
上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-03-12 09:57:31 / 个人分类:Performance

Dear Madam/Sir, 51Testing软件测试网 \*z{ V+SS"DM

According to our records you have downloaded a version of WebLOAD Open Source. We would like to reiterate the following: 51Testing软件测试网F n d&Z Mm|

-WebLOAD Open Source has been declared End of life (EOL)


-If you still have a version of the product we remind you that under the EULA, any distribution of the product or using it to service third parties is strictly forbidden. 51Testing软件测试网A-L"v$UD5WJ v

What are the options available to you?

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For a limited time RadView offers a competitive upgrade to WebLOAD Professional. We encourage you to contact a sales rep in your region quickly as discounts are set to expire. 51Testing软件测试网T/I};zw-`)F ii





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