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50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Testing

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-11-17 23:31:35 / 个人分类:软件测试理论

Effective Software Testing: 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your Testing是Addison Wesley出版的一本软件测试的书籍,看过之后觉得受益匪浅,把目录推荐给大家,供大家参考(详细内容请看电子书):
Chapter 1. Requirements Phase 需求阶段
 Item 1: Involve Testers from the Beginning 测试人员的早期介入
 Item 2: Verify the Requirements 核实需求
 Item 3: Design Test Procedures As Soon As Requirements Are Available 获得需求后要设计测试过程
 Item 4: Ensure That Requirement Changes Are Communicated 保证需求变更的沟通
 Item 5: Beware of Developing and Testing Based on an Existing System 在基于现有系统的开发和测试上要谨慎
Chapter 2. Test Planning 测试阶段
 Item 6: Understand the Task At Hand and the Related Testing Goal 理解手头的任务和相关的工作目标
 Item 7: Consider the Risks 考虑风险
 Item 8: Base Testing Efforts on a Prioritized Feature Schedule 测试工作要基于优先级性质的时间表
 Item 9: Keep Software Issues in Mind 头脑中始终要有软件版本
 Item 10: Acquire Effective Test Data 获得有效的测试资料
 Item 11: Plan the Test Environment 规划测试环境
 Item 12: Estimate Test Preparation and Execution Time 评估测试的准备和执行时间
Chapter 3. The Testing Team 测试组
 Item 13: Define Roles and Responsibilities 定义角色和职责
 Item 14: Require a Mixture of Testing Skills, Subject-Matter Expertise, and Experience 需要不同的测试技能,相关的专家和经验
 Item 15: Evaluate the Tester's Effectiveness 评估测试员的效力
Chapter 4. The System Architecture 系统结构
 Item 16: Understand the Architecture and Underlying Components 理解结构和内部组成
 Item 17: Verify That the System Supports Testability 检验系统支持的易测性
 Item 18: Use Logging to Increase System Testability 使用日志方法增加系统的易测性
 Item 19: Verify That the System Supports Debug and Release Execution Modes 检验系统支持调试和发布执行模式
Chapter 5. Test Design and Documentation 测试设计和文档
 Item 20: Divide and Conquer 划分和征服
 Item 21: Mandate the Use of a Test-Procedure Template and Other Test-Design Standards 要求测试过程模版和其他测试设计标准的使用
 Item 22: Derive Effective Test Cases from Requirements 从需求得到有效的测试用例
 Item 23: Treat Test Procedures As "Living" Documents 把测试过程当成活的文档
 Item 24: Utilize System Design and Prototypes 利用系统设计和原型
 Item 25: Use Proven Testing Techniques when Designing Test-Case Scenarios 设计测试用例的时候要使用已经验证过的测试需求
 Item 26: Avoid Including Constraints and Detailed Data Elements within Test Procedures 在测试过程中避免包括约束和详细的数据
 Item 27: Apply Exploratory Testing 应用探测测试
Chapter 6. Unit Testing 单元测试
 Item 28: Structure the Development Approach to Support Effective Unit Testing 有效支持单元测试的结构和开发方法
 Item 29: Develop Unit Tests in Parallel or Before the Implementation 开发单元测试要和实现并行或者早于实现
 Item 30: Make Unit-Test Execution Part of the Build Process 把单元测试做为编译过程的一部分
Chapter 7. Automated Testing Tools 自动化测试工具
 Item 31: Know the Different Types of Testing-Support Tools 了解不同类型的测试支持工具
 Item 32: Consider Building a Tool Instead of Buying One 考虑自己开发测试工具而不是购买
 Item 33: Know the Impact of Automated Tools on the Testing Effort 了解自动化测试对测试工作的影响
 Item 34: Focus on the Needs of Your Organization 重点是组织的需要
 Item 35: Test the Tools on an Application Prototype 在应用原型上测试工具
Chapter 8. Automated Testing: Selected Best Practices
 Item 36: Do Not Rely Solely on Capture/Playback 不能依赖于单独的录制/回放
 Item 37: Develop a Test Harness When Necessary  如果需要开发测试框架
 Item 38: Use Proven Test-scrīpt Development Techniques 使用经过验证的脚本开发技术
 Item 39: Automate Regression Tests When Feasible 如果可行自动化回归测试
 Item 40: Implement Automated Builds and Smoke Tests 实现自动化编译和冒烟测试
Chapter 9. Nonfunctional Testing 功能测试
Item 41: Do Not Make Nonfunctional Testing an Afterthought 别最后才想起做非功能的测试
Item 42: Conduct Performance Testing with Production-Sized Databases 使用产品规模的数据库进行性能测试
Item 43: Tailor Usability Tests to the Intended Audience 根据目标用户剪裁可用性测试
Item 44: Consider All Aspects of Security, for Specific Requirements and System-Wide 考虑安全的所有方面,从细节需求到整个系统
Item 45: Investigate the System's Implementation To Plan for Concurrency Tests 研究系统的实现来计划精确的测试
Item 46: Set Up an Efficient Environment for Compatibility Testing 建立有效的环境来做兼容性测试
Chapter 10. Managing Test Execution 测试执行管理
Item 47: Clearly Define the Beginning and End of the Test-Execution Cycle 清晰的定义测试执行周期的起止
Item 48: Isolate the Test Environment from the Development Environment 将测试环境同开发环境分离
Item 49: Implement a Defect-Tracking Life Cycle 实现缺陷跟踪的生命周期
Item 50: Track the Execution of the Testing Program 跟踪测试项目的执行

TAG: 软件测试理论





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  • 访问量: 20842
  • 日志数: 28
  • 建立时间: 2007-11-17
  • 更新时间: 2008-07-05


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