
Sybase Iq数据库的建表、导数据脚本片断

上一篇 / 下一篇  2007-08-02 15:46:20 / 个人分类:数据库



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select * into JF1 from JF1_P where 1=2;

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6Ii PQZ*X9_ I0insert into JF151Testing软件测试网+`3q/|8eDPU:e
location 'test.test'
8W+bvLT~JH6aZ7Z0{select * from JF1_P};

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P)O5]N[^ L;h0set option public.ASE_BINARY_DISPLAY='Off';
(BoHC F_0set option public.append_load = 'off'; -- IQ 12.4.2 and later51Testing软件测试网._Lq/|p2~4Oz
set option public.NOTIFY_MODULUS=1000000;
.q"g:t\6qK0set option public.load_memory_mb=50;51Testing软件测试网?UPV6bZ~(p!as
set option public.parallel_gbh_enabled='on';  ---允许Group 并行使用多CPU
M5F-z`%S?:P'ES Wr i0set option public.Parallel_GBH_Units=20;
5T\&j d!d%d0set option Public.query_temp_space_limit=0;
$KC1Z8R^1DZ6K6vX0set option public.minimize_storage='ON';51Testing软件测试网],G4I Q'zq2Hn8BR
set option Public.Disk_Striping = 'ON';51Testing软件测试网Z#W2{.z?j0i bf
set option Public.Disk_Striping_Packed = 'ON' ;51Testing软件测试网A,Zl JB
----set option public.IQMSG_LENGTH_MB=1000;51Testing软件测试网OKw9}2p)J/W EI kO
set option Public.Query_Plan ='OFF' ;51Testing软件测试网x7b_iJss-R
set option Public.Force_No_Scroll_Cursors ='ON' ;
Ai#T*RQu0set option public.HASH_THRASHING_PERCENT=50;
o3F+Ia O:p#CP b!x0set option public.max_hash_rows = 50000000;
lPG:U1@0select * into JF from JF151Testing软件测试网la(J#P)f5O1U{
(^5juX+o3N L0commit;
.lEE~"sB Pz'?0drop table JF1;
O`;O2cO(A6G)t%};N0alter table  JF  rename to JF1; 
"aZ aW%T0;51Testing软件测试网U.i Ym4~'QV
jN4M6V'@"w(a%c0alter table  JF  rename  JF1; 51Testing软件测试网3D&s_xK&~2D
1b,i_o F7l|f ~d0select *  from  JF1; 51Testing软件测试网Iewd$LQ$f
select * into WAJ04 from WAJ04_P where 1=2;;51Testing软件测试网*U],nL ^H h!j@%C4{!o0d
select *  from WAJ04 ;51Testing软件测试网bz,|]mz'JEF.N
truncate table WAJ04;
3b$W4c&|?-E:M4tc0insert into WAJ04
$BEci`k0location 'test.test'51Testing软件测试网p@)d(U.FS f\h
{select * from WAJ04_P};

1iV` z5RHK)c U0

b5Y2c$ih0select *  from WAJ04 ;
^7lxP'Uj_j0select *  from JF1;;51Testing软件测试网;V c,Po8mCF
insert into JF1
pj7}z~5mUS3l0location 'test.test'
$\HU @(DsWVg0{select * from JF1_P};51Testing软件测试网+}4WP `.]3S9CCn"c&P+i
commit;51Testing软件测试网l;sco{$F Pgtz6rJ

t9B&\#@O9WM051Testing软件测试网{ H+c%Q6hg^
select * into JF2 from JF2_P where 1=2;
2N/r5^5CT!@0insert into JF2
a,Dj*Z9vhG0location 'test.test'51Testing软件测试网|([d]qH/h
{select * from JF2_P};

51Testing软件测试网3~BC,}2Y}~p ]

select * into JF3 from JF3_F where 1=2;
6o#g"[.eA%kI0insert into JF3
)v"Q s2D1G g0location 'test.test'51Testing软件测试网6p P3Yt{b
{select * from JF3_F};
]u T-qFH*t,M1W0commit;;
8|*?0](r"_[0select count(*)  from JF3;51Testing软件测试网y*_ |i5D(\[l
select count(*)  from JF2;
w5U%n+Rw0insert into JF3
~"x,|.|@dpW/u0location 'test.test'51Testing软件测试网A"G#vZW{
{select * from JF3_F};51Testing软件测试网 j,?+A&r'JS^op
commit;51Testing软件测试网*WY7H rICm

51Testing软件测试网k)v ^^Eio)b


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TAG: 数据库




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