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上一篇 / 下一篇  2011-07-16 14:47:00 / 个人分类:loadcomplete

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Thank you for signing up for a trial of LoadComplete. We are excited to introduce you to the new stress and load performance testing tool from SmartBear. Here is how to get started:51Testing软件测试网sB LZ!O s1j{5q

Download Info


Use the following link to download LoadComplete Controller trial:51Testing软件测试网]I,|Gbn-Fm,Q
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-PGY H:o? |@0Use the following link to optionally download LoadComplete Remote Agent Service (RAS):
/dK`h9Iav m$M*?5^0http://downloads.automatedqa.com/LoadCompleteRASDemo/51Testing软件测试网:Yf3xd8[e)F&{

yjdaYx%z,rp0If you cannot open links from this e-mail, copy the link and paste it into your web browser’s address bar.51Testing软件测试网SH0l-t'|#[#[

LoadComplete RAS is used to generate virtual users from computers other than the one that the LoadComplete Controller is installed on, to produce high levels of load
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3A*l5ey+|0Not all trial users will want to use RAS during the trial. You will want to include this in your trial only if you will eventually use more than 250 VUs in production testing, which will require more than one load generating computer.51Testing软件测试网5d?[V8Q

Installation and Activation51Testing软件测试网Mg5V0@$WC7n

LoadComplete Controller:51Testing软件测试网b0p&Y7fy$H`2_

LoadComplete is downloaded as a self-installing executable archive. Double-click to start the installation. LoadComplete can be installed on either a physical or a virtual machine.
0G e~:~dTs3Vf ~6o'i$c0Activation Key: 3366402706168371927
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After installing LoadComplete, it will need to be activated. You will be prompted to input your activation key by the license activation wizard when you first start LoadComplete.51Testing软件测试网 Kc%jEF e]8b9{
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The trial license is time-limited and will expire in 30 days and is limited to 50 virtual users. For detailed information on installation and activation of LoadComplete, please refer to theLoadComplete trial activation guide.

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LoadComplete RAS:51Testing软件测试网._NO*q:oIp

LoadComplete RAS should be installed on computers other than the one hosting LoadComplete Controller. To install RAS, double click the installation archive after downloading. The service will start automatically after installation.51Testing软件测试网+B|]3jb;a-pI8V

Take a moment to learn how to create your first load test:



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Happy testing and good luck with your trial!

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