
robotium V2.2与V1.7.1导出API的差异整理

上一篇 / 下一篇  2011-04-10 17:48:20 / 个人分类:测试工具

int getCurrenButtonsCount()
          Deprecated. legacy method that is outdated

Solo(android.app.Instrumentation instrumentation)
          Constructor that takes in the instrumentation.

void clearEditText(android.widget.EditText editText)
          Clears the value of an EditText.

void clickLongOnScreen(float x, float y, int time)
          Long clicks a given coordinate on the screen for a given amount of time.

void clickLongOnText(String text, int match, int time)
          Long clicks on a given View.

void clickLongOnView(android.view.View view, int time)
          Long clicks on a given View for a given amount of time.

void enterText(android.widget.EditText editText, String text)
          Enters text into a given EditText.

android.widget.Button getButton(String text)
          Returns a Button which shows a given text.

ArrayList<android.widget.DatePicker> getCurrentDatePickers()
          Returns an ArrayList of the DatePicker objects currently shown in the focused Activity or Dialog.

ArrayList<android.widget.ProgressBar> getCurrentProgressBars()
          Returns an ArrayList of the ProgressBar objects currently shown in the focused Activity or Dialog.

ArrayList<android.widget.SlidingDrawer> getCurrentSlidingDrawers()
          Returns an ArrayList of the SlidingDrawer objects currently shown in the focused Activity or Dialog.

ArrayList<android.widget.TimePicker> getCurrentTimePickers()
          Returns an ArrayList of the TimePicker objects currently shown in the focused Activity or Dialog.

ArrayList<android.view.View> getCurrentViews()
          Returns an ArrayList of the View objects currently shown in the focused Activity or Dialog.

android.widget.EditText getEditText(String text)
          Returns an EditText which shows a given text.

android.widget.TextView getText(String text)
          Returns a TextView which shows a given text.

android.view.View getView(int id)
          Returns a View with a given id. 
ArrayList<android.view.View> getViews(android.view.View parent)
          Returns an ArrayList of the View objects contained in the parent View.

void pressMenuItem(int index, int itemsPerRow)
          Presses a MenuItem with a given index.

boolean isCheckBoxChecked(String text)
          Checks if a CheckBox with a given text is checked.
boolean isRadioButtonChecked(String text)
          Checks if a RadioButton with a given text is checked.

boolean isSpinnerTextSelected(int index, String text)
          Checks if a given text is selected in a given Spinner.
boolean isSpinnerTextSelected(String text)
          Checks if a given text is selected in any Spinner located in the current screen.

boolean isTextChecked(String text)
          Checks if the given text is checked.

boolean isToggleButtonChecked(int index)
          Checks if a ToggleButton with a given index is checked.
boolean isToggleButtonChecked(String text)
          Checks if a ToggleButton with a given text is checked.

boolean searchButton(String text, boolean onlyVisible)
          Searches for a Button with the given text string and returns true if at least one Button is found.

boolean searchButton(String text, int minimumNumberOfMatches, boolean onlyVisible)
          Searches for a Button with the given text string and returns true if the searched Button is found a given number of times.

boolean searchToggleButton(String text)
          Searches for a ToggleButton with the given text string and returns true if at least one ToggleButton is found.
boolean searchToggleButton(String text, int minimumNumberOfMatches)
          Searches for a ToggleButton with the given text string and returns true if the searched ToggleButton is found a given number of times.

void setDatePicker(android.widget.DatePicker datePicker, int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth)
          Sets the date in a given DatePicker.

void setDatePicker(int index, int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth)
          Sets the date in a DatePicker with a given index.

void setProgressBar(int index, int progress)
          Sets the progress of a ProgressBar with a given index.

void setProgressBar(android.widget.ProgressBar progressBar, int progress)
          Sets the progress of a given ProgressBar.

void setSlidingDrawer(int index, int status)
          Sets the status of a SlidingDrawer with a given index.

void setSlidingDrawer(android.widget.SlidingDrawer slidingDrawer, int status)
          Sets the status of a given SlidingDrawer.

void setTimePicker(int index, int hour, int minute)
          Sets the time in a TimePicker with a given index.

void setTimePicker(android.widget.TimePicker timePicker, int hour, int minute)
          Sets the time in a given TimePicker.

<T extends android.view.View>
boolean waitForView(Class<T> viewClass)
          Waits for a View to be shown.

<T extends android.view.View>
boolean waitForView(Class<T> viewClass, int minimumNumberOfMatches, int timeout)
          Waits for a View to be shown.

<T extends android.view.View>
boolean waitForView(Class<T> viewClass, int minimumNumberOfMatches, int timeout, boolean scroll)
          Waits for a View to be shown.


比如(“/* */”内的文字为1.7版本的描述):
ArrayList<android.widget.ToggleButton> getCurrentToggleButtons()
          Returns an ArrayList of the ToggleButton objects currently shown in the focused Activity or Dialog.
         /*Returns an ArrayList with the toggle buttons located in the current activity.*/

ArrayList<android.view.View> getViews()
          Returns an ArrayList of all the View objects located in the focused Activity or Dialog.
         /*Returns an ArrayList of all the views located in the current activity.*/

boolean scrollUpList(int index/*listIndex*/)
          Scrolls up a list with a given index.

boolean searchButton(String text/*int search*/)
          Searches for a Button with the given text string and returns true if at least one Button is found.
        /*Searches for a button with the given search string and returns true if at least one button is found with the expected text.*/

boolean searchButton(String text/*int search*/, int minimumNumberOfMatches/*int matches*/)
          Searches for a Button with the given text string and returns true if the searched Button is found a given number of times.

boolean waitForText(String text, int minimumNumberOfMatches /*int matches*/, long timeout)
          Waits for a text to be shown.

boolean waitForText(String text, int minimumNumberOfMatches/*int matches*/, long timeout, boolean scroll)
          Waits for a text to be shown.

boolean searchToggleButton(String text, int minimumNumberOfMatches/*int matches*/)
          Searches for a ToggleButton with the given text string and returns true if the searched ToggleButton is found a given number of times.

TAG: robotium




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