Testing method

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-05-01 12:46:32 / 个人分类:软件测试基础

Testing method

The software testing method have much kinds of classifications.For instance:

On the basis of difference of testing information, It may be divided into Black-Box Testing and White-Box Testing. Black-Box Testing also is called Specification-based Testing. So-called Black-Box Testing is a testing method in which testing target is regarded as a black box. The concrete realization of its inside need not be consider, merely consider its entire property. The common form have function testing, capacity testing, load testing, recovery testing, stress testing, etc. Contrary to black-box testing, software is viewed as a white-box, or glass-box in white-box testing, as the structure and flow of the software under test are visible to the tester. Testing plans are made according to the detail of the software implementation, such as programming language, logic, and styles.Test cases are derived from the program structure.
In accordance with whether running the software tested, It may be divided into Static Testing and Dynamic Testing. Static Testing dose not run the software system, but is a testing technique which is adoping else measure and technique to examination the software tested. For example:Code Walkthrough, Documentation Checkup, program analysis, etc. Dynamic Testing need to run the software system in accordance with the data and process designed before.
The testing method still may be divided into Automation Testing and Artifical Testing. Artifical Testing is the testing activity completeing through man. Automation Testing is the testing activity completeing through computer.

TAG: 软件测试基础 测试方法





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  • 访问量: 3025
  • 日志数: 5
  • 建立时间: 2007-04-26
  • 更新时间: 2007-05-24


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