

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-07-09 08:46:01

A writer, like a boxer must stand alone. Having your words published , like entering a ring puts your talent on display. And there's nowhere to hide. I never intended to write a story about myself  or my son. Or about love. Or the lies that can sometimes come from love. We live in the fear. I will tell you this about the man I called Champ, whom everybody called Champ. He was, against all reason , my friend. And he was also a liar. But was that because he was trying to make himself  better than who he was? Or was it because the one force more powerful than a son wanting the admiration of his father, is the father wanting the admiration of his son? Some times we need the help of our imagination to achieve that status. For it is no easy task being the strongest, wisest, most beloved man in all the land than that moment when our children dicover that we are not the illusory supermen we've created.  But rather, as Herman Melville once wrote, "men drained of  valor"?  The lies that come from love can devastate as much as those that come from malice.  Champ's legacy, I suppose is the inspiration for truth. And the beauty that can emerge from it.

A beauty that lets our children admire us unconditionally. Love us unconditionally. As I love my son , mucho grande.





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