
上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-04-20 21:49:17 / 个人分类:数据安全与备份

'YR@.W1Pg+g"M*P0Tivoli storage manage
X.H/nO1ZfH |&_0Tivoli Storage Manager功能描述51Testing软件测试网F)rR4d%s
#^I*a WI?)? m0TSM版本:  5.151Testing软件测试网2u2M0e{yiX
TSM5.1 服务器软件的运行平台: IBM AIX 4.3.2, 4.3.3.,5l Sun Solaris 2.6, 7, 8. HP-UX 11.0.  Microsoft Windows NT/2000 Workstation 或Server Version 4.0, SP3, SP4, SP5, SP6 或 SP6a.51Testing软件测试网m o2qm}P
TSM客户端软件: 支持几乎所有流行的操作系统平台.如IBM的所有操作系统, Windows, Apple, Novell, DEC, HP, SUN, SCO, SGI, Linux 等.51Testing软件测试网z d a9OWU
Tivoli Data Protection for Oracle 2.2: 实现对Oracle 数据库的在线备份和恢复。51Testing软件测试网AI @"z@:yr
Oracle服务器可运行在的平台包括 Windows NT/2000, AIX, HP-UX, Solaris。

n/h!o.? GKT3_051Testing软件测试网9i_(K&~ m)b/qZ

lo2K g QH)l*[fP0  Tivoli TSM产品功能详述51Testing软件测试网'xI'QDV|,TB R;L m
Tivoli TSM(Tivoli Storage Manager)是一个企业级的Client/Server结构跨平台网络备份、恢复及存储管理软件。TSM Client主要功能是向TSM Server提供需要备份的数据,或向TSM Server索取已备份数据及归档数据以便Client恢复数据。TSM Server负责管理TSM Client的备份数据、备份策略及管理连接在TSM Server上的各类存储产品。
Me ngAeOT0  TSM自动备份和恢复
&Rl|f@,B7U0        一旦整个备份系统设置完成,每个应用系统的服务器会在指定的时间把需要备份的数据送到TSM服务器中集中存放。如果需要恢复数据,TSM Client端只要通过非常简单易用的图形界面或由应用程序发出指令指出恢复哪些个对象文件,TSM Server自动从磁带库中取出文件,交给TSM Client。如果备份磁带不在磁带库中,TSM Server提示系统管理员插入某盒磁带。51Testing软件测试网A} `/F9q4[
        TSM是一个彻底的在线备份软件。对数据库,TSM通过TSM Connect Agent备份正在打开的数据库。对一般文件系统的文件,TSM的Client端能够备份打开的文件,甚至能备份正被修改的文件。当备份TSM遇到需备份的文件正被改动时,有四种处理方式:
AA!Q$tj'kN&u8RsC0不备份,同时在日志中留一个标记;51Testing软件测试网(Z bXQ,SE|8h
重试数次(次数由用户预先指定),最后一次无论文件静止或仍然在改动,都备份该文件。51Testing软件测试网1FY o L P ht

EW;c#M v od3h0TSM比同类备份软件考虑的更多的是数据的恢复能力。TSM的观念是:备份的目的就是恢复。所以在备份软件的评测中,备份速度TSM的优势并不明显,而恢复速度往往是其他软件的数倍。
*T-SBu*oov0        TSM这种惊人的恢复速度及其他许多独一无二的功能主要依赖于TSM强大的内核,TSM的引擎是一个关系数据库。迄今没有任何一家其他备份软件是采用关系型数据库作核心的。关系数据库的处理能力和搜索速度是TSM性能超越其他采用索引文件作为引擎的备份软件的主要原因。TSM完善的介质管理能力也得益于这个数据库引擎。51Testing软件测试网XNH L^[ ?P*qT-P
'fZ CdY3?:?E Ny0TSM是唯一采用数据库作为核心的备份管理软件,每个备份对象都作为一个交易(Transaction)来处理。因此TSM具有很强的容错能力,TSM的传输数据原则是:尽量避免不必要的重复数据传送占用网络带宽。当某个备份或恢复过程因为网络中断或机器故障而意外终止,下次重新递交该备份或恢复进程时,TSM会从中断处继续传输,而不是从头开始(许多备份软件都必须从头开始重做)。原因是TSM对每个对象备份完成与否都有日志记录,就象银行系统对每笔交易完成与否都有记录一样。51Testing软件测试网3?G&|a"N'[
TSM的永远增量备份51Testing软件测试网W HwZMdSgo
#|$a}f"mv/t E0TSM的介质管理能力       
IH4F \4\3w0TSM对备份和归档数据分别管理。因为归档数据保存时间比备份数据长,而且备份数据有‘版本’,归档数据无版本。‘版本’就是同一个数据对象的多个备份copy,例如,记录销售情况的文件每天都在改变,如果每天做备份,那么每天的备份就是一个‘版本’。用户可以根据实际业务需要,保留必要的‘版本’数。TSM能够自动清除过期的备份版本和归档数据。
9e&N a$xg+[0“磁带重用”的目的是使磁带库或光盘库介质自动轮转,完全实现备份、恢复的无人值守。原理是:当介质上的过期数据越来越多并达到一定限度时,比如介质上80%的数据都过期了,TSM会自动把数个这样的介质的残余数据整合到一个介质中,而其它介质重新进入新的介质轮转中去。所以,如果用户有足够的存储容量,TSM可以做到真正的‘零管理’。51Testing软件测试网MwX4Q-tQ/EVm
1C7~ n*\ fLUdl0数据库备份的考虑:       51Testing软件测试网!pw5]$`^ }TZl
'p YCX }J+V"Lh F0建立在裸设备上的文件无法通过操作系统的文件系统来访问,而大部分应用程序包括TSM都是通过文件系统来访问数据的。数据库热备份是在数据库打开的情况下做的,所以在备份前一定要保证数据据库的完整性。失去完整性的数据库是无法恢复的。冷备份是在数据库正常关闭后做的备份,所以不需要考虑完整性(数据库已经是完整的)。
2y'|S8F[0如果做冷备份的数据库基于裸设备,或者需要热备份,则需要数据库工具来实现, TSM提供对以下应用的在线备份能力:
3@$v$pZ bW0Lotus Domino、DB2、Oracle、Informix、SAP R/3、Exchange、SQL Server等51Testing软件测试网5?oU:\8K

:AY-x5s D*?EWg"]:E051Testing软件测试网!?%v"Qrp

C{f'fI9Wks([$bX0TSM的Disaster Recovery Management(DRM) 选件能够帮助用户迅速恢复系统。
;D7Z#s/AS#]LKN0在各类灾难恢复方案中,是最全面及简单易行的方案之一51Testing软件测试网_ KY_AYq+O^5N%S'@
,W%G/d9\t b0为系统级的灾难恢复提供所需信息及步骤的详细描述51Testing软件测试网:u;NKd*@]X
管理和跟踪TSM数据库和存储区间备份卷,智能化减少人为错误51Testing软件测试网a/r!e }4w4l9^)aQ5U


B.xP}t8Mi/O0许多企业机构都认识到数据备份是保证业务正常持续运行的重要部分。如果缺少了正确的数据保护,那么设备的故障、人为错误或自然灾害都会导致关键任务数据的丢失。但是,数据保护工作却变的越来越复杂,原因是关键性数据的存储越来越分散,数据分布在不同的地理位置或不同的组织部门中。51Testing软件测试网:P)n B Ax}W X"tM8L
即使已经做了安全守护措施,那么当灾难发生后,在一个大型组织中需要多少时间才能彻底恢复数据呢?51Testing软件测试网 KvH/Vz\'j
#\\ s9i8uGZgD0DRM简化了计划和稽查过程51Testing软件测试网zY1Y e.H
DRM自动收集制定恢复计划所需要的信息,并自动执行灾难恢复过程中的一些重要步骤,从而节省了系统管理员大量的时间。51Testing软件测试网%V Ytih"OP1Rks
许多机构需要定期测试容灾方案以确定其可行性,DRM集中式的管理和维护便于检查,而DRM清晰的步骤使得无论是全局测试或局部测试都简单易行。51Testing软件测试网:F e F"l0Q/FJ8{)@


kq]5L Y:M Z0特性        功能        价值51Testing软件测试网6R ^Mg1OF!Ns4`
全面的企业存储管理解决方案        支持25个以上的多供应商平台以及许多应用程序和数据库        提供一个单一、全面、易于使用的存储管理解决方案,保护您的分布式、异构型关键任务数据。
$Q3Uj$sxJUT0多个TSM服务器的集中管理        允许管理员集中管理多个Tivoli TSM服务器;在一个Tivoli TSM服务器集中定义公用策略和配置信息,然后将它们传播到其他Tivoli TSM服务器。        提高管理员生产率,降低信息技术总成本和工作负荷。51Testing软件测试网s y8R~Ue*zv a%b
自动化和调度的存储管理操作        使备份、存档、分层存储管理和灾难恢复自动化-消除了易于出错的人工操作。        消除人工备份和跟踪需求;为保护您的关键任务数据提高一个自动化、高性能解决方案。
6KF#TM1l0关键记录保留(存档)        拥有关键记录保留的存档功能,以及一个从Tivoli TSM快速搜索和检索关键记录的简单GUI。        能使您满足审计和法规需求。51Testing软件测试网){B2z nJ1h Dm
分层存储管理(HSM)        自动将不经常被存取的数据从昂贵的磁盘存储迁移到更加经济的介质,例如Tivoli TSM服务器上的磁带和光盘存储。        通过使现有存储资源最大化帮助降低成本,并减少升级磁盘存储的需求。
K\e0V$\ ~w|0灾难恢复管理器(DRM)        为每一个Tivoli TSM服务器生成一个逐步奏的灾难恢复计划。        通过减少在发生故障或自然灾难之后恢复系统的时间,确保业务连续性。51Testing软件测试网:c {7Fk M5aH't

51Testing软件测试网 W0\X M q H&J1}u

51Testing软件测试网,IWA,K] d.Nz'Ec{
DRM现在支持操作系统有:AIX、AS/400、HP-UX、MVS、Windows NT和Sun Solaris。       
P/k `3E$JmC)W@P0  TSM的扩展能力
;y[W6]jV(v^0        TSM是一个真正企业级的软件。体现在单个TSM服务器的稳定和成熟,支持的平台、设备非常广泛,还体现在多个TSM之间的互联和统一管理上。51Testing软件测试网s%r#Z ?E!|
        当某个TSM服务器因为TSM Client增长过快,服务器负荷太重时,可以把一部分用户和他们的数据迁移到另一台TSM服务器中。这两台服务器可以是不同的平台。
(a.z7m fi-J$cn-]0        TSM的Server to Server Communication选件使TSM服务器之间能够互相传递数据,相互备份等功能。


PfH$i}Qx*V6x5Z0一、        TSM软件安装
0_to8K/}K,y0N9U01.        TSM Server软件的安装51Testing软件测试网O Fj!w s[
A、        以root用户登陆
S1Qux Cn u0B、        通过#smitty installp进行软件的安装
&CC.POW tY0选择相应的软件包进行安装:Tivoli.tsm.server.rte 、Tivoli.tsm.server.com 、Tivoli.tsm.server.webadmin 、Tivoli.tsm.license.rte 、Tivoli.tsm.license.cert 、Tivoli.tsm.devices.aix43.rte 。51Testing软件测试网-Vs)Kf y/Tc,HQ
2.        TSM 客户端软件安装
F*x:b? }K?7Jt+Z)i0A、        以root用户登陆
]US%\ ]5Ml Zh0B、        通过#smitty installp进行软件的安装
r2lD+d2| tq3Bt0选择相应的软件包进行安装:Tivoli.tsm.client.ba.aix43.32bit下的Backup/Archive Base files、Backup/Archive Common Files 、Tivoli.tsm.client.books 、Tivoli.tsm.client.web.aix43.32bit、 tivoli.tsm.client.image.aix43.32bit 。51Testing软件测试网WH~(\ o_p'YJR
3.        TSM for Oracle的软件的安装
W.dok w!co3q$t0A、        以root用户登陆
N| G U5aE4ke0B、        通过#smitty installp进行软件的安装
&X I.W'E$G+I `)T4E0选择相应的软件包进行安装:tivoli.tsm.client.api.aix43.64bit、tivoli.tsm.client.oracle.64bit、tivoli.tsm.client.oracle.tools.64bit 。

Y#I$X![3Wg4a051Testing软件测试网'{n"t6Q iJ+c!f

二、        修改环境变量和配置文件
O,Hb9P/JG1{01.        TSM Server和TSM Client安装完成后对进行环境变量的修改。
't5Hi(kkJDW0在TSM Server的.profile文件增加如下内容:
W+x0ZD4mTh&z3p D0export DSMSERV_DIR=/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin51Testing软件测试网 M#\\yGip T
export DSMSERV_CONFIG=/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dmserv.opt51Testing软件测试网A;S e/G@RU
        在TSM Client的.profile文件增加如下内容:51Testing软件测试网~j d \*nj,WZaMl
export DSM_DIR=/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin
7Ps:v]p/Fe'FkHV0export DSM_CONFIG=/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.opt51Testing软件测试网 U@G V6\a` x
export DSM_LOG=/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin51Testing软件测试网xf,B k+\Ip.j%f
2.        修改TSM Server的dsmserv.opt文件51Testing软件测试网"`*dpP2I
解除屏蔽选项:51Testing软件测试网|#@Z h6S
COMMmethod TCPIP51Testing软件测试网$l'A+Ih@!a2^
.F,V ?]"S5i)e!Vh5t0T0添加下面两行:51Testing软件测试网2jU}1c!qu?
TCPPort 150051Testing软件测试网p&]9kiy(U
HTTPPort 1580
u:K-bJF(]zX R03.        修改TSM Client的dsm.opt和dsm.sys文件51Testing软件测试网&O8i Yyw:o
在dsm.opt文件中指定TSM Server:51Testing软件测试网:UW'nk1c!A o
                Servername                tsm(说明此处为TSM Server的名字)51Testing软件测试网*I1o#p8Du
在dsm.sys文件中添加如下内容:51Testing软件测试网 e j4P~/U6U0r
                SErvername                          tsm51Testing软件测试网 |!j4O@0[-}*v4Mz gZ-a
                           COMMmethod               TCPip
;H8I%tFM%Y ^!b[-Bj0                           TCPPort                            150051Testing软件测试网mNT,UG2P,_
                           TCPServeraddress           xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
a%j T pS:v2wX0                           nodename                   xxxxxxx
%x b}*y\bU"wy0passwordaccess                     generate
p(BZl|+U-na0                           managedservices                        webclient schedule
[x t,~0s7S V04.        修改/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin/tdpo.opt
Q9wdT|A%} |U0DSMI_ORC_CONFIG   /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64/dsm.opt51Testing软件测试网Ha*dL0hu F*A@ y
DSMI_LOG           /usr/tivoli/
9yU Z^${}#\0TDPO_FS            adsmorc
rV/WI n l2[L0TDPO_NODE          tdpora1
)dZ0c]gR0TDPO_OWNER         root51Testing软件测试网#n:h6ugC'A3~!f
TDPO_PSWDPATH      /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin64
u${O9mP#|6AH0TDPO_DATE_FMT             1
:uz#fP'N ge0TDPO_NUM_FMT             1
@ ONmQ4X.z;d qZ0TDPO_TIME_FMT             151Testing软件测试网RU+j j-e p5V9CZ

%gGjf6][/@[;y+T0三、        TSM 进程管理
s@(S jh7LH H3b01.        启动TSM Server51Testing软件测试网Vp;d-T|2a3p%g| U
#/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dsmserv quiet &51Testing软件测试网T6t f/E7t
2.        启动TSM Client
9} T+c9M9X/pF)u$I03.        停止TSM Server
J^6Vb \04.        停止TSM Client51Testing软件测试网qaeO\irR ~
通过ps –ef|grep dsmcad 查找出对应的PID,然后通过kill命令停止进程。51Testing软件测试网 _nBn5[t:nHt!K g
四、        TSM软件配置
}^*tc2_Dyr&t01.        在操作系统检查磁带库设备硬件51Testing软件测试网%O1\1XD+Q+I`L
#lsdev –Cc tape(会看到rmtx和smc0 的状态为Avaliable),如不能看到则需要安装3583磁带库的驱动程序,具体安装方法请参见3583相关资料。51Testing软件测试网 o"?ehM gP
2.        磁带库配置51Testing软件测试网9q-\ k~6pG;m ?(S0D
B、选择“open a device”:/dev/smc051Testing软件测试网(Bs"aO Y(B
C、选择“elements Information”,就可以得到Driver和Slots的elements值。
           define library autolib libtype=scsi(定义一个名字为autolib的SCSI磁带库)。51Testing软件测试网^~}1V_8ix
F、定义磁带库的PATH(定义TSM SERVER名为TSM所连的接磁带库autolib在TSM SERVER中的设备PTAH:/dev/smc0)。
9yJE+m2^-Jz0define path tsm autolib srctype=server desttype=library device=/dev/smc0 ōnline=yes
(_ y?1qJ-A+CJd0        G、定义磁带机(Driver)(定义磁带库autolib中的磁带机,磁带机的名字叫做 driver01)。
1N-z%}Qr R0                        define drive autolib drive01 element=25651Testing软件测试网 P"a$|3C0J(} h
        H、定义磁带机(Driver)的PATH(定义TSMSERVER名为TSM所连接的磁带库autolib中的磁带机在TSM SERVER中的设备PATH)。
O1J+Fo~;B[.|0                define path tsm drive01 srctype=server desttype=drive library=autolib device=/dev/rmt0 ōnline=yes
LSqL9y!Xy0        I、定义设备CLASSES
MpVs@&z0                define devclass ltotape devtype=lto library=autolib format=ultriumc mountlimit=drives mountretention=5 estcapacity=200G51Testing软件测试网"r kmLKu
        query library、query driver、query path、query devclasses51Testing软件测试网W!`i9M+N,TAjJv
o*m5i"\U0define stgpool 3583_pool ltotape maxscratch=20(定义ltotape设备类使用的磁带存储池3583_pool)。51Testing软件测试网o"n#~#n2IY YH
3.        调整TSM DB 和LOG空间的大小
%u&Fg?+dy o]\/Al0define dbvolume /tsmdata/dblog/db01.dsm formatsize=160 wait=yes51Testing软件测试网,`l;pa8Sp
extend db 16051Testing软件测试网+N iq%s1]t/@#P'[
dfine logvloume /tsmdata/dblog/log01.dsm formatsize=100 wait=yes
[&G;_ z0x0extend log 10051Testing软件测试网E J*D%D"y [G[
define spacetrigger db fullpct=85 spaceexpansion=25 expansionprefix=/tsmdata/dblog/51Testing软件测试网D!s8dfIyJ
define spacetrigger log fullpct=85 spaceexpansion=25 expansionprefix=/tsmdata/dblog/51Testing软件测试网%y(O%I7N$si6a8h-}
reduce db 16
s c)a eXPLx0reduce log 851Testing软件测试网,_9Y M]x&F R!M
delete dbvolume /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/db.dsm51Testing软件测试网F$bA7\(^St4oz'r|
delete logvolume /usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/log.dsm
r@*P O(N0E3JO0安装TSM SERVER时默认的db和log的大小分别是16,8MB。
y{I lr;L Z'x+E D[04.        备份策略的设置51Testing软件测试网e?u{+D@~
Storage management policies are rules your administrator defines in order to manage your backups and archives on the server(Storage managermanet policies是管理员为了在服务端管理备份和归档定义的一种规则)。You can associate (or bind) your data to these policies(你能够绑定你的数据到这些Policies);when the data is backed up or archived, it is managed according to policy criteria(当数据被备份或归档被相应Policy标准管理)。Policy criteria include a policy domain, and a management class ,a policy set, a copy group。51Testing软件测试网WZ(ut(q
E5Y/s~D,z%|-v0Policy daemon是一组有相类似备份或归档需求数据的客户机的集合(A policy domain is a group of clients with similar requirements for backing up and archiving data.)。Policy domains contain one or more policy sets。
#Z*T!L2`aQ@p0A policy set is a group of one or more management classes。51Testing软件测试网X,\/r,E"vMH
A management class is a collection of backup and archive copy groups that establishes and contains specific storage management requirements for backing up and archiving data.
nok3v:E.v5n1l0Within a management class, the specific backup and archive requirements are in copy groups. Copy groups define the specific storage management attributes that describe how the server manages backed up or archived data. Copy groups include both backup copy groups and archive copy groups. A management class can have one backup copy group, one archive copy group, both, or neither。51Testing软件测试网jZz)INA[Kt ZW
A、        创建备份 client node51Testing软件测试网O| Z3{:yz3D3Q
B、        通过WEB方式建立Policy daemon,选择object class/Policy daemon/define a Policy daemon51Testing软件测试网+Fi8Zk}7u%H_/MX
C、        选择Policy daemon下面的.Policy sets/define a policy sets,并将policy set给Active
&OG1v6q I9N;\/I]6F2_0D、        选择Policy sets下面的ManageClass/define a manageclass51Testing软件测试网{_ Jy5T ?.u
E、        选择ManagClass下面的Copy Group51Testing软件测试网5t+n.K/nJM QwO
F、        将Client node分配到相应的Policy daemon51Testing软件测试网 A g3|-hx%S _2A
ys_ F&u4m0五、        文件系统备份51Testing软件测试网_AY v;[M7t
六、        RMAN的配置
#T4cY iu2N9Q!L0安装一套独立与生产数据库之外的ORACLE数据库作为catalog database,最好安装在不同的主机上。
,VX7eL:C-w01.        在catalog数据库服务器上创建RMAN所需要的表空间
,f(}f%A fQ6g8d-j]0$svrmgrl51Testing软件测试网5k:AK4F?4AYN
         svrmgrl>;connect system/manager51Testing软件测试网F+[Y5v2~!Xz/]"V
svrmgrl>;create tablespace rman_ts datafile ‘<dir>;/<name>;’51Testing软件测试网yuL5?G:n
       >;size 100M autoextend on next 100M maxsize 300M;51Testing软件测试网/]|A9CGA#qu
2.        创建RMAN用户并赋予角色及权限
(d3O4^ [ e!r V0svrmgrl>;create user rman identified by rman51Testing软件测试网4u&fHkx]_
          >;default tablespace rman_ts
._h n[x&F8@0          >;temporary tablespace temporary51Testing软件测试网 U'OhWMs
          >;quota unlimited on rman_ts;51Testing软件测试网.pt q7m7xo6x
   svrmgrl>;grant recovery_catalog_owner to rman;51Testing软件测试网6B2Y y!p/F;rJi:N0U
   svrmgrl>;connect / as sysdba;
&C0h${0^9o7S G0svrmgrl>;grant dba,connect,resource to rman;
KJK)]z6S6v'}N-~{03.        创建recovery catalog的表结构51Testing软件测试网gr[~H i
$rman targetinternal/oracle@targetSID  rcvcatrman/rman@recoverycatalogSID
)xX~&dsE2uFI0rman>;create catalog;
PUr6|m gr04.        在catalog数据库中对目标数据库进行注册
.U$[T/H&o j.[#s8P,B$e0rman>;register database;
g ^ b} J4f B0七、        ORACLE数据库的备份51Testing软件测试网6PQCn\ bc6j
w|e.~:F*d KS0run {51Testing软件测试网DTE S+v7P,l|2W
        allocate channel d1 type 'sbt_tape' connect'internal/manager@scdb2'parms51Testing软件测试网.rd&RX9Hp
        allocate channel d2 type 'sbt_tape' connect'internal/manager@scdb1'parms
        backup51Testing软件测试网v]A fOXF"w
                   format 'ctl_t%t_s%s_p%p'
0MB&ev^;dd6q0                   tag cf
C,x| K.~I*^ ?pW[0                   (current controlfile);51Testing软件测试网g#["jHn:_gg LM
Ot9J,s!v)?0                  full
};fZ }`0FUU BN0                   filesperset 8
m GT!jw v5PS0                   format 'db_t%t_s%s_p%p'
*G5ML%c0?0           tag fulldb51Testing软件测试网_'p:gI V)dLi
        release channel d1;51Testing软件测试网*O7|TA*W
        release channel d2;
/j fUZnCZ0}51Testing软件测试网H;V]0\+n zlt3G
f l%` |kc0run {51Testing软件测试网VV|9x0cgf
           allocate channel d1 type 'sbt_tape' parms51Testing软件测试网 kS[5{[*q T+O
t&M9b1PN~d&iM0    connect'internal/manager@scdb1';
#| ilkF+E)q0           sql 'alter system archive log current';51Testing软件测试网w}:j3q}GR
          backup51Testing软件测试网b!I vR/b{&w h
            format 'arch_t%t_s%s_p%p'
4FzT#XLjU_0            (archivelog51Testing软件测试网0mGu3Vyv0C!hh5Q
            like '/jfbackup/arch_log/arch_1_%.arc'51Testing软件测试网-e0{U)_4Q2M8p:\,H
            delete input);51Testing软件测试网H6}5v6G:w7v
        release channel d1;
UE Yj{uB+^0        }
#{ZV0BFx2U ~/\M0run {
W4~_A [ ~Qf"M0           allocate channel d2 type 'sbt_tape' parms
LQ[T@6z0ENV=(TDPO_OPTFILE=/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin64/tdpo.opt)'51Testing软件测试网7L UP4j.eI
Tt+I3fu0           sql 'alter system archive log current';
'gPk4n|0          backup51Testing软件测试网,f h [v]3Gm5o
            format 'arch_t%t_s%s_p%p'51Testing软件测试网3W6J-ha#^m X6d3[/N
            like '/jfbackup/arch_log/arch_2_%.arc'51Testing软件测试网 j[ra ti9_,q1^/w Q
            delete input);
mg]3C7\|0        release channel d2;51Testing软件测试网W'Ji/\Lq
        同时还可以对指定的tablespace datafile进行备份,具体请参见RMAN相关手册。
R(`;}h [(f0        手工执行ORACLE的备份:51Testing软件测试网5F9n!@5g6{!] `bk
        rman targetinternal/oracle@targetSID  rcvcatrman/rman@recoverycatalogSID  cmdfile=/xxx/xxx  msglog=xxx.log51Testing软件测试网 o9Z.`rf5t
八、        ORACLE数据库的恢复
0}0B+f6`t-y as0run {
ZVz#SA0        allocate channel d3 type 'sbt_tape' connect'internal/manager@scdb1'parms
`7?6PH0y0'ENV=(TDPO_OPTFILE=/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin64/tdpo.opt)';51Testing软件测试网:AyMO8Vpn j
        allocate channel d4 type 'sbt_tape' connect'internal/manager@scdb2'parms
:w6fD Xe.R/M Ae0'ENV=(TDPO_OPTFILE=/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin64/tdpo.opt)';51Testing软件测试网x1G9}(f|)Z X
        restore controlfile;
s5jY*Puvqe0        alter database mount;51Testing软件测试网s]+cMH+c {s
        restore database;51Testing软件测试网&T2@ x0xhHXo5Z
        recover database;51Testing软件测试网!z"F*u:d"V%n*[
        release channel d1;
$}xORxl1Gd'H0a0        release channel d2;51Testing软件测试网5^g?$s.F#k m
        sql "alter database open resetlogs";
'y3eU3g5Zez0        }51Testing软件测试网)\lA qK*w


Twelve Steps to Configuring Your Tsm Environment


A H/x#zb01、        Install the TSM code on the machine that will be your TSM server (referred to as server).This process may involve a few steps that are dependent on your  platform type.Please read the Quick Start Guide and REAMES for yout platform.51Testing软件测试网*tl'I;`f-S
2、        At the install time you had created default DB and LOG volumes.Now you want to supportment or replace that initial configuration.51Testing软件测试网)s4d:}*Ezy|)ndx
A、        Add additional DB volumes.i.e. def dbv filename f=volsize Note:make sure they are on separate physical disks form other DB vols,LOG vols or mirrors of their LOGs or DBs.
9XQz/p_N F]0B、        Extend the data base to use the newly added space.i.e ext db 10051Testing软件测试网xP @w:v1_[p*UJ
C、        Add additional LOG volumes,i.e.def logv filename f=volsize Notice:Same rules apply for LOG volumes as DB volumes.
4Qf5usZ m0D、        Extend the log to use the newly added space.i.e ext log 100
R(@}!\p-Np H8d0E、        You may have to delete the default volumes that were created during install,i.e del dbv filename or del log filename Notice:You may have to reduce the DB or LOG in order to delete the volume i.e.reduce db 1651Testing软件测试网kw _#N!yZ
3、        Now configure you dsmserv.opt file.Read though the default file.There are serval values you may wish to set or adjust.51Testing软件测试网 e ?a)Y+GRN
A、        Set yout COMMMethods and there related attributes
0eCMzO%|]ib#c0B、        Set VOLHISTORY and DEVCONFIG,remember make 2 copies
;|J v5}JG-{qv0C、        Set EXPInterval 0,this will disable expiration.You will have a admin schedule take care of this
'Qb*EZ%Fq*S:b0D、        Set various performance releated attributes,i.e. TCPNODELAY,TCPWindowsize,MAXSessions,BUFPoolsize,LOGPoolsize,TXNGroupmax.etc51Testing软件测试网 i lL/LQ)lz&r0^,N]j
E、        To use the Web Admin Client set COMMM tcpip,HTTPPort 1580,1580 is the default port number
X0b7hq;B"shM04、        Now you must defined the Libraries,Drivers and Device Classes your system will use51Testing软件测试网,YzSsN7T
A、        You must define libraries frist.Both manual and automated libraries can be defined,i.e.manual –def lib manlib libtype=manual or automated –def lib autolib libtype=scsi device=dec_spec51Testing软件测试网0R/Tg@{k%MR/h
B、        Now define drives in your libraries,i.e manual –def dr manlib mandr device=dec_spec or def dr autolib autodriv1 device=dec_spec element=element#
6dm;|/qf d0C、        Now we can create device classes.You can have more than 1 device class use the same library if yoy like.Notelease refer to the documentation for def dev command.There are many options available.
f!`[)fbI(?X Y"o1b05、        Once we have Device Classes we can create Storage Pools that will use them,also,we must establish or SP hierarchy.
h&P4oFq;}F`0A、        Determine the number of top level pools you will need.They will typically be Disk based SPs51Testing软件测试网t qhUw0y
B、        Next decide on the hierarchy from the top levels to the final pools.Make sure you consider things like:Backup vs Archive data,Collocation,Offsite (copy pools) vs Local.etc.
0p+E#d%j~ e*}0C、        Create the necessary storage pools with the appropriate attributes.In particular consider,the valus for migration,reclamation and next storage pool as they will also affected by your administrative schedules.Nore: Please consult the documentation for the def stg command.There are many options available.51Testing软件测试网5O-E:g8r'Xai ?
6、        Nextt you right create Policy Domian(s) and right Policy that is reflective of your Service Level Agreement(SLA).
-w K2|-O3RA0A、        Determine how you will group your manages systems.i.e.1 Policy Domain or several.
k#|-fhh9[0B、        Create you policy domain(s).Note:The following steps will be repeated for each Policy domain51Testing软件测试网eE6` R:Eot)X"av1r
ü        def do mydomain
M}F4a)WO3cn3e0ü        def po mydomain myposet51Testing软件测试网:o n#kp~:S|(n e
ü        def mg mydomain myposet mymc Note:Create as many Management Classes as necessary.51Testing软件测试网T$U,\7q*e?0tXi
ü        def co mydomain myposet mymc standard type=backup…
:_a[g A4d0ü        def co mydomain myposet mymc standard type=archive…
h2Q]*c(jJ0Note:above two lines are optional for any given Management Class
9fA,M~hK,JO'V]p8b0ü        as defmg mgname
j4f;?3uz,h6b.YV}0ü        val po mydomain myposet
,gfI+{6gy0ü        act po mydomain myposet51Testing软件测试网+R+_ z3s(M%h\ B
Note:Each of the above steps have many options,especially the def co commands,so please consult the documentation51Testing软件测试网"s#DR[eOB8n
7、        You probably want to go home at night so lets define some client schedules.Please remember client schedules are within a given Policy Domain,therefore you may want to right a schedule once and copy it to different domains if necessary.51Testing软件测试网k\(y8H Iv'w4hD
A、        Create a schedule to do your nightly Incremental backups.Your clients Domain and Include/Exclude list should be written so that all that is need in the schedule is just I with no file specification given.51Testing软件测试网*WsJ3IG.S+\
B、        Right any other schedules that maybe appropriate for you needs.Note:def sch command has several options,so please consult the documentation.51Testing软件测试网-pd;oBaXu
8、        The server will need some schedules as well.The followingis just a list of some things you should consider for scheduling.This is not intend to be a complete list nor do I attempt to make a 24 hour plan.The timings will depand entirely on your environment.There is a good example of a 24 hour schedule plan in the “Getting Statrted with Tivoli Storage Manager:Implementation Guide”.
Ui/hQ(GJ V s0A、        migration,reclamation,expiration,DB Backups, SPs      Backups,Clean Volhist, backup Volhist and Devconfig,DRM
-RmyUv~z:_#{0B、        Consider the time and order to do these things,in general do one things at a time,backup the DB after large changes51Testing软件测试网hu}xP.x8eN
C、        Remember to allow down time in your schedule.That is time when nothing is scheduled,so you can catch up if needed
}J j&WtR09、        There are just a few other miscellaneous server function left.51Testing软件测试网 {%[ nQ*N
A、        Create your client option sets.these are client options that you are going to override at the server.51Testing软件测试网BC9pxG,h,A3m
ü        Define one or more client option sets.i.e.def clo ntclients
-MhBm;l0ü        Next define the various options for each client option set.i.e.def cliento ntclients compress no
9UkeY"V1R0B、        Add any additional administrators thal you will need,i.e.server admins,help desk workers,operators,etc.
+d`2}FQp@{0ü        reg admin jradmin jrpasswd
X:p Ka^c2F|oX`0ü        grant auth jradmin…51Testing软件测试网(lY H`j,BTJ
Note:Consult the documentation for all the extra options.51Testing软件测试网\-w"s8]ru
C、        Label and checkin tape media.For NT,W2K and UNIX you can use the label libvol command.
Q.FVp2~oC010、        Now it is time at register you managed system(refereed to as clients).51Testing软件测试网4DQ)b5UztF k
A、        Things to consider at registration time,what domain and client option set to associate them with.51Testing软件测试网p%V {0Q1p
B、        reg node node_name node_password domain= domain_name clopset=ntclients51Testing软件测试网9y o V)x@H
C、        This must be done for every managed system,consider scrīpting it if you have a large number of clients.
0{+W,xM^W4b0D、        You must associate the node with the schedules you would like it to use.i.e.def assoc domain schedule node51Testing软件测试网D9gDhNNM n
Note:You can only associate nodes to schedules within their domain51Testing软件测试网SDl/P{
11、        The managed system(clients) must have the client code installed.Consult the “Installing the Clients Guide” for details on the different platforms that you will be using.51Testing软件测试网*e0P`&h?(M
12、        Once the clients are installed you will need to update the dsm.opt file and the dsm.sys(unix only) file.51Testing软件测试网Y xRq5~$aw
A、        Select a(just one)COMMMethod and configure any associated parms for that method,i.e.COMMM tcpip,TCPPort 1500,TCPServer server.dot.decimal.addr51Testing软件测试网p9c7DK6D(ubyR
B、        Configure schedule log,error log and their retention time,i.e.SCHEDLOGName dsmsched.log,SCHEDLOGRetention 10,ERRORLOGName dsmerr.log
lw7T:v'S0C、        Set performance related attributes.Consult the documentation for appropriate values for your environment,i.e.TCPB,TCPW,TXNB,etc.51Testing软件测试网8m$mMv,^+N
D、        Configure you Domain and Include/Exclude statements.The goal here is to eliminate those files you do not wish to backup and to bind particular files to a specific Management Class.51Testing软件测试网cZ8l"n2} {ah
E、        Insure that the dsmc sched program runs either as a service or a daemon when the client is rebooted.
VI"Ac? g0F、        Set passwordaccess generate This will allow the scheduler to authenticate automatically.
C[Y&@,S,A X r0G、        Configure the client to be accessed through the web client interface.
3j-dgg{ TrxaNI0ü        This will vary from platform to platform so please consult the Installing the Clients manual.51Testing软件测试网?"XFs gGY:C
ü        In general,you will need to have the TSM client acceptor service/daemon running.
n4M ]^9Q)h@0ü        TSM Client Acceptor service/daemon is generally started at boot time.
k^,P5s&i3A+aP0ü        Passwordaccess generate is required in the dsm.opt(dsm.sys for unix) file.


TSM server安装
"i(NnyrA0步骤一51Testing软件测试网%i\h#CT8Za q
`*t2n|!eE!IxU0        Tivoli.tsm.server.rte
&BYlVr ?I1DS0        Tivoli.tsm.server.com51Testing软件测试网oR+q%L2@N
        Tivoli.tsm.server.webadmin51Testing软件测试网9]}2yY/f#rc s M
g0GV3C-?)O&@0U-C&Eu0        Tivoli.tsm.license.cert
G R`rL]R$_9y I`_0        Tivoli.tsm.devices.aix43.rte


7M IJ7V/q#fT1s051Testing软件测试网 d@8t2S'Grx/r;F-w
修改环境变量51Testing软件测试网,V n Ve`h"l6y]&`
        export DSMSERV_DIR=/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin51Testing软件测试网[a;f t o
export DSMSERV_CONFIG=/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dmserv.opt

{*F;m \mJ7h(J0

l pf6d8u!w"Y0步骤三
,|e bUC u|X0修改dsmserv.opt文件
)|j~'ta%~)Y"HQ0        解除屏蔽:51Testing软件测试网&y"ljpb+Ckr
                COMMmethod TCPIP51Testing软件测试网\8z)\$U-h
                   COMMmethod HTTP
wC HO`0        添加:51Testing软件测试网.F \IuoQM
                    TCPPort 1500
"aLYT\9b,m,\6A0HTTPPort 1580

Cu\ [Qf YI0

| d U/Z:G0步骤四51Testing软件测试网{o#aO%d
建立server的自动运行:51Testing软件测试网C$W~3P K
        在TSM server软件包安装完成后,系统自动在inittab中添加了自动运行:51Testing软件测试网2p i)j"PE$_J$dC
autosrvr:2nce:/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/rc.adsmserv >;/dev/console 2>;&151Testing软件测试网']Fv.[,wyh]


\n6c&q1S `X6K?0手动运行server:
+kO$@@c^C0        dsmserv quiet &51Testing软件测试网7dT#LcG1p`

51Testing软件测试网 \ A jK2NQt;X8n

-G#a W$?#A!X^q0修改server名称等属性:
|*x+x$g(x0        对象视图->;服务器->;服务器状态51Testing软件测试网tbP1m Mm6PC

0YyD.z SMl1m*U2j0

        reg lic file=[license file] number51Testing软件测试网;w!] M/m2UXNA
        在TSM server安装完成后,在/usr/Tivoli/tsm/server/bin下会产生多个后缀为lic的license

.V T*cl#f&B7Mw)u#L051Testing软件测试网rG.mi;P F*q'x}Ers

        reg lic file=*.lic number=251Testing软件测试网6[~mE%_Z#U

R FZG zX9w Q3|0
Q`.nZ#u i|Du0格式化DB、LOG和磁盘存储池所需要的空间51Testing软件测试网/@;^ r OTdfv.q
a xO~)x]$o0        dsmfmt -m -db /tsmdata/db01.dsm 30051Testing软件测试网 i%K7H7p;{lqM|9Zw
        dsmfmt -m -log /xzbackup/tsmdata/log01.dsm 300
qf:J P+L$R it0        dsmfmt -m -data /xzbackup /tsmdata/babkvol.dsm 20051Testing软件测试网;i-S5g9q7NR4eN
        dsmfmt -m -data /xzbackup /tsmdata/baarcvol.dsm 200
3ao/tPR!o5VU/g0        dsmfmt -m -data /xzbackup /tsmdata/tdpbkvol.dsm 200
'`ns!GGl7P!B-V_%{0                                                                                                        `51Testing软件测试网)C,veq s'Vr^
步骤八51Testing软件测试网k yb5r%b2[


object view ->; Database ->; Database Volumes ->; Operations: ->; Define Database Volume


object view ->; Recovery log ->; Recovery log vo.umes ->; Operations: ->; Define Recovery log volume51Testing软件测试网R k$D*p:~

[&I?%`&OXjL L0步骤八51Testing软件测试网x sN,}EM$ZlCN
dU,lJ0?,L%b.hm0        tdpbkpool51Testing软件测试网#ZI IWM `r


Storage Pool Name          
w.s5Iq[n-R!F%q8t0Descrīption         51Testing软件测试网UV#KuFz V4jk b ["uz
Media Access Status         51Testing软件测试网m h;[M8j'Z)uj"Q![ S
Maximum Size Threshold         51Testing软件测试网t/m,G9to O
Next Storage Pool         51Testing软件测试网0DRQ6f np!^Hs
High Migration Threshold         51Testing软件测试网E JKro(?
Low Migration Threshold         
d9fs sj X0Cache Migrated Files?          YES  NO
9Je&XC.z7y`y0Migration Processes         51Testing软件测试网W&Jo6Wo(Oii
Migration Delay         
r yN h/^o.q0Migration Continue          YES  NO51Testing软件测试网-AU4~j h ULs/Ld
Copy Storage Pool(s)         51Testing软件测试网?7uh ~}4g/D!a^6p
Continue Copy on Error?          YES  NO
%i:bF3GDI&~0CRC Data          YES  NO

\ }'q1h#OxO0

W5s [0k_f0步骤九
;Zw,A\3U:c0定义与3583带库有关的对象51Testing软件测试网{6W qf\#`&S


        drive为/dev/rmtx51Testing软件测试网!H{d jO5{!Ip8F.V?o5e
若系统中已经有一个DDS带机(dev/rmt0),那么带库中的第一个drive设备名称51Testing软件测试网&oH]%yNx K}
为/dev/rmt1。51Testing软件测试网eZMS g%szn-m
ycd'Jz&m3S#K8tk0使用tapeutil查找3583 drive的element号
Y J#A2B | `0        1.# tapeutil51Testing软件测试网!al*G.g?e
        2. 选:“1. Open a Device”,输入device名称:/dev/smc051Testing软件测试网qz*ZU[co Ik0Ur
        3.选:“12. Element Information”,便可查找到drive的element号。
{BuVd"R0一般来说第一个drive的element号为25651Testing软件测试网WK/Gxc$Z6G,T R0d'r`

!cz Z.y+W*I+b!u!Q0定义库
$DP!kt_0select object view ->; server storage ->; Libraries and Drives ->; Automated Libraries ->; Operations: ->; Define Automated Library51Testing软件测试网4[v'z{&t$jb t(O
library name :        358351Testing软件测试网*jE/S{8gD
device:                /dev/smc0


7tQ:mu7e#R2R6S0select object view ->; server storage ->; Libraries and Drives ->; Automated Drives ->; Operations: ->; Define Automated Drive51Testing软件测试网,{7]0by+V0k#V'i
        Library Name                         358351Testing软件测试网E t{0{.]8?'i&M$RR
        Drive Name                         3583_drive1
rl:c"QkJo6~;d*Q0        Device                                 /dev/rmt151Testing软件测试网ir` gKu!EHpD
        Element                                 256                ( 256 just for 3583 drive 1, you should find out element information via tapeutil )
e4^ x(FnPA0        Device On-Line                                                       YES NO
k |;x|K;wL"|/n0        Cleaning Frequency (Gigabytes/ASNEEDED/NONE)51Testing软件测试网-@:C}._H
define second drive51Testing软件测试网'YMee0Ah^W
select object view ->; server storage ->; Libraries and Drives ->; Automated Drives ->; Operations: ->; Define Automated Drive
!aZf0e]U0        Library Name                         3583
;{,Y-n:q6hQ[0        Drive Name                         3583_drive2
v9VO{9R_P0        Device                                 /dev/rmt2
(|Z4}dU[q*l3o0        Element                                 257                ( you should find out element information via tapeutil )51Testing软件测试网\g8R0bZ@ G
        Device On-Line                                                       YES NO
"D9V8] L8hJ Nn0        Cleaning Frequency (Gigabytes/ASNEEDED/NONE)51Testing软件测试网!GD-EBwh

51Testing软件测试网Q yS"B\

For 3583:51Testing软件测试网/[6b2u6DDp1K`_
select object view ->; server storage ->; Device Classes ->; LTO Device Classes ->; Operations: ->; Define Device Class51Testing软件测试网_#c;P}&J [2wP
                     Device Class Name                 3583_Class
Ar%r@"_L u/RzT c0                     Recording Format                 Drive
(fvxxc B/q0                     Library Name                 3583
&p7sr'txi$X#a!?-O0                     Mount Limit                         DRIVES51Testing软件测试网[;ql&D$Xs-P
                     Mount Retention                 60
L J uq:w b"]4JSf+YPwy0                     Tape Volume Prefix                 ADSM51Testing软件测试网*K7t DfW$i+sY
                     Estimated Capacity                51Testing软件测试网 t6Y0n v_j
                     Mount Wait                         6051Testing软件测试网8? U0N K+X$`t(U

51Testing软件测试网 b!g,~^}I L

 51Testing软件测试网$F&U$Pt'D H

6u/x0jj[HbO X0D Xm0步骤十51Testing软件测试网;E c6b1f4ih:SDR
1.        为BA建立策略域51Testing软件测试网~ T*UO;j,QYU
9F8NT5\M:{,L+F@0badomain51Testing软件测试网RgDo` @K
2.        为TDP client建立策略域tdpdomain51Testing软件测试网%fg ?1wd0n+yJ
注意:TDP client所使用的拷贝副本组属性必须是:
b0Gf$Xc d0RETONLY=0

}%pb,OJ051Testing软件测试网}z S5n D#Tn#XU/|


s#? Km2n051Testing软件测试网 h nM}&d| y1@

tsm: BRAZIL>;def domain api_domain DESC='DO for all DB-Backups'51Testing软件测试网.f a-HfO!BU%U
ANR1500I Policy domain API_DOMAIN defined.51Testing软件测试网M Y)}]$@h+HS1i~&Ro
tsm: BRAZIL>;

2U W j#u1JV5@o+r0

L.E? S+@l0tsm: BRAZIL>;def policyset api_domain api_policy DESC='PO for all DB Backups'51Testing软件测试网3adJ/M a0Y)U
ANR1510I Policy set API_POLICY defined in policy domain API_DOMAIN.

J k8g8]VV051Testing软件测试网 O0DYm W8a5G Ls Tq

tsm: BRAZIL>;def mgmtclass api_domain api_policy api_mgmtclass DESC='MC for all DB-Backups'
g+gS4Zq7x:hW_'v0ANR1520I Management class API_MGMTCLASS defined in policy domain API_DOMAIN, set API_POLICY.51Testing软件测试网[boyxSV5R
tsm: BRAZIL>;


K|J3_j WHc6`0以下为建立拷贝副本组,需注意选项值:51Testing软件测试网/mk8@+h1S{ u;U
tsm: BRAZIL>;def copygroup api_domain api_policy api_mgmtclass type=archive DEST=api_disk retver=nolimit51Testing软件测试网 Y1K"xpm,_M1u
ANR1535I Archive copy group STANDARD defined in policy domain API_DOMAIN, setAPI_POLICY, management class API_MGMTCLASS.51Testing软件测试网1O*q9?3Z$~%d

51Testing软件测试网Y'W~C^ i

tsm: BRAZIL>;def copygroup api_domain api_policy api_mgmtclass type=backup DEST=api_disk_ vere=1 verd=0 rete=0 reto=051Testing软件测试网:d+Ur0wd%[,[
ANR1530I Backup copy group STANDARD defined in policy domain API_DOMAIN, set51Testing软件测试网8rO]f)ER
API_POLICY, management class API_MGMTCLASS.

FU8FV1O@.B S051Testing软件测试网u{C)W'n"y@Ii8ra



GG f4Q&}$]V |0步骤十一51Testing软件测试网3t&_aCT/i9`%Iz
建立include-exclude list
+t9Y Xyj@0在client的dsm.sys中加入:
!ju7iq?'q:e01.        domain /home /usr /datasave
-aaaEK,d0当使用命令时dsmc incremental -domain="/fs1 /fs2"将备份domain指定的/home, /usr, /datasave文件系统,以及备份命令中由-domain指定的/fs1和/fs2文件系统51Testing软件测试网{!P:H|Pu ?*T HE*T

WM3Lp`0步骤十二51Testing软件测试网[|;gq5[ {


}osFj0        持续时间:5小时
g]#F'^ y0        周期:根据用户需求而定,每隔多长时间务器调度运行一次。



@!Aj,}3P-Z0OTl*G0 51Testing软件测试网C!t`K"y#N)z

/HZ1sCD^,_0 51Testing软件测试网 `M'?O6w}3K'^ H




GO tv r6h1s)`l051Testing软件测试网{q#`"Iqg#P&R&p.bZG


5Bx/X m U g F\z0

[2l-`c J't1U'P%d0步骤一.
y"~/Y|8p-N[:\_U0Smit安装B-A client所需要安装的软件包51Testing软件测试网8a3d]4F3H&i3K
-g0[H4@ v:e n$h0        Backup/Archive Base files51Testing软件测试网A5|f-`3fv
        Backup/Archive Common Files
!\2lQO7uR&Y0\'y6]0Tivoli.tsm.client.books51Testing软件测试网)r [2MyT6K#d*~#hPj
Tivoli.tsm.client.web.aix43.32bit51Testing软件测试网*W)K ^:~/D@
Mqnh(vN b5ASq0(api在TDP安装时安装)

y.V Wox9h0

U:J!eG9f nz;Z0步骤二
/{ Y6`!G M&lal-s0        修改环境变量
&k4P~!Wp`&hW0                export DSM_DIR=/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin51Testing软件测试网)fl3iEgno }
export DSM_CONFIG=/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsm.opt51Testing软件测试网]*I&lTKzr#xd
export DSM_LOG=/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin51Testing软件测试网1q'[#C&Dm I,i


u;dQ ?d0                        export DSMSERV_DIR=/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin
o-[-fI$e0export DSMSERV_CONFIG=/usr/tivoli/tsm/server/bin/dmserv.opt)


^K)u)~-ZT"o n051Testing软件测试网h;{#E7ke6o;~5S
步骤三.51Testing软件测试网 D-rJN u1rr6V;S
需要修改的文件:51Testing软件测试网&|F B^k6eB)OD
0DS7x8V%s4O;@0        Servername      tsm

z#p3d7uy:i b0

w/z0F2e)M'Qy7pbC }0dsm.sys文件:51Testing软件测试网2HS!|0@b
SErvername                          tsm
(E{"T'M?j v-D*t0           COMMmethod               TCPip
3@{R/yq$vL)F[0           TCPPort                    150051Testing软件测试网,c/N~@V k,dk
           TCPServeraddress 软件测试网u)eqt1|8V
           nodename                   client1
7A6{ MZW0passwordaccess             generate
pOb8Oai7kT0           managedservices                webclient schedule

3XJ5r mb3Z3M%lF4i051Testing软件测试网0} VctS9s

步骤四51Testing软件测试网m M8K(\@D,MZ#x
9Z:Eb Q,i'Lz+h0        /usr/Tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/dsmcad51Testing软件测试网 J3f%w ~p_%h)|

,u4~5Q2kgZ&Ze0TDP for Oracle客户端安装51Testing软件测试网$S)D0Pk+wP7Tx;S9e5ki n
R){1Kx%j c"e0tivoli.tsm.client.oracle.tools.64bit

$y0n J ~o+T^G?0

\5x(o(}.i3g y\'c0在/usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin/目录下新建文件tdpo.opt51Testing软件测试网} O.s*JxS~0g
6]'F^7P#A9J:C0* Tivoli Storage Manager - Tivoli Data Protection for Oracle51Testing软件测试网]U:J C(['q6V"Rl/i
'{Su&B-o0* Sample tdpo.opt for the AIX TDP for Oracle


S$r!D(J#SQ ~d/Q0DSMI_ORC_CONFIG   /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/api/bin64/dsm.opt51Testing软件测试网}1b2d2UO
DSMI_LOG           /usr/tivoli/

ZvV4~7kt1t051Testing软件测试网I,c P&Na2L s

TDPO_FS            adsmorc51Testing软件测试网 y,py$Z@*rU
TDPO_NODE          tdpora1
QCh M S^.Yx)DO0TDPO_OWNER         root51Testing软件测试网N&f0V,k?l
TDPO_PSWDPATH      /usr/tivoli/tsm/client/oracle/bin64

uJ6P {&_:YUAr-ZR0

%F l#Y5n s0TDPO_DATE_FMT             1
@-fE/_nZ E0TDPO_NUM_FMT             151Testing软件测试网9VJs9y+L C'W j&c
TDPO_TIME_FMT             151Testing软件测试网 [ ]|&V J&}aX

GY vC O0Gl0*TDPO_MGMT_CLASS2   mgmtclass251Testing软件测试网*A#la$~z
*TDPO_MGMT_CLASS3   mgmtclass3
F n&eB6l&ydb0*TDPO_MGMT_CLASS4   mgmtclass451Testing软件测试网1fH&?$E a1\3GS p


编辑api client的dsm.opt文件51Testing软件测试网Cme Nu9@fUtMy0u
* SErvername       A server name defined in the dsm.sys file51Testing软件测试网zp%w'Q!P
SErvername       tsm


Sf#[!_kN0编辑api client的dsm.sys文件

D$_ LG @U0

,Hqdx%k{6[.dn[0Servername                        tsm
1}*@v'Ph3\*V&uzt0COMMmethode                TCPip
Z(G#n/s}"n|o0TCPPort                        1500
1b^C-GI0TCPServeraddress      软件测试网S_*d1\H#xM}Z
nodename                        tdpora1
E(qN$M3L'Z7r Ti R0PASSWORDAccess        prompt51Testing软件测试网M|u"O`[^;Z:Z#YA

G r;ud)]M0在TSM server注册api client(tdpora1)


初始化password:51Testing软件测试网`6\Xa_ Z]&w%Gp
使用tdpoconf password -tdpo_optfile=[TDP for Oracle option文件]
Hq*m C1?m2at0        如果tdpo.opt在默认目录下,该命令可不需要参数
DZ%Y&])b,ENC-q0        产生的password文件名为:TDPO.[节点名] (注意大小写)51Testing软件测试网'v*v#Q B7EKh%u5e'y

51Testing软件测试网!KO2i5We2O6@'x i_5L c}

        该口令与TSM server注册该节点时的口令相同

+Szs-tH Uu{uo'?h0

g,GV` iMLL0        注意:如果在运行tdpoconf时出现错误,那么可能是api64目录下的dsm.sys和dsm.opt文件,以及tdpo.opt文件的内容或文件属性有问题。比较.smp文件的属性,以其为准。51Testing软件测试网 Pw#vJ8O ^9w[U

51Testing软件测试网5]O L)Rq[?TtW

确认安装51Testing软件测试网x{ m Zv [^
1.        显示TDP的环境变量:
mI K)P+a C iy0tdpoconf showenv

8bPv/XV Rc:i051Testing软件测试网7? HTg]h.A:b;an

S*a Le1@0重新连接oracle备份的库文件51Testing软件测试网f0b@:a.m~8mE
1.        关闭oracle51Testing软件测试网Q5I!q j7Fei1cw
2.        重新连接库文件:
7TFufXn+o0#rm $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libobk.a
#t~;Q RD6?Bi+M["c0#ln -s /usr/lib/libobk.a $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libobk.a51Testing软件测试网p.G7c*s+E)_T5J;U"a
3.        启动oracle51Testing软件测试网$N|sSV5]7i v
 51Testing软件测试网g!zxQAh g


TAG: TSM 数据备份 数据恢复 数据安全 数据安全与备份




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