
QTP 基础代码收集

上一篇 / 下一篇  2008-06-01 13:33:49 / 个人分类:QTP

-`zFi A01。 将bug添加到QC

:W;Qx4?1c6i*^+Z+y"]051Testing软件测试网 JjI-o)Csh.A Q

Dim TDConnection
!e$ob1{~%u0Set TDConnection = CreateObject("TDApiOle.TDConnection")51Testing软件测试网K |({.zqc0~
TDConnection.InitConnection "http://yovav/tdbin" ' URL for the DB51Testing软件测试网k@V$L7U,l
TDConnection.ConnectProject "TD76","bella","pino" ' Valid login information
sr5HHf2fY+s \e0 51Testing软件测试网4jqXI.u:CAW5sX
If TDConnection.Connected Then51Testing软件测试网~B4FV/V4`&d
  MsgBox("Connected to " + chr (13) + "Server " + TDConnection.ServerName _
S(h)FnMl0  + chr (13) +"Project " + TDConnection.ProjectName )
])cf|'H5^#l.S0Else51Testing软件测试网 t,z,r3xq7u%l h%\2w:K
  MsgBox("Not Connected")
jt"h5~f1W ~L@ T(x0End If51Testing软件测试网T![t4}(xi7[
D kWx.wZx0'Get the IBugFactory
,_Pe.u ]"t4X-a+d0Set BugFactory = TDConnection.BugFactory51Testing软件测试网#P ~#x Z FW
{3S'g_+L5i R0'Add a new empty bug
q ^ v C~n \(Fsh0Set Bug = BugFactory.AddItem (Nothing)51Testing软件测试网E1aZ5O |
@8[m2t#]8p0'fill the bug with relevant parameters
FJ L2i"t{8O0Bug.Status = "New"
jt&r-GRg0Bug.Summary = "Connecting to TD"51Testing软件测试网oEt7R#c KN'^
Bug.Priority = "4-Very High" ' depends on the DB51Testing软件测试网L T.]e!~b.Ec.v8V
Bug.AssignedTo = "admin" ' user that must exist in the DB's users list
'` fNGOg*E)g#];c%q0Bug.DetectedBy = "admin" ' user that must exist in the DB's users list
0o zP`0];sC0 51Testing软件测试网5BQ:z,Z|7~ f~J
'Post the bug to DB ( commit )51Testing软件测试网H5Fqz3_e

g2~8{5iy)P_5ExW051Testing软件测试网[/Mi b)W4a }8d8S,RY

2。 文件操作函数集:51Testing软件测试网0YM$g8Gt Q

51Testing软件测试网+MO5K s i k!FU

F;{ f(Vzn;g Q q0' Creates a specified file and returns a TextStream object that can be used to read from or write to the file.
(c"C2tg H/q-d S,] @*s0' Example of usage51Testing软件测试网p w/_1Y7HLh [V
' Set f = CreateFile("d:\temp\beenhere.txt", True)51Testing软件测试网V,b } ` D^| F
' f.WriteLine Now51Testing软件测试网w&iy3\)Uy!t
' f.Close51Testing软件测试网#i5Ws m-r Wi#y
Function CreateFile(sFilename, bOverwrite)51Testing软件测试网qX jox r v
    Set fso = CreateObject("scrīpting.FileSystemObject")
`-];Io9MkXh0    Set CreateFile = fso.CreateTextFile(sFilename, bOverwrite)
|0f,T4S|#o q!j0End Function51Testing软件测试网qn:T*Q~l{6~:_6V
/R#a&^(Y_Y C??0' Opens a specified file and returns a TextStream object that can be used to read from, write to, or append to the file.
|6UD9k#x!]G1Z x0' iomode: 1 - ForReading, 2 - ForWriting, 8 - ForAppending51Testing软件测试网$|#|4E @3E"C
' Example of usage51Testing软件测试网x'@oyY2W Un%B
' Set f = OpenFile("d:\temp\beenhere.txt", 2, True)51Testing软件测试网uR!um_%ng.?
' f.WriteLine Now
1yc2Q3f`H,~&R-`0' f.Close

/Rn Izm|V~6U P051Testing软件测试网M/VR*M9F7_

Function OpenFile(sFilename, iomode, create)
z Y%DMt\,s"|0    Set fso = CreateObject("scrīpting.FileSystemObject")51Testing软件测试网*I {7pe jb.G L
    Set ōpenFile = fso.OpenTextFile(sFilename, iomode, create)51Testing软件测试网)L(]yy#H
End Function
\ w ~v&mpugh0 
;z~ y oLx0' Appends a line to a file51Testing软件测试网V0N\bbw
' Example of usage
Y? bl IVs lbW0' AppendToFile "d:\temp\beenhere.txt", Now
&u)^eF4m0Function AppendToFile(sFilename, sLine)51Testing软件测试网h w*Fx7Bl1v}
    Const ForAppending = 8
GJj}1Mte"~0    If sFilename = "" Then
gAw-X*Uqa0        sFilename = Environment("SystemTempDir") & "\QTDebug.txt"
f uSCj4z`0    End If
IJt!l6J]0    Set f = OpenFile(sFilename, ForAppending, True)
?3mP\;f8^3R-Pr0    f.WriteLine sLine
kl$I,o.T4M\ PMi+E0    f.Close51Testing软件测试网u b-\2p[&W p
End Function
TjXHJ0 51Testing软件测试网$Y*zz[ fT0f`
' Writes a line to a file.
7h m wK^8O{0' Destroys the current content of the file!
Mh$iEU0' Example of usage51Testing软件测试网J.H] ^ H:V#M6Zl T,Z
' WriteToFile "d:\temp\beenhere.txt", Now51Testing软件测试网n%b!oqe `0O;_2v
Function WriteToFile(sFilename, sLine)
)DB+S5h"mE!`e$D.?}{0    Const ForWriting = 251Testing软件测试网y ]-h']}*Z5y
    If sFilename = "" Then51Testing软件测试网8x {,y+Q$W
        sFilename = Environment("SystemTempDir") & "\QTDebug.txt"
6dt tpr8O6_.Ebv&y0    End If51Testing软件测试网1i%[2bb!l$tKM
    Set f = OpenFile(sFilename, ForWriting, True)51Testing软件测试网cTcvi-X9m
    f.WriteLine sLine
t4an!@1TCQ2V2M0    f.Close
T)v:N |(?U0End Function

5S$Vv2a H8EQv&E051Testing软件测试网d6k!Bo%B"h n

3。 使用qtp发mail51Testing软件测试网 Pq(\!g)N1V

51Testing软件测试网U1Ry A1B0?#q

' Example 151Testing软件测试网AB5rv'{TQ
Function SendMail(SendTo, Subject, Body, Attachment)51Testing软件测试网qB EZ$F
    Set ōl=CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
5J"e.c5Z9z.t'L(Hb0    Set Mail=ol.CreateItem(0)
g igHa7riaM0    Mail.to=SendTo51Testing软件测试网+CR/L6wS%|0J&KE
u ]2M*yk \7PY*H~0    Mail.Body=Body51Testing软件测试网9ev2R2y'R
    If (Attachment <> "") Then
MZuVv.oap[0        Mail.Attachments.Add(Attachment)
,X~LtP };C/W_| m0    End If51Testing软件测试网8PJ+_"_%f(\
    Mail.Send51Testing软件测试网 kHaY {d8V6r3j;c#A%@
    Set Mail = Nothing
.h8Q A-E h)Q0    Set ōl = Nothing51Testing软件测试网-s$S l#v!mK7KLB
End Function51Testing软件测试网!@9mk$a1x
r#q6fe5R-y M*X0' Example 2
vY%nQ!hCN:V2U0Function SendMail(SendFrom, SendTo, Subject, Body)51Testing软件测试网-DH#[ I)M/jW
    Set ōbjMail=CreateObject("CDONTS.Newmail")51Testing软件测试网w7g8Z_'s6C
    ObjMail.From = SendFrom51Testing软件测试网o*S1Dg^8_'I
    ObjMail.To = SendTo
?-BW5Ss^v6b0    ObjMail.Subject = Subject51Testing软件测试网rg#budl
    ObjMail.Body = Body
GcP"m-G;nY ^0    ObjMail.Send51Testing软件测试网 y4q|c^:rb4B
    Set ōbjMail = Nothing
Z\9?;@ \y$r{0End Function


4。Excel操作函数集合:51Testing软件测试网&L+s |x0_"i

)j.OH9l.X@]0Dim ExcellApp 'As Excel.Application
%W N8iwo0Dim excelSheet1 'As Excel.worksheet51Testing软件测试网7g$G _Lz
Dim excelSheet2 'As Excel.worksheet
p"J aX9_-TS_3c0 51Testing软件测试网#Lrm&M1H_ |S
Set ExcelApp = CreateExcel()51Testing软件测试网4k H? P#jv(en
 51Testing软件测试网7V8| Q7{6sG_#{]
'Create a workbook with two worksheets51Testing软件测试网q l Nexl
ret = RenameWorksheet(ExcelApp, "Book1", "Sheet1", "Example1 Sheet Name")51Testing软件测试网D3c'c\$n
ret = RenameWorksheet(ExcelApp, "Book1", "Sheet2", "Example2 Sheet Name")51Testing软件测试网u.l] @:N
ret = RemoveWorksheet(ExcelApp, "Book1", "Sheet3")
A*C K mU kPY9w$A0 51Testing软件测试网:d8z?0A%v&_Snf T
'SaveAs the work book
+vfd&E"Mj O&iJB`)jq0ret = SaveWorkbook(ExcelApp, "Book1", "D:\Example1.xls")51Testing软件测试网&D [r6lO6OO
'Fill worksheets51Testing软件测试网Q7s5Zb Q+v-d+R
Set excelSheet1 = GetSheet(ExcelApp, "Example1 Sheet Name")
z*z7Sj1F2N@ \0Set excelSheet2 = GetSheet(ExcelApp, "Example2 Sheet Name")
4iFaT H6R0For column = 1 to 10
&fl^'qoYAo0    For row = 1 to 10
u } tnM[0        SetCellValue excelSheet1, row, column, row + column51Testing软件测试网[dxs0_,GU4L)J
        SetCellValue excelSheet2, row, column, row + column51Testing软件测试网"[H yH KjhiLg
pb@:B(b \#iqXh0'Compare the two worksheets51Testing软件测试网)`F8O,H7k?DF'F4E
ret = CompareSheets(excelSheet1, excelSheet2, 1, 10, 1, 10, False)51Testing软件测试网?NeG g Jc
If ret Then
^@'r n,~mQ0    MsgBox "The two worksheets are identical"51Testing软件测试网+Z_ Z;r Poz:a9k
End If
#vw|Y'zdx!Nbp0 51Testing软件测试网R-k)q4V'B XY\.^
'Change the values in one sheet
)Uec5k4m#Fo0SetCellValue excelSheet1, 1, 1, "Yellow"
}%A7G'qE Z@'Q0SetCellValue excelSheet2, 2, 2, "Hello"
*dNo7`/c1c P5@0'Compare the worksheets again
V(L-nZ[ W0ret = CompareSheets(excelSheet1, excelSheet2, 1, 10, 1, 10, True)51Testing软件测试网+q8Cc Z1Z8\
If Not ret Then
K2c(u7U!^K g.U0    MsgBox "The two worksheets are not identical"
oA8R){GKJ;e)m0el0End If
-n7ahC!b(N0 51Testing软件测试网Y*P.k,h ~'Ea9y u
'save the workbook by index identifier51Testing软件测试网@B8t t)x~ _|
SaveWorkbook ExcelApp, 1, ""
RDI,{3_v!Q3Z4k&C"j0 51Testing软件测试网8w5tm D;S%L;r)A
'Close the Excel application
Io?MR7c0CloseExcel ExcelApp
_|1r:H G^d2k~9F0 51Testing软件测试网3j-z8r_6F Q^)a
' ****************************************** Function Library ***********************************************************51Testing软件测试网M"v%B"`$yXS1Lsk

51Testing软件测试网.f:v8S*L j9e;P {g M

Dim ExcelApp 'As Excel.Application
:[ `[Qi6Tg0Dim excelSheet 'As Excel.worksheet51Testing软件测试网1mq Yj uO6j*HH%[^
Dim excelBook 'As Excel.workbook51Testing软件测试网\|"m_RAb
Dim fso 'As scrīpting.FileSystemObject51Testing软件测试网nG-mC$lt1^ l
#}&]5K(AU)r6OA#I0' This function will return a new Excel Object with a default new Workbook51Testing软件测试网 WJH#~-B~D
Function CreateExcel() 'As Excel.Application
8Hh&U'Fh)h!a4|3A7wH z0    Dim excelSheet 'As Excel.worksheet
2g*P0Q1hDt0    Set ExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 'Create a new excel Object51Testing软件测试网n4@y3n |
    ExcelApp.Visible = True51Testing软件测试网 wuZ dJ1z
    Set CreateExcel = ExcelApp
!Y0fR#v|jZy0End Function
|VX*B|0 51Testing软件测试网'}.a[8z0|/LQ
'This function will close the given Excel Object51Testing软件测试网zX5du3vMHr
'excelApp - an Excel application object to be closed
1@ yd E:o-Ud^I i0Sub CloseExcel(ExcelApp)51Testing软件测试网A@Q3\ u&N'M
    Set excelSheet = ExcelApp.ActiveSheet
sF7C&M5Bq0    Set excelBook = ExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook51Testing软件测试网rFUS[:T
    Set fso = CreateObject("scrīpting.FileSystemObject")
~y.g y~qX~0]tP0    On Error Resume Next51Testing软件测试网iJ'f E&Q |2m
    fso.CreateFolder "C:\Temp"
P l0ib X$b0    fso.DeleteFile "C:\Temp\ExcelExamples.xls"
ER2CP/Is*`q B0    excelBook.SaveAs "C:\Temp\ExcelExamples.xls"
"?7I;Q-C[,C;C0    ExcelApp.Quit51Testing软件测试网A.tX/T6F\x
    Set ExcelApp = Nothing51Testing软件测试网'u+^2yz)N@{X3|4m
    Set fso = Nothing51Testing软件测试网c/HXFE5w8b
    Err = 051Testing软件测试网H?`ia)B]
    On Error GoTo 051Testing软件测试网(_8k9X4? {)c
End Sub51Testing软件测试网q q8f:G+V%RJ
;F"NMsr i]6?0'The SaveWorkbook method will save a workbook according to the workbookIdentifier51Testing软件测试网 [UC&@%K {jDl
'The method will overwrite the previously saved file under the given path51Testing软件测试网/d9G6@e+RD6njc8_
'excelApp - a reference to the Excel Application51Testing软件测试网oLj.Y"W I9{
'workbookIdentifier - The name or number of the requested workbook51Testing软件测试网.u:J!]h$_qL l
'path - the location to which the workbook should be saved
p`V;v!x0'Return "OK" on success and "Bad Workbook Identifier" on failure
:O}\2ZPI`0Function SaveWorkbook(ExcelApp, workbookIdentifier, path) 'As String51Testing软件测试网.vG g[1Q
    Dim workbook 'As Excel.workbook
`1a0Z P#pn3x0    On Error Resume Next
'^J0B*{#]J0    Set workbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks(workbookIdentifier)51Testing软件测试网|:|m]RN|,EK)`i
    On Error GoTo 0
Q'_8c+Snl3?HJ0    If Not workbook Is Nothing Then51Testing软件测试网/F])E Z6FL
        If path = "" Or path = workbook.FullName Or path = workbook.Name Then51Testing软件测试网o,x\mrhVu h
k$W4M+e9PTp0        Else
&f#_ig!t WC5t0            Set fso = CreateObject("scrīpting.FileSystemObject")51Testing软件测试网/Q'r;|9D)m%{ Q
l wQl-P$z I0            'if the path has no file extension then add the 'xls' extension51Testing软件测试网A`#F w}
            If InStr(path, ".") = 0 Then
5ohrnN%f0H*tCn0                path = path & ".xls"
.r)]$z FvX0            End If
#G*u wlt(lNNx0 
WZ5eK"j2x${9] tA)R0            On Error Resume Next51Testing软件测试网B8Q#U.D'@u-w^
            fso.DeleteFile path51Testing软件测试网 {%O}LW$Rp
            Set fso = Nothing51Testing软件测试网^]OtY1?@"vo
            Err = 051Testing软件测试网*E1C8Y-Fu_o7Z+d
            On Error GoTo 051Testing软件测试网D;^U*l0Eh$C(G j
            workbook.SaveAs path51Testing软件测试网$l\\E,Dr:l0m#q;l\%M
        End If
W~9ea-p}5j}0        SaveWorkbook = "OK"
'c.jgR0F0    Else51Testing软件测试网&B b#mbrf,O
        SaveWorkbook = "Bad Workbook Identifier"
F6AD'A3Ta2c#w0    End If51Testing软件测试网H;TiMM
End Function
#[V+Ge8E(_O[],X*vt0'The SetCellValue method sets the given 'value' in the cell which is identified by51Testing软件测试网Q4F1j2uo~ro
'its row column and parent Excel sheet51Testing软件测试网"bj+j/xK
'excelSheet - the excel sheet that is the parent of the requested cell51Testing软件测试网5@/DQ ~\;\HWbj
'row - the cell's row in the excelSheet51Testing软件测试网/Z*|'o A+C ~.X
'column - the cell's column in the excelSheet
$\4FV/uwL0'value - the value to be set in the cell
:?-D/qpkMo0Sub SetCellValue(excelSheet, row, column, value)
;h8C }"pk/q |(y0    On Error Resume Next
s6Ymd!GM:{0    excelSheet.Cells(row, column) = value51Testing软件测试网N |_/C*O#pE
    On Error GoTo 0
@ J_ @3s VXGM0End Sub
M:@DWW5~(hXXdL hK0 51Testing软件测试网"m|#|Fg"imM7Y [
'The GetCellValue returns the cell's value according to its row column and sheet
d!J{2\3pY"E E0'excelSheet - the Excel Sheet in which the cell exists51Testing软件测试网l0w5~p Bg}
'row - the cell's row51Testing软件测试网x$B,Z2k'W
'column - the cell's column51Testing软件测试网({ Rh FnwtE U9\
'return 0 if the cell could not be found51Testing软件测试网x-\D/p:Q*\,d NxJ m
Function GetCellValue(excelSheet, row, column)51Testing软件测试网 y/Uz8fr8@
    value = 051Testing软件测试网#Y C$x C?e!iF7g
    Err = 051Testing软件测试网,@A7R1h&Z
    On Error Resume Next
NA+e Nk1Y4JX0    tempValue = excelSheet.Cells(row, column)
M^ZB*h1`0    If Err = 0 Then51Testing软件测试网 f\:H,U]`/dD
        value = tempValue
;w3@6?;o/D(k,sOk P+l0        Err = 0
:m[ N8Tt U%B0    End If51Testing软件测试网I~/I0]FYh
    On Error GoTo 0
R'?6W rO0    GetCellValue = value
L2M Q%S'Z0End Function51Testing软件测试网+I%b(e/z$ecOb
'L)oQL r^0'The GetSheet method returns an Excel Sheet according to the sheetIdentifier51Testing软件测试网 JS6P5yjF!N){'C
'ExcelApp - the Excel application which is the parent of the requested sheet
q5Kl ^"@Fco#P0'sheetIdentifier - the name or the number of the requested Excel sheet
@~U if p0'return Nothing on failure51Testing软件测试网bG!W8u }sp|)~
Function GetSheet(ExcelApp, sheetIdentifier) 'As Excel.worksheet
l_6KOb/m1{&iY;l0    On Error Resume Next
O4s$r4kR/IJ0    Set GetSheet = ExcelApp.Worksheets.Item(sheetIdentifier)51Testing软件测试网 }&]&Vq^n:J
    On Error GoTo 051Testing软件测试网^(y1gc d"y%|'z
End Function
@2JP]"`[5e0 51Testing软件测试网B/f/J%plc ]:va
'The InsertNewWorksheet method inserts an new worksheet into the active workbook or51Testing软件测试网 B:b3^8O5oO!o
'the workbook identified by the workbookIdentifier, the new worksheet will get a default
8st0IMR"N0'name if the sheetName parameter is empty, otherwise the sheet will have the sheetName
4}i1Q'xs]#og&e$j\ _I0'as a name.
*sz3Y,^4Gl+TRe0'Return - the new sheet as an Object51Testing软件测试网`d T OX%}VQSS
'ExcelApp - the excel application object into which the new worksheet should be added
j1| Z8{On#z4q Lr,b0'workbookIdentifier - an optional identifier of the worksheet into which the new worksheet should be added51Testing软件测试网,Q8OB0~7j'OO
'sheetName - the optional name of the new worksheet.
1?z]/e,pi W0Function InsertNewWorksheet(ExcelApp, workbookIdentifier, sheetName) 'As Excel.worksheet
u be Y\2O}0    Dim workbook 'As Excel.workbook51Testing软件测试网-VA0\gobm`2kw:?
    Dim worksheet 'As Excel.worksheet
G3L4s2l(P'}DJq'wS0    'In case that the workbookIdentifier is empty we will work on the active workbook
qzR9r"~2m }K1Y9o0    If workbookIdentifier = "" Then51Testing软件测试网0f FB R"@;DA
        Set workbook = ExcelApp.ActiveWorkbook51Testing软件测试网 Bj%F2tz _*?7ec
    Else51Testing软件测试网8T7@l C Ww
        On Error Resume Next51Testing软件测试网XPZ9L+KJ
        Err = 0
@"Wd*l*[|7L eWC0        Set workbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks(workbookIdentifier)
h6zTv#H+w-l1`b%q.@0        If Err <> 0 Then
*X0a u;fk;Q0            Set InsertNewWorksheet = Nothing
.c3w%W9w ja0            Err = 051Testing软件测试网dl/U6T.Ab8@
            Exit Function
I$tP,w8o0        End If
~$e$N9b^#o6T~0        On Error GoTo 051Testing软件测试网 As4Z;K Sihf
    End If
dz5~j_/l0    sheetCount = workbook.Sheets.Count
*JbM!d _rk9C0    workbook.Sheets.Add , sheetCount
o)XZ G e f k@1W0    Set worksheet = workbook.Sheets(sheetCount + 1)
{!Lz#w h/J0 51Testing软件测试网zh [ W8N*K~
    'In case that the sheetName is not empty set the new sheet's name to sheetName51Testing软件测试网@O4V;dG tga
    If sheetName <> "" Then
u0i"f6_)K8N0        worksheet.Name = sheetName51Testing软件测试网YWRbalZY4Is
    End If
P9q%G\ EeE"E0 
j$YN&Thg0    Set InsertNewWorksheet = worksheet
(|T k~4D0End Function51Testing软件测试网Jf3~-De/H/Rt [B
.\_$J0p3}4y\t0'The RenameWorksheet method renames a worksheet's name51Testing软件测试网 w:I4p(J)I%W%s
'ExcelApp - the excel application which is the worksheet's parent
4y @#xC s;V@X0'workbookIdentifier - the worksheet's parent workbook identifier
] k^"D+qm kjt&H0'worksheetIdentifier - the worksheet's identifier
?x0Eh5~h&O-Pw3N0'sheetName - the new name for the worksheet
ru ? TP Pcff;e0Function RenameWorksheet(ExcelApp, workbookIdentifier, worksheetIdentifier, sheetName) 'As String
4[p4L ^:e&J0    Dim workbook 'As Excel.workbook51Testing软件测试网8Pc*tS1~ F#}$n
    Dim worksheet 'As Excel.worksheet
$a N!C Enc0    On Error Resume Next
Hd7X&V-B"o a+G%Cf0    Err = 051Testing软件测试网*hyJ!] s n@ i-W
    Set workbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks(workbookIdentifier)
H e8] N+O5}|/W"d0    If Err <> 0 Then51Testing软件测试网p6s-a;R(z
        RenameWorksheet = "Bad Workbook Identifier"51Testing软件测试网&oeF*a,MHt
        Err = 0
^(pTU3D0        Exit Function51Testing软件测试网 {4B.M;_a
    End If51Testing软件测试网(NUSg{ [(t
    Set worksheet = workbook.Sheets(worksheetIdentifier)
X`jH9QV ` e j0    If Err <> 0 Then
o/^ Vq.]'h+e0        RenameWorksheet = "Bad Worksheet Identifier"
|k*FY E0B$i/W*[U0        Err = 0
i8_+QGirF-t+G9M0        Exit Function51Testing软件测试网*~S.}S!V4W&k,y1o
    End If
B rE0^:zz%x:Jek0    worksheet.Name = sheetName
AqTW&o8Vi0    RenameWorksheet = "OK"
C#m tT!~Px&e0End Function51Testing软件测试网Tm i9f o q}
 51Testing软件测试网\:X,x C!b;G
'The RemoveWorksheet method removes a worksheet from a workbook
p3TDM?h jm0'ExcelApp - the excel application which is the worksheet's parent51Testing软件测试网 d-np;A,|tMZ`zj
'workbookIdentifier - the worksheet's parent workbook identifier51Testing软件测试网jJ(@8`!{0x N4z6X
'worksheetIdentifier - the worksheet's identifier
7l BsY:w{j0Function RemoveWorksheet(ExcelApp, workbookIdentifier, worksheetIdentifier) 'As String51Testing软件测试网u"w1lk xjk
    Dim workbook 'As Excel.workbook51Testing软件测试网jP$nca"b%p[4E
    Dim worksheet 'As Excel.worksheet51Testing软件测试网.f*I?9}K:LN%h1C
    On Error Resume Next
UMzt d R-R|xK`0    Err = 051Testing软件测试网+p9Z1\~*p5t
    Set workbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks(workbookIdentifier)
Tfi%` TD0    If Err <> 0 Then51Testing软件测试网Fr%NFg G+H:n2l&M
        RemoveWorksheet = "Bad Workbook Identifier"
4cFt\*k H0        Exit Function51Testing软件测试网(~0S?w{
    End If
)xkh!TN%H0    Set worksheet = workbook.Sheets(worksheetIdentifier)
:O v0Ko b3m D\Z0    If Err <> 0 Then51Testing软件测试网ueOI,Jht$B
        RemoveWorksheet = "Bad Worksheet Identifier"51Testing软件测试网X.i+p9|lt/?
        Exit Function51Testing软件测试网]C*XU~T`e j
    End If51Testing软件测试网!YA,P#|y5b
    worksheet.Delete51Testing软件测试网d$|d?L X{(?"z"szK
    RemoveWorksheet = "OK"51Testing软件测试网c-l$_P _
End Function51Testing软件测试网\[4e;c_:KC
B!?h1yq*k!?7?6c,g0'The CreateNewWorkbook method creates a new workbook in the excel application51Testing软件测试网ZxK+r ekz7@9l1k
'ExcelApp - the Excel application to which an new Excel workbook will be added
DZ_X"R~i omEgG7`0Function CreateNewWorkbook(ExcelApp)
T UQ\~[.KUOO0    Set NewWorkbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Add()
r P H;Mg#m@B.f0    Set CreateNewWorkbook = NewWorkbook51Testing软件测试网8Xq^;f \9g3n~7M6{
End Function
;hO6q{2Q0 51Testing软件测试网 U:e*G d,n8R
'The OpenWorkbook method opens a previously saved Excel workbook and adds it to the Application51Testing软件测试网/M3l&T^5h
'excelApp - the Excel Application the workbook will be added to51Testing软件测试网%h3G;s@:G'L:M-nHr
'path - the path of the workbook that will be opened
.vy!o.R xvq"Xz0'return Nothing on failure
}BBQ6]\"h({0Function OpenWorkbook(ExcelApp, path)51Testing软件测试网!r2`'N&WT1ql!|*\]
    On Error Resume Next51Testing软件测试网O8H1l^'f_!t)`nFW
    Set NewWorkbook = ExcelApp.Workbooks.Open(path)51Testing软件测试网W _` Y"P Srt/Y
    Set ōpenWorkbook = NewWorkbook
tS-Ik P|0    On Error GoTo 0
5fme+y[%q*CH3q1h0End Function51Testing软件测试网*vb+c_/t'K eJ Q:`
'The ActivateWorkbook method sets one of the workbooks in the application as Active workbook51Testing软件测试网I0?@8cX)`
'ExcelApp - the workbook's parent excel Application
}@Nq#N!m:B Z%io:o{0'workbookIdentifier - the name or the number of the workbook51Testing软件测试网1m(U1t;y-Jzt}/QNL'u
Sub ActivateWorkbook(ExcelApp, workbookIdentifier)
&gM2R&cS A4S0    On Error Resume Next51Testing软件测试网 ^/A#AV5R8][9R
    On Error GoTo 051Testing软件测试网7I)r0A8oN_;O.i
End Sub
c4rw/X%{4m P0 
m6[X5bQ3L nAb0'The CloseWorkbook method closes an open workbook51Testing软件测试网5v:rEY!r[P
'ExcelApp - the parent Excel application of the workbook
u7GP3C \9X*o z0'workbookIdentifier - the name or the number of the workbook
+m8w B.R%[7{0Sub CloseWorkbook(ExcelApp, workbookIdentifier)
L+f"O8]G e^6l*xh0    On Error Resume Next
;BF%w%id|U0    ExcelApp.Workbooks(workbookIdentifier).Close
)b8@0E!s,dW-[8b%]*ry0    On Error GoTo 0
/x4P5U jm'p9q1[*f0End Sub51Testing软件测试网'ZS/[;r(Z*~+mN
 51Testing软件测试网*M+T |!Lr.?oAn%U
'The CompareSheets method compares between two sheets.
/DX P7xFKhKN0'if there is a difference between the two sheets then the value in the second sheet
!U+@"^/m/t9^@I9U @0'will be changed to red and contain the string:51Testing软件测试网(L,{ w^C
'"Compare conflict - Value was 'Value2', Expected value is 'value2'"
(zs$nr E0'sheet1, sheet2 - the excel sheets to be compared51Testing软件测试网 N,B`p&pH7x
'startColumn - the column to start comparing in the two sheets
%~}WY5BJF.eO0'numberOfColumns - the number of columns to be compared
-B;\{u*tQ3\"N0'startRow - the row to start comparing in the two sheets51Testing软件测试网KSu%YtW4V
'numberOfRows - the number of rows to be compared
)l*__s+lu-]0Function CompareSheets(sheet1, sheet2, startColumn, numberOfColumns, startRow, numberOfRows, trimed) 'As Boolean51Testing软件测试网/Y4p%~R8Os v/mG/p
    Dim returnVal 'As Boolean51Testing软件测试网Qq+i5? WC2Q/FN
    returnVal = True
L,Ss AF'zkA0    'In case that one of the sheets doesn't exists, don't continue the process
[6}`pfk)U/B0    If sheet1 Is Nothing Or sheet2 Is Nothing Then51Testing软件测试网3z6R%b&C(m+KY0G&w
        CompareSheets = False
O3F{.NeE0        Exit Function
Z2x9]v~u_0    End If
u&C,j e.I$Iy"E)z0 
#Ee$Q)W'X a#a UF0    'loop through the table and fill values into the two worksheets
PL V b%mFA4W7Btf0    For r = startRow to (startRow + (numberOfRows - 1))
wHZ2yJ X;R0        For c = startColumn to (startColumn + (numberOfColumns - 1))
e6Z{o0A m"n rZ!Q0            Value1 = sheet1.Cells(r, c)
qFH-NAC0            Value2 = sheet2.Cells(r, c)
Uor+l x^W `s0 51Testing软件测试网h2k"K8Q8L
            'if 'trimed' equels True then used would like to ignore blank spaces
9D(aD;p:P4E\0            If trimed Then
q0D0Y+rv*u-IC0                Value1 = Trim(Value1)51Testing软件测试网 KY _"X1j E3x L
                Value2 = Trim(Value2)
l0M(Y"h&G.s_B O0            End If
*|/v$_ Y*t0Y i0 51Testing软件测试网w(d ff5a~
            'in case that the values of a cell are not equel in the two worksheets
4x,zs}/p7u C0            'create an indicator that the values are not equel and set return value51Testing软件测试网*Qdc;~;xLv
            'to False51Testing软件测试网 O.Ud R"jh/U1P6B
            If Value1 <> Value2 Then51Testing软件测试网VtC8}/x5f)^
                Dim cell 'As Excel.Range51Testing软件测试网4tY iH!p)K9RUU
                sheet2.Cells(r, c) = "Compare conflict - Value was '" & Value2 & "', Expected value is '" & Value1 & "'."
Z7A|5A UtX&F9_0                Set cell = sheet2.Cells(r, c)
U/gbn/N Q5iE3l0                cell.Font.Color = vbRed51Testing软件测试网 ^pY\ @{0F?
                returnVal = False
?^UX4v^%Ib0            End If51Testing软件测试网{9ZNV5Y m |5g
#NS:[Kd?v0    Next51Testing软件测试网.uC N*kR0c6GHCL
    CompareSheets = returnVal51Testing软件测试网 E.p%D yD~z o
End Function51Testing软件测试网9v;^8N:L!? ^s3m


U7r5XuUd0' ************************************************** Function Library ********************************
a}q9[@vnc0 51Testing软件测试网I[G8f5QDk k
' Registering both functions51Testing软件测试网5@4z`Is)Y\
RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "ObjectsByMicClass", "ObjectsByMicClass"51Testing软件测试网S9^ F.dNl6J
RegisterUserFunc "WebTable", "ItemByKeyColumn", "ItemByKeyColumn"
O~4~.vAz esXm0 
3Hg7},RW,HeM0' Function: ObjectsByMicClass
)@G Nx Az-_V0' Descrīption: Returns a collection of objects all the objects in a
5ViU7x'c$Z4g6NpY0' WebTable that have the specified MicClass
w)Mb y_)Jc!Z\F0' Return Value: A Collection of Objects51Testing软件测试网/Xm9^a$\MW,W
' Arguments:51Testing软件测试网t|c6o ~P:c#?6|
' Obj - Test Object (WebTable)51Testing软件测试网 AGe;u8X9?vW
' micClass - The micClass of the objects to retrieve
I;gV#Z ro0'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
D4?0V$@"l0Function ObjectsByMicClass(Obj, micClass)51Testing软件测试网E'qmH'[X b
    Set Table = Obj
&x8Wq6?6D YFK1[0    ' Create a collection object to hold the items51Testing软件测试网 [gR8s*PO
    Set ōbjCollection = CreateObject("scrīpting.Dictionary")51Testing软件测试网7m JU-S4x3b&A,t3q
    ' Go over all the cells in the table, and look for objects with the specified micClass
|Mc't oZ#zU&G0    For row=1 to Table.RowCount51Testing软件测试网 Z1z3F;f P(M/}"jU
        For col=1 to ColumnCount
6PP Llu:Y0            For ItemIndex=0 to Table.ChildItemCount(row, col, micClass)-1
z.R`6d#JI0                Set childItem=Nothing51Testing软件测试网b%k!NY K i`4V
                Set childItem = Table.ChildItem(row, col, micClass, ItemIndex)
@~ s O d5t0                If Not childItem is Nothing Then
y@}e TaS i#U0                     ' If the cell contains a micClass object, add it to the collection
[0|%V4a#_L4lX$`"Db0                     ItemKey = objCollection.Count + 1
3E)Z9UY*y(E*h"N0                     objCollection.Add ItemKey, childItem51Testing软件测试网4BF'y+i&S"k t{!s
                End if51Testing软件测试网bsSh&Cc7T([(cy
-q"YL,e3j5nW.bZGF0        Next51Testing软件测试网E%~ oj {;OC
    Next51Testing软件测试网*qp(Jd[ K @c#Mks
    Set ōbjectsbyMicClass = objCollection51Testing软件测试网 mI:l+]N@ M$n
End Function
v*j iJW&o{ m0 
9P ~9`0`(Z;I0' Function: ItemByKeyColumn51Testing软件测试网LSr!\&h
' Descrīption: Returns an item from a column, based on the value of a51Testing软件测试网+RDw2c4hO F[6Q
' key column51Testing软件测试网!Y_+Wu,L(A"F,_Y
' Return Value: Object51Testing软件测试网.\!{`W"v
' Arguments:51Testing软件测试网;rK @`GC
' Obj - Test Object (WebTable)51Testing软件测试网x&U*@F#[^$bIo"s7v
' KeyColumnIndex - Index of the KeyColumn51Testing软件测试网.D J0|v.KF+D
' KeyColumnValue - Value to search for in the key column51Testing软件测试网 U!APUM
' KeyItemIndex - Index of the value in the key column (if there is51Testing软件测试网!I5I s*XT Jc
'                        more than one). If 0, the first item will be used.
.S._-f(J-^8SJ6G8EKr0' TargetColumnIndex - Column from which to retrieve the target item
?:I#i U;~0' micClass - The micClass of the target item51Testing软件测试网do tY*Md
' TargetItemIndex - Index of the target item to retrieve (if there is51Testing软件测试网'Mt q7x+mu@1w ]
'                           more than one). If 0, the first item will be used.
;W8Mo6t]f)l/x,V;w0' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------51Testing软件测试网K*_)jiP2B3t
Function ItemByKeyColumn(Obj, KeyColumnIndex, KeyColumnValue, KeyItemIndex, TargetColumnIndex, micClass, TargetItemIndex)
8fB3z,D},D0    Table = Obj
tf F9v/mw.w0    rowCount = Table.RowCount
r&k3vEb G0 51Testing软件测试网(pe|^H:s,G2Eqg
    ' if TargetItemIndex was not specified, use 1 as deafult
^cVVox0    If TargetItemIndex < 1 Then51Testing软件测试网HKHK'sx$^X
        TargetItemIndex = 1
C v sx$vC)cd(U?_ s0    End If51Testing软件测试网8a%Nx2fnO;G"q|
    ' if KeyColumnIndex was not specified, use 1 as default
p'U#e*kwT.eQ _4x0    If KeyItemIndex < 1 Then51Testing软件测试网2]6W*?9d#Q_z
        KeyItemIndex = 151Testing软件测试网v`vW _#^"^X
    End If51Testing软件测试网)oo(c5Y'u'T r7ux K7u
 51Testing软件测试网\G,[/L+Y t*w8Y"B
    ' look for KeyColumnValue in the key column to determine which51Testing软件测试网I)u \ h-V/v^)w!C
    ' row to retrieve the targe item from51Testing软件测试网&C5_?!I0c5aD*W._
    Row = 0
a/z&M es!W#e}0    foundIndex = 0
eWh [)|![0    While Row <= RowCount And foundIndex < KeyItemIndex
.{(BGC|0        Row = Row + 1
.m.\;^|cS}0        CellData = Table.GetCellData(Row, KeyColumnIndex)
Fm'x|G`L0        If CellData = KeyColumnValue Then
2g+Zuwtp-f1}0           foundIndex = foundIndex + 1
H;j%d.~_k'?9_0        End If51Testing软件测试网/Y+X'rI+},L c
    If foundIndex < KeyItemIndex Then51Testing软件测试网 o'F-b1^l9M9CQ
        Exit Function
9PsA]+x9OX^0    End If51Testing软件测试网&xB%y?p
    ' Now that we know the row, retrieve the item (according to its micClass)
?v#HXdF0    ' from the target column.
Wq p8QG@0    ChildItemsCount = Table.ChildItemCount(Row, TargetColumnIndex, micClass)
IT+U6VD.V?0    If ChildItemsCount > =1 And ChildItemsCount >= TargetItemIndex Then51Testing软件测试网vf,e%NkQ,U*}?
         Set GetItemByKeyColumn = Table.ChildItem(Row, TargetColumnIndex, micClass, TargetItemIndex-1)
w!s)W|TDh,^yw0    End If51Testing软件测试网C`dHX%G
End Function51Testing软件测试网 kc^:W2J3p*qJv
rC[4qRYC0' ************************************ Examples that use these functions *******************************************************
)]$KVeo%U%y-W[nru0 51Testing软件测试网j1tuD V
' Using the ItemByKeyColumn Function51Testing软件测试网;`9V0~3Z tlU
Set ōbj = Browser("Table with objects").Page("Itenerary: Mercury Tours").WebTable("Acapulco to Zurich").ItemByKeyColumn(1,"FLIGHT",2,3,"WebElement",1)
,L([i:qx7c-d0msgbox obj.GetROProperty("innerhtml")51Testing软件测试网,H ^k)v+Y1yI,a&\$C3_
' Using the ObjectsByMicClass function51Testing软件测试网w1_oaM!iDE@!?
Set collection = Browser("Browser").Page("Page").WebTable("Table").ObjectsByMicClass("WebCheckBox")
*iP4Y ^[u0For i=1 to collection.count51Testing软件测试网5GpE4`|H,s
    If collection(i).GetROProperty("checked") Then
4\,eo5^"K`,s Qt C0        collection(i).Set "OFF"
YS7hK)c;p^@1u{D*I0    Else
fdM6XjxY0        collection(i).Set "ON"
7\a4w7?uu0    End If51Testing软件测试网:D,y-y+v;z%Uu8h

(MB8fG`E)R%? WS051Testing软件测试网h*G;[x#~V

 51Testing软件测试网+J5u }7Yc3bJ





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