesgboxhwnd,FirstStaticHwnd,"Static",None))   

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TAG: alert 卢晨之 Msgbox Popup Python Selenium selenium 弹出窗口




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