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SOAtest 比 LoadRunner 强的一点

上一篇 / 下一篇  2009-11-10 15:52:58 / 个人分类:C++test

VISA Extends SOAtest Usage to Load and Performance



Last week, VISA, the global credit card management company, extended its licensing of SOAtest to include Load and Performance testing. The$57,000order was for SOAtest Server with 200 Virtual Users and two floating licenses of SOAtest Professional Edition.

上周,全球信用卡管理公司,VISA, 扩展了它的SOAtest的许可license,包括了压力和性能测试$57,000 的订单包括SOAtest Server和200个虚拟用户,以及两个浮动SOAtest专业版的浮动license。

Since its initial purchase of a few SOAtest licenses over two years ago, VISA has expanded its use of SOAtest to five projects and over 30 developers/testers. For the last several years VISA has been migrating its infrastructure and core applications to a web services (SOA) infrastructure, and SOAtest has become the primary test and validation mechanism in that migration.

自从两年前最初采购了一些SOAtest license,VISA把SOAtest的使用扩展到了五个项目,30多个开发人员/测试员。最近的几年,VISA一直在移植它的基础核心应用到Web Services(SOA)基础结构。SOAtest成为移植后主要的测试和验证手段。

An HP/Mercury shop with Load Runner being the primary means of  Load/Performance testing, the VISA QA organization found Load Runner inadequate in helping them isolate and validate the performance of individual services. As a key part of their testing, they have the need to validate that individual services can meet and sustain specific transactions per second performance rates. They found SOAtest provided them with a quicker and more direct path for achieving that testing, saving them significant time and resources.

HP/Mercury的LoadRunner是主要的负载/性能测试手段,VISA QA部门发现LoadRunner在帮助他们隔离和验证单独的services的性能方面不是很成熟。作为他们测试的核心部分,他们需要验证单独的服务能够满足和支撑每秒的交易执行率。他们发现SOAtest提供了达到测试更快的、更直接的路径,给他们节省了显著的时间和资源。





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