
LoadRunner11.50试用速递 by 云层,动态更新

上一篇 / 下一篇  2012-07-03 20:21:48 / 个人分类:《性能测试进阶指南》专栏

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[p=30, 2, left]2012-7-3发现新版本的LR11.50出现在了官方网站上,于是以迅雷不及掩耳盗铃之势使用迅雷离线赶快云端了,回到家中再利用电信宽带的优势速度下载,并且安装了一个全新的Windows2008R2 X64虚拟机,开始我们全新体验。[/p][p=30, 2, left]
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[/p][p=30, 2, left]先放个更新说明出来[/p][p=30, 2, left]
[/p][p=30, 2, left]What's New in LoadRunner 11.50Improved VuGenThe VuGen user interface has been improved and enhanced to provide a more flexible and customizable user experience. An all new IDE makes LoadRunner scripting easier and more productive.Enhancements include:
  • New look and feel – Flexible panes, layouts, and more
  • Solution Explorer – An easier way to group multiple scripts, access script items, and perform script-related operations.
  • Snapshots – Multiple views, improved performance, snapshot synchronization, and search functionality.
  • Improved editor – Context-sensitive support, code completion support, and provides enhanced coloring and formatting.
  • Debugger – Real C language debugger.
  • Search and replace – New capabilities include search in log and snapshots.
  • Step navigator – The new Step Navigator replaces the tree view, providing a single view of the script with easy filtering and search mechanisms.
  • New panes – Errors, Tasks, and Bookmarks panes display all errors, messages, and tags in simple, easy to locate views.
  • Join the Community – Community integration provides easy access to conversations and threads in the HP Software Community.
Ajax TruClient Firefox EnhancementsThis ground breaking protocol has been enhanced to support the latest technologies, and includes many usability improvements in response to customer needs.The Ajax TruClient Firefox protocol has been improved with the following enhancements:
  • Moving to Firefox 8 for improved performance.
  • HTML5 support.
  • Create functions to easily reuse and share code.
  • Think-time recording.
  • Event handlers to support asynchronous behavior.
  • API for URL filtering.
  • API for setting HTTP headers.
  • Automatic transactions per step.
Ajax TruClient Internet ExplorerA new protocol that brings TruClient capabilities to Internet Explorer 9. This new addition to the Ajax TruClient family expands support to Internet Explorer (IE) based applications.Web Protocol Asynchronous SupportSupport for asynchronous behavior has been added. This capability enables the recording and replaying of Poll, Long Poll and Push communications.Advanced Web applications contain a lot of asynchronous communication designed to keep information current and up to date. Applications such as chat, messaging, stock tickers, and news updates all use various asynchronous mechanisms such as Poll, Long Poll, and Push to maintain data. Support for these mechanisms has been added to Web (HTTP/HTML) Vuser scripts, and the Web (HTTP/HTML) protocol layer inside Flex, Silverlight, and Web Services Vuser scripts. Asynchronous communications are recognized automatically and the recorded script is updated accordingly.Improved CorrelationsA new response correlation capability has been added so correlation is easier and faster. Correlations can now be found based on server responses during recording, in many cases eliminating the need to replay iteratively to find dynamic values. Coupling this with the new Correlation Studio interface and new APIs for locating dynamic values based on XPath and Regular Expressions, makes scripting easier and faster.Flex EnhancementsVarious enhancements have been added to better support this important environment.Flex enhancements include:
  • Using Web correlation mechanisms (rules, studio, response based correlation, web correlation APIs).
  • Supporting Web requests.
  • Adobe Flex platform jars bundled in the product so application jars are not needed for message serialization.
  • RTMP FMS streaming support.
  • RTMPT & RTMPS support.
  • GraniteDS support.
Mobile ProtocolsNew protocols enabling you to develop scripts for mobile applications. Traffic based analysis is used for native applications and Ajax TruClient technology is used for browser based mobile applications.Data Format Extension (DFE) for Google Web Toolkit (GWT)Web protocol includes a built-in DFE to support decoding and encoding of GWT information exchanged as part of GWT remote procedure calls. This facilitates easy correlation and parameterization of GWT based Web applications. The DFE feature is designed to help ease scripting of applications that exchange formatted data. By turning the formatted data into a more readable format the script can be easily correlated and parameterized. GWT DFE is the latest addition to the already supported formats of Base64, JSON, URLEncoding, XML, and Prefix-Postfix.GWT support includes:
  • Format the GWT RPC data into readable and correlate-able content.
  • Expose more data, such as object field names.
  • Enable simple parameterization.
  • Solve specific correlations for GWT.
.NET4 SupportThe .NET protocol now supports .NET4 framework..NET4 support has been added to the existing support for .NET frameworks 2-3.5.Web Services EnhancementsThe Web Services protocol includes new features for better security support, improved handling of WCF, as well as additional improvements based on customer feedback.The Web Services protocol includes the following enhancements:
  • Improved interface for security settings, including addressing versions.
  • Easier certificate selection.
  • Flexible definition of signature and encryption algorithms. Also includes the option to exclude timestamps.
  • Support of custom extensions to WCF.
  • Support of LoadRunner HTTP capabilities for WCF.
Integrating Virtualized ServicesIntegrate with HP Service Virtualization, and use simulated services, to facilitate load testing business processes that contain services that are not readily available or too costly. As part of your performance test, you may want to test applications that depend on other services which are a part of your business scenario. Instead of loading actual services, you can use simulated services in your test run. The virtualized services are a simulation of actual services. To facilitate performance testing business processes that contain services that are not available, LoadRunner integrates with HP Service Virtualization. Using simulated services in your test is helpful if using actual services involves an additional cost or requires the service of an application that is under development or inaccessible at the time when you run your performance test.Recording 64bit ApplicationsRecording of 64bit applications has been added to the existing support for 64bit operating systems. 64bit applications can usually be recognized when the ‘*32’ suffix is not displayed in the Windows Task Manager for their process. Replay is in 32bit.IPv6 supportIPv6 based applications can be tested in addition to IPv4 based ones. Support includes IP Spoofing. (Internal LoadRunner communication, such as Controller Load Generator, is still IPv4 based.) [/p][p=30, 2, left]51Testing软件测试网}a"}5mf0H-Y_U


云层专版 云层 发布于2012-07-03 20:29:11
正在安装中,.net 4.0的框架装的好慢。


云层专版 云层 发布于2012-07-03 20:39:54


云层专版 云层 发布于2012-07-03 21:14:58


云层专版 云层 发布于2012-07-03 21:17:05
[i=s] 本帖最后由 云层 于 2012-7-7 16:48 编辑 2h2E\b ~h

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披着华丽外皮的LR11!中国软件测试人的精神家园,介绍先进的软件测试工具、 软件测试流程和软件测试思想,定期举办软件测试沙龙,软件测试精品 资料下载,提供专业的软件测试培训服务"X!_2d:d

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H W7{$W6G,h/u中国软件测试人的精神家园,介绍先进的软件测试工具、 软件测试流程和软件测试思想,定期举办软件测试沙龙,软件测试精品 资料下载,提供专业的软件测试培训服务

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老A archonwang 发布于2012-07-04 09:54:34
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老A archonwang 发布于2012-07-04 09:58:40
Hahn666的个人空间 Hahn666 发布于2012-07-04 10:48:52
simplecell发布于2012-07-04 13:27:12
simplecell发布于2012-07-04 13:27:25
simplecell发布于2012-07-04 13:43:42
qiqiloveyunyun的个人空间 qiqiloveyunyun 发布于2012-07-04 17:45:13
回复 5# 云层


iv7hLX2oD%d%^O-R软件测试,软件测试论坛,软件测试方法,软件测试工具,软件测试流程,软件测试培训,软件测试外包,软件质量管理 ,软件缺陷跟踪,软件配置工具
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qiqiloveyunyun的个人空间 qiqiloveyunyun 发布于2012-07-04 17:45:34
云层专版 云层 发布于2012-07-04 17:57:51
hujishun发布于2012-07-04 21:40:40
回复 17# 云层
&F'q Zta#p(~)mk-t中国软件测试人的精神家园,介绍先进的软件测试工具、 软件测试流程和软件测试思想,定期举办软件测试沙龙,软件测试精品 资料下载,提供专业的软件测试培训服务

@:^5W&zxF1Usc!h51Testing软件测试网   ..额11.5 那个socket改完后的脚本有放上来么
shihw11的个人空间 shihw11 发布于2012-07-05 08:41:05
飞越沧海的蝴蝶 piaolingxue423 发布于2012-07-05 08:44:25
感谢云层 分享
西风一任秋的个人空间 西风一任秋 发布于2012-07-05 08:53:43
vichy的个人空间 vichy 发布于2012-07-05 09:38:08
碧水小龙的个人空间 碧水小龙 发布于2012-07-05 09:58:45
碧水小龙的个人空间 碧水小龙 发布于2012-07-05 09:59:12


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