[唐僧团队] 唐僧是一个好领导,他知道孙悟空要管紧,所以要会念紧箍咒;猪八戒小毛病多,但不会犯大错,偶尔批评批评就可以;沙僧则需要经常鼓励一番。这样,一个明星团队就形成了。做测试工作也是这样,一个人强,不代表整个团队都强,团队合作才是根本~誓死把软件测试进行到底!<-->如果您觉得字体比较小的话,请按住键盘上的Ctrl键并滑动鼠标滚轮以改变字体的大小,谢谢!<-->欢迎交流~~~


上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-11-05 11:57:55 / 个人分类:手机测试

(GSM 02.07 version7.1.0Release 1998)       9          ETSI TS 100 906 V7.1.0 (2000-04)


Annex A (normative):

Automatic calling repeat call attempt restrictions

Call set up attempts referred to in this annex are assumed to be initiated from peripheral equipment or automatically from the MT itself.

A repeat call attempt may be made when a call attempt is unsuccessful for the reasons listed below (as defined in GSM 04.08 [12]).

These reasons are classified in three major categories:

1) "Busy destination":

Cause number 17    User busy.

2) "Unobtainable destination - temporary":

Cause number 18    No user responding;

19    User alerting, no answer;

27    Destination out of order;

34    No circuit/channel available;

41    Temporary failure;

42    Switching Equipment congestion;

44    Requested circuit/channel not available;

47    Resources unavailable, unspecified.

3) "Unobtainable destination - permanent/long term":

Cause number 1     Unassigned (unallocated) number;

3     No route to destination;

22    Number changed;

28    Invalid number format (uncompleted number);

38    Network out of order.

NOTE 1: Optionally, it is allowed to implement cause number27 inCategory 3, instead of Category 2, as this is desirable already in Phase 1.

The table below describes a repeat call restriction pattern to any B number. This pattern defines a maximum number (n) of call repeat attempts; when this number n is reached, the associated B number shall be blacklisted by the MT until a manual re-set at the MT is performed in respect of that B number. When a repeat attempt to anyone B number fails, or is blacklisted, this does not prevent calls being made to other B numbers.

For the categories 1 and 2 above, n shall be 10; for category 3, n shall be 1.


 (GSM 02.07 version7.1.0Release 1998)        10       ETSI TS 100 906 V7.1.0 (2000-04)

call attempts                            

Initial call attempt                                

1st repeat attempt                               

2nd repeat attempt                             

3rd repeat attempt                              

4th repeat attempt                            

5th repeat attempt                          


nth repeat attempt

Minimum duration between Callattempt


5 sec

1 min

1 min

1 min

3 min


3 min

The number of B numbers that can be held in the blacklist is at the manufacturers discretion but there shall be at least 8.

However, when the blacklist is full the MT shall prohibit further automatic call attempts to any one number until the blacklist is manually cleared at the MT in respect of one or more B numbers.

When automatic calling apparatus is connected to an MT1 or MT2, or where an MTO is capable of auto-calling, then the MT shall process the call requests in accordance with the sequence of repeat attempts defined above, i.e. requests for repeat attempts with less than the minimum allowed duration between them shall be rejected by the MT.

A successful call attempt to a number which has been subject to the call restrictions shown above (i.e. an unsuccessful call set up attempt has previously occurred) shall reset the "counter" for that number.

The "counter" for an unsuccessfully attempted B number shall be maintained in 24 hours or until the MT is switched off.

The automatic calling repeat call attempt restrictions apply to speech and data services.

NOTE 2: The restrictions only apply to unsuccessful Call Control activity, not to Radio Resource Management or to Mobility Management, so multiple attempts at radio channel access are not limited by this mechanism.
























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