
The 'Quality Assurance' in My Company

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-04-10 14:30:03 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 平静 / 个人分类:QA

For a job, the responsibility is specific. But the job's descrīption vary from the different companys. If you want to be competent, you must konw your responsibility well.

Responsibilities in my company:

Track the projects to ensure compliance with procedures;

Be invited to reviews where possible.If not attend,you must examine the meeting minutes.This is to ensure the paoject is functionly correct and the enhancement being created will meet the marketing requirements;

Be resposible for testing or ensureing the necessary tests are performed on the software prior to realease.

The testing is brokedn down to several areas:

1. Maintenance (Bug fixes). Testing of corrections to the software behavīor.

ERP is the main product of my company.Being a huge sysytem, for devs, more work is for the corrections. So for QA, there are many bugs to verify. Not only to test the fixes, but also important to ensure there are no regressions in the software. I.E. That fixing one issue has not created a secondary problem with a different flag setting.

2. Enhancements. Testing of a functional improvement to the software.

For enhancement projects, test plan and test case are must and is executed manually.

3. System. End-to-end testing to make sure all the pieces of the software work together.

System testing, can also be referred to as integration testing, to ensure the product works from end-to-end.These tests are not designed to check any one feature but rather to exercise the most commonly used routes through the products.

4. Installation. Ensure the software can be installed correctly on each of the platforms.

Installation is a very platform specific avtivity as directory structures and envrionment varaibles differ across paltforms. Therefore all service packs and releases are test indtalled on all platform prior to general availability.

5. Conversion. Ensure that a database can be installed correctly from one release to the next and the new level of software will perform against the converted database.

Above are all the job's descrīption when I was in the ERP team. But now I transfer to BPM team. BPM is a new introduced product. We buy the product and do the secondary development, so the pfojects are mostly new created. So the test scopr is different from before. 






« 2024-04-06  


  • 访问量: 5259
  • 日志数: 8
  • 建立时间: 2008-04-08
  • 更新时间: 2008-06-26


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