umount时发生Device is busy的问题

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-05-27 13:39:43 / 个人分类:Linux

如果mount的 内容发生了变化,在访问mount内容时有可能出现僵死的情况,此时需要重新mount。

mount -o remount dir

将已mount的 只读状态的文件系统改为读写状态

mount -o remount, rw dir

该命令不会改变mount源 或mount点。

在卸载设备时,有时会出现Device is busy的情况,导致umount进程一直僵在那里,无法继续。

umount -l /device  #Lazy umount. Detach the filesystem from the filesystem hierarchy now, and cleanup all references to the filesystem as soon as it is not busy anymore.
umount -f /device  #Force unmount (in case of an unreachable NFS system)

另外,fuser命 令在解决这种问题时很有用。

fuser: identify processes using files or sockets
fuser displays the PIDs of processes using the specified files or file systems.
-m name specifies a file on a mounted file system or a block device that is mounted.
fuser -km /home #kills all processes accessing the file system /home in any way.

TAG: mount umount busy




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