Creating a Dictionary

上一篇 / 下一篇  2010-03-29 19:58:37 / 个人分类:VBScript

Chapter 5 Quick Reference


Do This

Use a string to populate an array

Use the Split function to turn the string into an array

Resize a dynamic array

Use the ReDim command

Resize a dynamic array and keep the existing data in it

Use the ReDim command with the Preserve keyword

Change the way string values are compared in a Dictionary object

Change the Compare Mode property of the dictionary object

Create a Dictionary object

Use the createObject command and specify the scripting.dictionary program ID

Determine how many items are in the dictionary

Use the Count property

Determine if an item exists in the dictionary prior to adding it

Use the Exists method

Obtain a collection of keys from the dictionary

Use the Keys method



Option Explicit
Dim objDictionary   'the dictionary object
Dim objFSO          'the FileSystemObject object
Dim objFolder       'created by GetFolder method
Dim colFiles        'collection of files from Files method
Dim objFile         'individual file
Dim aryKeys         'array of keys
Dim strKey          'individual key from array of keys
Dim strFolder       'the folder to obtain listing of files

strFolder = "c:\windows"
Set bjDictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary") 'connect dictionary
Set bjFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") ' connect filesystemobject
Set bjFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strFolder) 'get path "c:\windows" all folders
Set colFiles = objFolder.Files
For Each objFile In colFiles  'using for each next to throgh all items with the files
objDictionary.Add objFile.Name, objFile.Size
aryKeys = objDictionary.Keys
For Each strKey In aryKeys
WScript.Echo "The file: " & strKey & " is: " & _
objDictionary.Item(strKey) & " bytes"
WScript.Echo "Directory listing of " & strFolder
WScript.Echo "***there are " & objDictionary.count & " files"





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